George Stevens

출생 : 1860-01-01, London, England, UK

사망 : 1940-08-20

참여 작품

The Trail of the Law
In Maine, a girl masquerades as a boy during the day after her mother is killed by an unknown assailant.
Java Head
Gerrit Ammidon, despairing of any chance to marry his love, Nettie Vollar, because of a bitter feud between his father and her grandfather, sails to China to "get away from it all". While in Shanghai he rescues a beautiful young woman being attacked by a gang of street toughs. She turns out to be Taou Yuen, a Manchu princess. Gerrit discovers that, unless she finds a husband, she will be put to death, and he agrees to marry her. They return to Java Head, the Ammidon family home in Salem, Massachusetts, but Gerrit's "homecoming" has some unexpected consequences.
Oh Mary Be Careful
Judge Adams
"Mary Meacham, the most popular girl in college, goes to live with her maiden aunt, Miss Myra. Auntie is a man-hater who has various theories for testing the desirable qualities of the male sex. Mary sees a dreary man-less time before her and sends an S. O. S. to various sisters and their brothers to visit her while Auntie is away.
지킬 박사와 하이드씨
Jekyll's Butler Poole (uncredited)
'보물섬'의 작가 스티븐슨의 대표작들 중 하나인 이 작품은, 낮에는 점잖고 존경받는 의사인 지킬박사가 밤에 자기가 발명한 어떤 약을 먹으면 포악한 하이드씨로 변하여 악행을 저지르는 이야기이다. 무성 영화인 20년의 이 작품에 이어 31년의 루벤 마물리안, 41년 빅터 플레밍 감독에 의해 3번 영화화되어 모두 좋은 평가를 받았다.
Love Without Question
Old Silas Blackburn, a wealthy recluse, lives alone with his butler and his ward Katherine. One night, Katherine discovers Silas murdered in the room where three generations of Blackburns have mysteriously died. Silas' grandson Robert, whom Katherine loves, comes to visit the next day, suffering from amnesia.
The Upheaval
Jerome Hendricks
Young Jim takes over from his father, political boss Jim Gordon Sr. As ruthless and unfeeling as his dad, Young Jim blocks the efforts by a crusading newspaper to bring about reforms in the city's tenement district. But he comes to regret his intransigence when his father is ruined financially.
The Writing on the Wall
Irving Lawrence owns some of the most decrepit tenements in town and is an all-around bad guy. He won't cooperate with the efforts of his wife, Barbara, to help the poor and sees other women behind her back. Muriel, one of his cast-offs, meets and marries Barbara's brother, Payne. Lawrence makes trouble for Muriel and fabricates a scandal involving his kindly brother Schuyler and Barbara.
Who Killed Joe Merrion?
Sir Philip Randall, a prominent judge, is fed up with the antics of James, his scapegrace son, and tosses him out of the house. The conflict between father and son leaves Mrs. Randall heartbroken, and when she dies, she makes her husband swear to help James if he ever needs it. When Joe Merrion, a bookmaker, is found dead, circumstantial evidence points to Squire William Rufford. Although Randall can't believe he committed the crime, he is forced to convict him and sentence him to prison. But later, when James, whose wild ways have left him penniless, comes to his father for help, Randall discovers that he was the killer.
Sonny Jim and the Amusement Company, Ltd.
A short comedy in which Jimmy organizes a show with cowboys and Indians. The highlight is the arrival of Buffalo Bill on a donkey. Jimmy goes to Sunday school, where he scares the teacher with a frog. As a punishment, he is not allowed to go to the picnic.
The Wheat and the Tares
Jacques La Vigne
In a game of cards, Stillwell, a young Southerner, incurs the hatred of Collins, an unscrupulous scoundrel. Seeing a chance for a double revenge, Collins goes to LaVinge, father of Edith, with whom Stillwell is in love, and demands payment of an old gambling debt.
The False and the True
Farmer Jenkins - Betty's Father
Betty, the only daughter of Jenkins, a wealthy farmer, is secretly loved by Tom Saunders, a farm hand. Tom's scapegrace brother, Dick, returns from the city and is befriended by Tom. Dick later wins Betty's love. While Jenkins is blasting out a tree stump with dynamite, Betty and Dick are passing close by unnoticed, and the explosion destroys Betty's sight.
A Train of Incidents
Comedian John Bunny on a train all confused.
Mr. Bunny in Disguise
A comedy in which Johan has no desire to meet the unmarried Sarah, and so has his friend Freddy pretend that he is Johan.
Fanny's Melodrama
Although deeply in love with his wife, Smith is intensely jealous of her and when she receives a note from her cousin, Tom, to the effect that they have decided to give the melodrama, "The Wicked Earle," as a surprise to Mr. Smith on his birthday.
A Million Bid
Agnes Belgradin is in love with a young doctor, Loring Brent. When Agnes' father dies, her mother takes her on a trip abroad. She insists that the young couple separate before they set sail, and promises that if they still love each other after a year they can reunite. But Mrs. Belgradin intercepts all the letters Agnes and Brent write one another, and convinces her daughter to marry a wealthy Australian millionaire.
A short romantic comedy about a woman and a man who both have shoes that are too small, and who meet as they are taking off their shoes; a pair of wedding slippers is the result.