Adam Woronowicz

Adam Woronowicz

출생 : 1973-12-25, Białystok, Polska

프로필 사진

Adam Woronowicz

참여 작품

White Courage
The film tells the story of two Highlander brothers – Maciek and Andrzej. After the death of their father, which Andrzej contributed to, and the loss of his beloved Bronka, Andrzej leaves the family home. On his way, he meets the mysterious Wolfram, an anthropologist and climber. He shares with him his mountaineering technique and knowledge about the Prague origins of the highlanders. Andrzej returns to Zakopane, war breaks out. To protect the Highlanders from wartime destruction, he wants to persuade them to cooperate with the Germans. Andrzej and Maciek are standing on opposite sides of the barricade. The brothers' confrontation is bloody and painful.
O psie, który jeździł koleją
dyrektor stacji kolejowej
Ślub doskonały
Below the Surface
bosman Henryk Kotecki
It's 1940. German forces are prevailing over Allies across Europe. The crew of the Polish submarine, now serving in the Royal Navy, is waging a heroic fight against the invisible enemy.
그렇게 난 갱스터와 사랑에 빠졌다
폴란드의 전설적인 갱스터 니코뎀 `니코시` 스코타르차크의 성공과 몰락이라는 실화를 바탕으로 한 극영화
마이 원더풀 라이프
불행한 결혼 생활 속에서 대가족을 지키려 노력하는 여자. 설상가상으로 비밀을 아는 누군가가 익명으로 협박을 해오자 어떻게든 상황을 수습하려 애쓴다.
The In-Laws
백 덴
Tadeusz Makowski
Marta is a romantic and a loser in school. She shares a room with her sister Kasia and grandma, who tells her granddaughters insurgency stories instead of fairy tales. In the room behind the wall, the parents - Tadek and Elżbieta - live their married life. He is an intelligent constantly humiliated by the state, he also makes his own moonshine after work and silently envies his prosperous brother in law. She is the leader of the "Solidarity" union at work, with the need for freedom and a dream to get out of Poland. The real adventure for the family starts when they manage to get their dream orange Fiat 126p. Ela and Tadek discover their appetite for trading and trips abroad, and the growing Marta will fall in love for the first time.
내 친구들은 모두 죽었다
Inspector Kwasniewski
한 집에 모여 새해 전야 파티를 벌이는 청춘 남녀. 시작은 좋았다. 하지만 장난에서 비롯된 사고가 걷잡을 수 없이 커지고, 사랑과 배신이 뒤얽힌 모두의 비밀이 하나둘 터져 나오니, 그 끝은 생지옥. 이승에서의 새해맞이는 글렀다.
Guczo. Notes on Life
Full of archival flavors, the story of an aristocrat cursed by his family, a man of many faces and talents living in turbulent times. Who was August Zamoyski? A lover of female beauty, an athlete, a sculptor, and a citizen of the world who draws full attention from life?
Janek, who has two wives, skillfully maneuvers between them. The risk that one of his loved ones will learn about a double relationship increases dramatically and every lie will have colossal effects.
그렇게 난 갱스터가 되었다
Ryszard, ojciec bohatera
무소불위의 힘을 좇아 암흑가에서 차근차근 입지를 다져온 야심 찬 갱스터. 무장 강도, 마약 거래 등 온갖 범죄를 발판 삼아 정점을 향해 올라가던 중, 마침내 큰물에서 놀 기회를 거머쥔다. 하지만 얻는 게 있으면 잃는 것도 있는 법.
I Am Lying Now
Metaphysical thriller, which takes place in a retro-futuristic world. His characters get caught up in an intricate, dark intrigue in which nothing is as it seems, and a series of dramatic events leads to a completely surprising final.
Pułkownik Kazimierz Iranek-Osmecki
2차 세계대전 한창 때, 폴란드 전쟁 영웅 ‘얀’은 런던에서 폴란드 저항운동 지휘관과 폴란드 정부 사이에서 중요한 기밀 정보를 전달하는 첩자 역할을 하며, 조국의 승리를 위한 용기의 사나이가 된다. 모든 주변 국가의 운명이 달린 결정적인 정보를 가지고 폴란드로 가는 임무를 띤 ‘얀’은 영원히 그의 삶을 바꿀 사람들을 만나게 된다.
7 Emotions
Tata Adasia i Mikiego
Fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, envy, shame. Adaś Miauczyński goes back to his childhood days when, like most of us, he used to find it problematic to name the emotions that accompanied him. To improve the quality of his adult life, he decides to return to that time – which proves not so carefree after all – to learn how to experience the seven basic emotions. This extremely unpredictable journey into the past features an abundance of hilarious, even comical, situations but is also filled with lots of touching moments and food for thought.
The Butler
Hermann von Krauss
The love between Mateusz Krol, a Kashubian boy, and Marita von Krauss, a Prussian aristocrat in whose family home he is taken in when his mother dies, grows and matures thorough the years, while Kashubia, the northern Polish region where they live, suffers the consequences of the tragedies that will ravage Europe from the beginning of the 20th century until the end of the World War II.
