Max and Lou have made a promise to each other. For their wedding it will be only them and their witnesses. But that... That was without counting on the HUGE surprise party that awaits them! They wanted to be 4, they find themselves 300 and everything is going to get out of control very quickly... They were dreaming small, small... They will have big, VERY VERY big!
Isabelle and her niece Nina open a "fasting and detox" cure in the heart of Provence, with the help of Baptiste, a yogi and handyman, Jessica, a tantric masseuse, and Maxime, a seductive equine therapist. Among the first curists, four overweight teenagers sent by the town hall; Marion and Lio, her skinny sister who imposes the cure on her "for her own good"; and their friend Émilie who, having shed her extra kilos, discovers as soon as she arrives that her beloved husband is swooning in the arms of a man... who is clearly overweight!
In the peaceful world of Little Nicholas, there is Daddy, Mommy, the school, but above all, his band of friends. They are called The Invincibles, but above all they are inseparable. At least they think so. But when Dad gets a promotion and announces that the family is moving to the south of France, Nicolas' world falls apart. How can he imagine life without his best friends?
Mlle Blanquette
Back-to-school! For troublemaker Toto, it’s the best playground for fooling around. When a sculpture collapses during the opening of a museum, Toto is immediately blamed. To prove his innocence, Toto has no other option but making a pact with Igor, the school nerd. In exchange for his help, Toto will help Igor being cool. The unlikely duo turns into little detectives. A fun and exciting adventure begins…
Soeur Barbara
French seniors enroll in summer camp.
La colocataire
강도였던 파트리크(장 르노)가 갱생하고 두딸과 함께 전동료 복수극
Conseillère 3
Stéphane, Cathy and Thierry are the best employees of the Employment Agency of their city. But their results are so good that the agency will have to close because of a lack of unemployed. The three colleagues then have the crazy idea of creating unemployment to save their job.
Samantha, who works in a chicken factory in Saint-Étienne, loses her job. She lives with her best-friend Céline. She is also her little sister Kim's guardian and must find another job quickly or run the risk of losing her sister. She meets Paul, a lawyer who would like to raise a child with his partner. As a result, he asks Samantha if she would like to be hired as his surrogate.
Jean-Pierre is a brilliant surgeon. The problems of his nearest and dearest don't interest him. But when he discovers that he too has a serious heart disease which needs operating on, Jean-Pierre finds out what it is to be a patient.
La serveuse de la buvette
여름방학을 맞아 가족들과 함께 바캉스를 떠난 니콜라! 여친 마리와의 이별의 아쉬움을 뒤로 한 채 니콜라는 바닷가 여행지에서 새로운 친구들을 사귄다. 호텔 주인 아들이라 바캉스가 따로 없는 ‘블레즈’, 뭐든지 주워먹는 땅그지 ‘프뤽튀에’, 영국식 영어 액센트 불어를 작렬하는 ‘드조드조’, 하루 종일 징징대는 울보 ‘크레팽’, 완전 짜증나는 우기기 대장 ‘꼼므’까지! 그런데 이게 웬 날벼락? 아빠 친구의 딸인 부릅뜬 눈의 수상한 그녀 ‘이자벨’과 결혼시켜야겠다는 것이 아닌가! 마리와의 결혼을 꿈꾸던 니콜라는 억지로 생긴 이 ‘썸녀’를 제거하기 위해 친구들과 작전에 나선다. 그런데 허걱~ 자꾸만 이자벨에게 눈길이 가는데… 니콜라의 잊지 못할 여름방학은 지금부터 시작이다!
범죄조직 보스 '프레드'(로버트 드 니로)가 그의 조직을 밀고했다! 막강한 권력 버리고, 조직원에 쫓기는 신세가 된 전직 보스와 그의 가족들! 퇴물 CIA요원 '스탠스필드'(토미 리 존스)는 증인보호 자격으로 이들 가족을 프랑스 작은 시골마을로 보내는데.. 조용해도 너무 조용한 시골마을! 잠재울 수 없는 액션 본능이, 전직 보스 가족을 자극한다! '위험한 패밀리'에 의해 초토화가 될 위기에 빠진 평화로운 마을! 과연, 위험한 패밀리는 액션 본능을 잠재우고 무사히 지낼 수 있을까?
A resort for individuals who want to lose weight is helps several women discover friendships, acceptance with body image and hard truths.