Hajo Bruins

Hajo Bruins

출생 : 1959-03-27, Steenwijk, Overijssel, Netherlands

프로필 사진

Hajo Bruins
Hajo Bruins

참여 작품

Love Without Borders
The three siblings Eva, Lieke and Maarten are going through a rough patch. Eva has cancer, but she doesn't want the rest of the family to know. She only confides in young Luke, a cancer patient in the same hospital. Her brother Maarten also has a secret: although he is married to Sanne, he has fallen in love with his friend Hugo and doesn't quite know how to deal with it. In Lieke's case, it is her father Ferry who is causing stress. Because he is not at all happy about his daughter's choice of partner.
Herrie in huize Gerri
TV Baas Skaf TV
더 포가튼 배틀
Mayor Oostveen
세 젊은이가 2차 세계 대전의 포화 속으로 들어간다. 연합군의 글라이더 조종사, 네덜란드 출신의 독일군 그리고 레지스탕스로. 방법은 달랐지만, 이들이 원한 건 오직 자유, 그 하나였다.
Donnie Mountain
Rob Pollock
Pornstar Donnie Mountain is on top of his game and no one can stop him on his way to his international breakthrough, when one day, he suffers from erectile dysfunction. No longer able to perform, his life starts to slowly fall apart.
All You Need Is Love
When popular TV show host Dr. Love goes missing ahead of the annual Christmas special, a zany search for his replacement and holiday romance ensues.
Your Mother Should Know
Date #2
A young photographer moves back in with his mother and has to adjust to his old hometown. Things get more challenging when she appoints him as her dating coach in order to spend more time together.
Lost & Found
Five years after his successful debut, writer Lucas, has hit a dead end. In a desperate attempt to breathe new life into his second book – a pretentious World War II novel – he travels to Berlin, where he unexpectedly runs into his old travel love, Lena. When circumstances bring the two of them together, an extraordinary night ensues in which they roam the streets of Berlin with each other. They discuss their expectations of the future, now that the future has officially begun. But have they truly dealt with everything from the past?
배틀 트랩
아프가니스탄에서 네덜란드 육군이 재건 및 전투 임무를 수행 중인 가운데, 급조 폭발물 사고로 수많은 사상자가 발생한다. 그 와중에 포츠마 상병이 쏜 총에 사망한 남성이 무장 군인이 아닌 소년으로 밝혀지자 징계 명령이 내려진다. 병장의 사격 허가 명령 여부를 놓고 진실 공방전이 시작되면서 분대 내에도 갈등이 생기는데... 2008년 아프간, 가장 치열했던 34시간이 돌아온다!
De Prinses Op De Erwt: Een Modern Sprookje
lakei Hugo
제독: 미힐 드 로이테르
Cornelis Tromp
17세기 신흥 강국으로 부상한 네덜란드. 2만 척의 배로 전세계를 누비며 교역으로 부를 쌓고, 정치적으로는 공화국 체계를 구축하며 국민에게 자유를 장려하던 네덜란드는 왕당정치를 고수하던 유럽 열강국들에게 위협적인 존재로 성장하기에 이른다. 이에 영국은 함대를 보내 네덜란드의 교역로를 차단하려 하고 끝내 교전이 빈번하게 일어나는데… 영국과의 해전 중 전사한 트롬프 장군은 선장에 불과한 미힐에게 그의 뒤를 부탁한다는 유언을 남기고 이에 힘입어 선원들 사이에서 뛰어난 지도력과 전략을 선보여 인정을 받았던 미힐은 왕당파의 반대에도 불구하고 새로운 장군으로 취임하게 된다. 미힐이 장군이 됨으로써 처음으로 영국과의 해전에서 승리를 거두고, 그 뒤에도 미힐은 계속해서 네덜란드에게 승리를 안겨주지만 그를 향한 왕당파의 시선이 곱지만은 않다. 이렇게 나라 안팎의 적들을 상대하며 미힐은 네덜란드 함대를 유럽 최강으로 올려놓기 위해 고군분투하는데… 위대한 업적으로 혁혁한 공을 세우며 지금까지도 역사상 가장 위대한 제독으로 기억되는 장군 미힐 드 로이테르는 과연 마지막까지 네덜란드에게 승리를 선사할 수 있을 것인가.
Basile H
When CEO Basile H. returns from a business trip, nothing can foil the growth of his success, so it seems. He is mentioned for a high-ranking position in Frankfurt, he has a well-to-do wife who waits for him and he lives in a beautiful residence in the woods. Then, his lawyer calls him with the announcement that a complaint has been filed against him by a waitress that he took to his hotel room the night before. Basile trusts he will win this time, too. But the dies are cast differently than he thinks.
Two Dutch twin sisters travel to the United States, looking for their long-lost mother.
Oom Henk
Rechercheur Uitenhaage