A man consumed by guilt because he did not dare to defend his mother, he plays the role of a murderer and forces ten-year-old self to face trauma.
콜드 워
1949년 폴란드, 그와 그녀가 음악으로 처음 만났다. 1952년 베를린, 함께하려면 이곳을 떠나야 한다. 1954년 파리, 영원한 이별인 줄 알았는데 운명적으로 다시 만난다. 1959년 폴란드, 처음 만난 이곳에서 사랑을 완성할 수 있을까?
Pitbull. Last Dog
A policeman gets killed and the short-staffed police chief sends for a few experienced officers to support him in his fight with organized crime. Meanwhile, a conflict between local gangster groups escalates.
Breaking the Limits
ojciec Grażyny
Based on true events. In 1980s Poland, Jerzy Górski is a young man who finds the determination to struggle against his drug addiction through athletic training, with the aim of competing in the US Ironman Triathlon.
Two Crowns
Ojciec Maksymilian Maria Kolbe
Recreation of facts and stories of both experts and people who met Maximilian Kolbe and were shocked by his words and actions.
Niemiecki oficer policji
A story of passion, rivalry, love, and friendship. Jan Banas, acclaimed Silesian football player of the 1960s and 1970s, struggles to makes his dreams come true on and off the field. Stars is the story of a great love between young people torn by passion and ambition.
Humble Servants
Kantor Jan Rudzki
A young German girl jumps off a Wroclaw church tower. She is a member of a Women's Gregorian Choir.
The Red Spider
Karol, an ordinary young man, runs into a much older man, whom he believes to be a Red Spider, the terrifying serial killer, prowling the streets of Cracow in 1960s. Karol becomes obsessed with the man and spies on him.
Doktor Konrad
Thirty year old Benek experiences a crisis mainly manifested by compulsive suicidal thoughts and dreams about death. Accidentally he meets a beautiful, magnetic and mouthy Lena. He is dazzled from the first moment and his admiration grows when Lena not only understands his suicidal preoccupation but shares a similar one. They embark on a crazy journey during which Benek realizes he is not the only man in Lena's life - in addition, the girl has cancer, and she is not attempting to treat it. Admiration mixes with fear - finally Benek promises to accompany her to the end...
저주받은 결혼식
아내의 고향인 폴란드의 작은 마을로 행하는 부부. 가정을 꾸릴 생각에 행복하기만 단꿈도 잠시…신부의 할아버지가 물려준 땅에 집을 짓던 중 정체 모를 해골을 발견한 뒤로, 온 마을 사람이 모인 결혼식에서 신랑은 악령에 씌우게 되는데…
Life Must Go On
When cancer-stricken alcoholic actor discovers he's only got 3 months to live, he decides to change his life and reconcile with his estranged daughter.
Ordynator Zieliński
중년의 변호사 야누시에게는 거식증으로 고통받는 딸 올가가 있다. 올가의 건강이 심각할 정도로 나빠지자 야누시는 고민 끝에 딸을 특별한 상담 시설로 보내기로 한다. 올가는 이곳에서 상담사인 안나를 만나 다양한 방법으로 자신의 문제에 접근하고, 안나 역시 올가를 보살피며 자기 내면의 상처를 돌아본다. 2015년 베를린영화제 감독상 수상. (2019 한-폴 수교 30주년 기념 폴란드 영화제) 현대인에게 몸이란 과연 무엇일까? 중년의 검사와 거식증에 걸린 딸, 그리고 죽은 이의 영혼과 소통할 수 있다고 주장하는 치료사. 그들의 일상은 몸과 영혼에 대한 상이한 화두를 던지며 서로 얽혀간다. 폴란드영화를 이끄는 여류감독 마우고시카 슈모프스카의 신작. (2015년 제20회 부산국제영화제)
Pani z przedszkola
The story about the friendship between two women, family problems and difficult childhood.
The Photographer
The Photographer is an elusive serial killer operating in modern-day Moscow. He leaves numbered tiles at the scenes of his crimes, similar to those placed at crime scenes by forensic teams. The investigation points to the old Red Army barracks in Legnica, and to events dating back to the 1970s. One of the people involved in the investigation is Natasha - the only person to have survived an encounter with The Photographer.
Między nami dobrze jest
바웬사, 희망의 인간
2차 대전 후 공산 정권의 지배를 받는 폴란드. 노동자들은 각종 불합리한 대우를 받으며 연일 치솟는 물가로 생활고에 시달리게 된다. 폴란드 항구도시 ‘그단스크’의 한 조선소에서 근무하는 전기공 ‘레흐바웬사’는 파업 위원회에 가담했지만, 과격한 파업 대신 실리적인 타협을 추구하는 사람이었다. 1970년 어느 날 거리에서 일어난 조선소 노동자들의 파업을 정부와 군인이 발포로 진압하면서 거리는 피로 물들었다. 이날 시위를 말리기 위해 거리로 뛰어든 바웬사는 체포 된 이후 경찰의 회유와 협박에 마지 못 해 파업 위원회의 밀고자가 되기로 한다. 하지만 점점 먹고 살기 힘들어지는 현실에 바웬사는 자신의 결정을 후회하고, 어느 날 폴란드의 젊은 지식인들의 투쟁 소식지를 접하게 된다. 바웬사는 그 젊은이들과 합류하여 1980년, 조선소의 1970년 혁명 10주년을 기념하여 대대적인 파업을 조직한다. 파업은 전 도시에 퍼져 조선소 노동자들뿐만 아니라 버스, 전차, 광산 등 다양한 노동자들이 가담하는 규모로 번진다. 이에 바웬사는 파업할 권리가 있다고 주장하며 자유 노조 ‘연대’를 설립하고, ‘연대’는 천만 노동자들이 가담하는 거대 노동 운동 세력이 된다. 이제 폴란드뿐 아니라 유럽은 물론 세계적인 유명인사가 된 바웬사는 불법과 탄압에 저항하는 상징이 되어 폴란드 정부와 대립하게 되는데…
Siberian Exile
Jan Dolina
