Over recent years, Breitz has collected and archived a wide range of found footage fragments that document ‘white people talking about race.’ Her archive includes the voices of prominent political figures, news anchors and talk show hosts, as well as those of lesser known and anonymous YouTube bloggers, covering white perspectives that run the gamut from neo-Nazi ideology and far right propaganda to everyday racism and the posturing of ‘good white people.’ Whiteface, Breitz appropriates and ventriloquizes dozens of voices drawn from this archive, channelling them through her own white body.
A portrait of a community of sex workers who live and work in Cape Town
Breitz filmed extensive interviews with a set of identical twins and dazzlingly edited the footage together into dual monologues that accentuate and complicate the differences and similarities between them. Love, individuality, sibling rivalries, and queerness are among the many topics that the irresistibly charming Tremblay siblings address.
This multichannel video installation features avid Italian Madonna fans performing their way through Madonna’s "Immaculate Collection" album.
“Are not parents the role models that their children seek to emulate? And is it not the case that the entertainment industry increasingly seeks to usurp the role of parenthood for itself, with young viewers aspiring, more and more, to emulate the role models projected on the silver screen? In encroaching upon the role traditionally played by the parent, the media seeks and increasingly achieves the same effect desired by the parent: the reproduction of its own social values and political consciousness.” (Raimar Stange).
The 30-channel installation captures the different attitudes and idiosyncratic performances of Marley fans, allowing Breitz to continue her investigation of the musical interplay of separate videotaped vocalizations, through the watershed Bob Marley album Legend. Breitz addresses the socio-cultural importance of Marley’s music to Jamaicans, the conviction of the singers as their voices come together in unison is complete and viewers are reminded that although Jamaica may still be waiting for a better day, its people understand implicitly that collectivity has always been their greatest strength.
An early meditation on the relationship between celebrity presence and audience response, which belongs to a trilogy of three short films (the other two, also accessible via Vimeo, zoom in on Clint Eastwood and Jack Nicholson). According to Nicholas Bourriaud,“The storyline and the contextual backdrop of the original feature film vanish along with the secondary actors, all now relegated to the mute realm of the proverbial cutting room floor. The result is an unusually direct and somewhat violent relationship between the secluded actor and the viewer, who is granted an almost obscene access to the star. Composed of a series of film clips isolated and chronologically strung together, the new films crudely distill every grunt and murmur of the designated star.”
Breitz’s ‘Soliloquy Trilogy’ (2000), expands her previous investigations of the imaginary relations between the star and the fan.