Handsome, clever final year law student Koen avoids being beaten up by street thugs by claiming he's a maternal cousin of crime baron Henk de Koning. The next day, 'uncle' Henk praises Koen's wit and commandeers his 'cousin's' help to retrieve the treasure presumably hidden by disloyal accomplice Sjon de Nooyer, who was released from jail to a retirement home, by volunteering as an orderly, posing as Sjon's distant relative. Dirty police detective Uitenhaage is after the same fortune, and leans independently on innocent Koen to spy on Sjon.
Vader Mick
After a group of teenagers discover one of their friends lying dead on a river bank on one of the hottest days of summer, a story of jealousy, insecurity and peer pressure gradually unfolds. Group leader Caesar is able to magnify - out of all proportion - the small grievances that each of Jessie's friends bear towards her and transforms them into a general and pervasive hatred that leads ultimately to her horrible, senseless killing.
Sterke Verhalen
Comedy about the adventures of a group of friends in Amsterdam, who are planning a party during their summer holiday. When the ticket sales are disappointing they think of a new and exiting way to attract more people to the party.
Ciske de Rat De Musical
Pandora's La
A woman wants to find out if her husband is cheating her.
Paid is a film noir in the tradition of the French gangster movie. It is a story about underworld characters that have come to regret the choices they have made and now secretly long for a different and more meaningful life. It is also a love story between Paula Gireaux , a 28-year-old Parisian call girl working in Amsterdam and a hit man, Michel Angelo (30) whose hearts are touched when a six-year-old Bolivian boy abruptly enters their lives. The boy changes their fate. He gives them reason to reach for their dreams and to start a whole new life together. But, at the moment Paula and Michel decide to escape the underworld, Paula realizes that her hands are tied to a paid deal she has made with a powerful English narcotics baron, Rudi Dancer (55). The enticing offer Paula could not refuse, turns into the demon that stands in the way of her future with Michel. Eventually, Michel and Paula find their way to freedom but not without paying a high price
Making Waves
Making Waves is the story of Cella (Jacqueline Blom) and her 71-year-old mother Johanna (Kitty Courbois). Life smiles upon Cella. Happily divorced, having two children and a successful job as a presenter at a local station, for which she interviews people every morning who take the ferry across the IJ river. In her enthusiasm, Cella resembles her mother, once a celebrated violinist, but the similarity also causes friction between the two women. Just when Cella meets a new love, her father's sudden death puts her life on a different track. Johanna increasingly muddles past and present and brings back fragments of memories that point to a painful secret she carries on her back. Cella tries to dig up the truth.
In the TV film Polonaise, traffic jams have grown into a phenomenon in which traffic jam call girls, hairdressers and photographers enliven the endless delays. The film follows a number of people in a jam on the A5. The central character is a Pole in an expensive Saab Convertible, who is wanted by the police. A red Panda carries the heavily pregnant Hilde and her cynical sister. Hilde is worried because she has not seen her friend anymore after a quarrel. In an old Saab, a young couple is bickering. She is a `yuppie cunt' who stakes her marriage for a parking licence and is tired of her husband smoking dope. Charlie the music promoter is driving his son's car. He likes traffic jams, because they allow him to settle his deals undisturbed and meet his secret love, the traffic jam call girl Nena. While the characters are confronted with each other and themselves more and more, tension rises to a peak. A radio pirate connects the story lines with his chatter.