An epic tale of Poles, Ukrainians, Jews who are deported to Russia. Their fate is shown from the perspective of a young boy Staszek, who goes to Siberia with his family and neighbors from a small village in the eastern Polish borderlands. Together with his companions he starts hard struggle for survival, where the most fearsome opponent turns out to be terrible, merciless nature... Circumstances force the boy to reevaluate his life and grow up faster. Soon he will have to learn the essential struggle for survival and make decisions that will where rate will be life of his relatives. He will also have to choose between love for the Jewish Zinnia and the Russian Luybka.
The Traffic Department
prokurator Czech
Seven policemen, seven deadly sins, a murder case, secrets and the filth of everyday police work: Traffic Department transports the viewer into the darkest Warsaw streets.
Maria and Tom are in their thirties and have been married ten years. They live in a small town. Both find professional fulfillment in their jobs he in a design company, she at the town hall. They are working together on the decoration of their apartment and are expecting a baby. It seems that nothing is capable of disturbing their peaceful lives. But one day the mayor, who has long lusted after Maria, rapes her. She decides not to report this to the police. Nor does she tell her husband. From that day forth, their love is put to the test.
Felix, Net i Nika oraz teoretycznie możliwa katastrofa
Hans Kloss. Stawka większa niż śmierć
The cinema war-action movie takes place partly during WWII and partly in 1975 in Spain. The main characters: agent Capt. Hans Kloss and Herman Bruner, want to find the stolen treasure, putting their lives at stake.
Baby sa jakies inne
Adam Miauczyński
Two middle-aged male friends are travelling together by car and expressing their thoughts and emotions connected with women.
My Name Is Ki
Mikolaj 'Miko'
Ki is a young woman who no longer wants to live with the father of her child. She moves into a house in which lives Miko, a serious man who does not care for distractions. The responsibility of raising a child on her own comes up against the need to work and the wish to live a carefree life.
Taxi A
Urzędnik skarbówki
Leszek Kopec
A member of a therapy group is found dead. A prosecutor and a police officer try to solve the mystery of his death.
Zwerbowana miłość
A prostitute is enlisted into the Security Services in order to steal some highly classified records just as the communist regime is about to topple. What begins as political intrigue deftly turns into a complicated love affair.
Holy Business
Janek Rembowski
A movie about a couple of semi-estranged brothers who at first feel they've been screwed by their father having the gall to die, leaving the bulk of his estate to the church. Only to then learn that they've been willed a car that may have been owned by the pope.
Rafał (segment "Droga wewnętrzna")
Mr. Józef
A story about women, set in the present and in 1950s Warsaw. Sabina, a quiet, shy woman who has just turned thirty lacks a man in her life. Her mother knows all about it and tries at all costs to find her daughter a good candidate for a husband. The whole situation is controlled by the grandmother, an eccentric lady with a sharp tongue from whom no secrets can be kept.
General Nil
Igor Andrejew, sędzia Sądu Najwyższego
Generał Nil is a Polish historical film, based on the life of general Emil August Fieldorf, pseudonym "Nil". The film was directed by Ryszard Bugajski and was released in 2009.
Popieluszko: Freedom Is Within Us
Jerzy Popieluszko
Story of life of Father Jerzy Popieluszko, the priest called "The Solidarity Chaplain", murdered by communist secret police.
Chopin: Desire for Love
Maurycy, syn George Sand
The biography of world famous Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin.
"Kosa", członek bandy
Boris, a teenager, is arrested by the police. As part of the cooperation, he agrees to infiltrate the gang.
Using the backdrop of the banality and ordinariness of everyday life in a small provincial town, the film analyses the relationship between two women friends, who struggle to find their way in post-communist Poland. The small events of their lives represent universal feelings of being trapped and lost in a new world, in contrast to the successes of the dark side of democracy - drug dealing, crime and pornography. By its very nature, the film creates a picture of provincial Poland after democracy, but its charm is in the understated relationship between the two friends and the people around them and in the mosaic structure that builds up the film piece by piece.
Tak jest dobrze