Rachel Maxwell

참여 작품

Truth Has Fallen
Law student
TRUTH HAS FALLEN is a one-hour live action/animated documentary that examines the work of James McCloskey. Mr.McCloskey founded Centurion Ministries, an organization whose mission is to free prisoners who have been wrongfully convicted of murder. Employing a combination of abstract, surreal animation and live action images, TRUTH HAS FALLEN asks how innocent people could be convicted of murder - what could be done to prevent such injustices in the future - and what happens to these innocent people when they are released from prison after years of incarceration?
2012 둠즈데이
Background Person
지구의 자전이 서서히 멈추면서 아무 이유도 없이 선택받은 자들은 마야 문명의 고대 유적지에 모이게 된다. 그리고 지구가 멸망하기 직전에 새로운 아기가 태어나면서 지구가 다시 살아난다.
Blood on the Dole
Tracey Ryan
Alan Bleasdale's touching yet frank drama for Channel 4 about the struggles of a group of young adults leaving school in a deprived area of Liverpool. Starring Stephen Walters, Suzanne Maddock and Amanda Mealing. Based on the acclaimed play by Jim Morris, voted Most Promising Playwright by the Financial Times and Morning Star in 1981. Blood on the Dole shows the lives of four teenagers, two boys and two girls, struggling to cope after being thrust into the real world for the first time after leaving school. Living in deprived Merseyside, the four youths' bright-eyed optimism for their futures and new-found freedom is soon crushed by the realities of unemployment, poverty, and the brutal reality of living and trying to find work in a city in decline. They all soon find themselves in the hopeless situation of facing complete dependence on state handouts, "the dole". The four teenagers instead find themselves turning to each other to find the strength to survive.