Executive Producer
Själö means 'the island of souls', and no name could be more fitting for the island in the Baltic Sea, which for centuries was a last stop for women who were considered social outcasts – and who are today forgotten. They were forcibly placed in a closed institution to be studied, measured and weighed – exactly in the way that nature itself was starting to be examined around the same time. Today, the place is a research centre. A young female scientist collects samples on the island, while the whispering voices of the past and never-sent letters echo in the empty hallways.
A poignant portrait of a family of asylum seekers desperate to start a new life, but stalled in bureaucratic limbo.
하나 뿐인 아들 ‘크리스’와 새로운 삶을 살기 위해 한 시골 마을로 이사온 ‘사라’. 아들을 따라 집 근처의 숲으로 들어갔다가 의문의 커다란 싱크홀을 발견하고, 알 수 없는 공포감에 사로잡힌다. 그날 이후, 밤마다 기이한 행동을 하는 아들을 목격한 ‘사라’는 크리스의 존재에 의심을 품게 되고, 모든 사건이 싱크홀과 연관되었음을 직감하는데….잠들어 있던 악마가 깨어났다!
유명 바이올린 연주자 카린은 자동차 사고로 더 이상 손가락을 현란하게 쓰지 못하게 되어 화려한 커리어를 중단하고, 스무 살이나 어린 학생들을 가르치다 학생 중 한 명인 안티와 사랑에 빠진다. 둘은 음악에 대해 열정적이며 커리어에 대해 지나치게 야심적이라 쉽게 어울리진 않는다.
Garden Lovers is a documentary love story about Finnish couples who have a passion for gardening. The film with comic undertones looks at their stories behind the hedges. The garden provides a framework for tales of relationship conflicts and joys; it depicts the many ways in which life can flourish; it gives strength and unites, but it also becomes a meeting place for farewells. There is an invisible bond that grows between the couples in the film; they comment and comfort each other with their own stories.
Once a year, estranged brothers Michael and Peter make a reluctant pilgrimage to the old fairground yard where their friend Sam went missing when they were boys. Both men's' lives are colored by what happened the day their friend was sucked inside the Ghost Train, never to return. This year, Michael has something to tell Peter that will cast fresh light on the incident, something that will change their lives even more than that fateful day 30 years ago...
Rocker Kai Latvalehto has a wife and a son, almost everything a man could wish for. Still, he feels that something is missing. Accompanied by his father, he drives across Sweden to refresh his childhood memories of life in Gothenburg in the 1970’s. This journey of identities brings the two men closer.
A documentary film about Erkki Kurenniemi (b. 1941), whose career represents a surprisingly natural blend of music, film, computers, robotics, science and art.
Production Manager
Production Secretary