Jack Greenwood

참여 작품

A Fluorescent Sky
Hector is a widower who owns a corner shop with his young daughter Cleo. With the threat of a new 'Hypermark' opening, Hector battles for the store's survival while Cleo longs for the world beyond.
Routine tests on a traffic accident victim lead to shocking discoveries when the man's blood is found to be unidentifiable and x-rays reveal a disc embedded in his brain. His fabulous tale of being an escaped prisoner from an alien spaceship takes a turn for the sinister when the hospital staff realise that they're under a state of siege...
Act of Murder
A dangerous psychological game plays out between a man and the husband of the lover who spurned him.
Face of a Stranger
A man released from prison falls in love with the blind wife of a cellmate, whom he promised, when inside, to visit. He poses as the real husband, planning to kill him, but finds the wife is not so innocent as he thought.
Arson is the way out for a failing cosmetics company.
Never Back Losers
Two rival gangs are trying to fix horse races and a jockey is attacked and left for dead in a stage-managed car crash. An insurance investigator makes routine enquiries into the "accident" and one of the gang leaders feels threatened by this and takes counter measures.
The Sinister Man
When a corpse is found in the Thames, the only clue is that the dead man was killed by a karate or judo expert.
Attempt to Kill
A wealthy business man fires one of his employees and becomes the victim of murder attempt. The fired man becomes the prime suspect, but it appears that he himself has been murdered.
Marriage of Convenience
A young woman going to her wedding is waiting for her fiancée, a hood in custody, who is allowed by the police to go to his wedding.
The Criminal
When a robbery at a racetrack goes wrong ex-con Johnny Bannion is caught and sent back to prison. He won't tell the rest of the gang where he has stashed the loot leading to violent consequences.
Wrong Number
Because she dials the wrong number, an old lady hears information which enables the police to solve a robbery and murder.
Horrors of the Black Museum
A writer of murder mysteries finds himself caught up in a string of murders in London.
The Headless Ghost
Three teenagers encounter a ghost who is in limbo until he retrieves his lost head. They do their parts to help him find it.
Man with a Gun
A £20,000 insurance claim is lodged when a nightclub is destroyed by fire, and claims investigator Mike Davies is assigned to get to the bottom of things. One suspect is Harry Drayson, the club owner but if he torched his own property for the insurance, how safe are his other, heavily insured properties?
Remains to Be Seen
Assistant Director
A singer and her apartment manager get mixed up in a creepy Park Avenue murder and find themselves facing danger at every turn.
The Story of Three Loves
Assistant Director
Passengers on an ocean liner recall their greatest loves.
Cause for Alarm!
Assistant Director
A bedridden and gravely ill man believes his wife and doctor are conspiring to kill him, and outlines his suspicions in a letter.
아스팔트 정글
Assistant Director
전설적인 범죄자 독은 출감하자마자 오래 전부터 준비해 온 보석상 강도를 실행에 옮기기 위해 금고 전문털이 루이스, 운전사 거스, 건달 딕스를 끌어 들인다. 자금이 필요한 그들은 변호사이자 악덕 고리대금업자인 에머리히에게서 돈을 지원받기로 하지만, 에머리히는 독을 이용해 보석을 가로챈 뒤 애인과 함께 외국으로 도망치려는 계획을 꾸민다. 당시 23세였던 젊은 마릴린 먼로를 만날 수 있는 걸작 범죄영화.
아담의 갈빗대
Assistant Director
한 평범한 여성이 바람을 피우던 남편을 권총으로 살해하려는 사건이 발생한다. 검사인 아담은 이 사건을 맡아 평소처럼 재판을 준비하던 중, 아내이자 변호사인 아만다가 용의자 여성의 변호를 맡았다는 사실을 알게 된다. 화목한 부부였던 두 사람은 이제 법정에서 만나 불꽃 튀는 싸움을 시작한다.
Scene of the Crime
Assistant Director
A cop investigates the shooting of another policeman... that may have been involved in crooked activities.
지그펠드 폴리스
Assistant Director
The late, great impresario Florenz Ziegfeld looks down from heaven and ordains a new revue in his grand old style.
Assistant Director
세계적인 오페라 가수인 앨리스 엘퀴스트가 자신의 집에서 살해되지만 경찰은 범인을 잡는데 실패한다. 이후 이 집을 물려받은 유일한 상속녀인 조카 폴라는 이탈리아로 성악 수업을 받기 위해 보내진다. 그러나 폴라는 성악 선생님 집에서 반주를 맡고 있던 젊고 잘 생긴 청년 그레고리와 사랑에 빠져서 중도에 공부를 포기하고 만다. 그레고리와 결혼한 폴라는 10년 만에 런던으로 돌아와 앨리스에게 물려받은 집에서 신혼 생활을 시작한다. 그러나 막상 앨리스의 집으로 들어오고 나자 그레고리는 갖가지 구실을 붙여서 폴라의 외출을 막는 한편 그녀를 정신이상자로 몰고 가기 시작하는데...