Vasili Dolenko

참여 작품

Data Tutashkhia
A just man becomes an outlaw. He is pursued by the police over the years, while he tries to fight the injustice in the world, but he can't figure out the minds of his fellow men, and is often misunderstood.
First Swallow
A film about the first football team to be formed in Georgia, based in Poti at the beginning of XX century.
Khevsuruli balada
When Imeda’s father is killed in a blood revenge accident, the family moves him to the city where he is sheltered at his father’s friend. After fifteen year he gets back to Khevsureti. A talented painter, he spends most of his time doing sketches of nature and people. There he meets a local beauty, Mzekala and fells in love with her but finds out that Torghva is also in love with her. Enraged by Imeda’s impudence Torghva calls him for a sword fight and is killed by Imeda. To avoid another round of blood revenge, the villagers let Imeda and Mzekala out of the village but someone who wants Imeda’s blood finds it out and follows them.
Rats ginakhavs, vegar nakhav
병사의 아버지
레조 치크하이드체 감독은 당시 예산의 어려움으로 이룰 수 없었던 컬러영화의 꿈을 이루고, 컬러영화에 친숙한 현재의 관객에게 다가가기 위한 방법으로 색채복원을 결심했다고 한다. 그의 감수 하에 새로운 색채기술로 복원된 는 오랜 기간 외면 받고 경시되었던 색채복원에 새로운 관점을 제시한다. 2차 세계대전의 와중, 그루지야의 작은 마을에서 평범한 농부로 지내던 게오르기는 아들의 부상 소식을 듣고 전장으로 향한다. 그러나 아들을 찾기란 쉽지 않다. 결국 게오르기는 소련 군대와 함께 아들이 싸우고 있는 최전선으로 향한다. 전쟁영화이며 동시에 로드무비인 이 영화는 당시 상업적인 성공과 함께 모스크바국제영화제에서 남우주연상을 수상하며 작품성을 인정받았다. (2012년 제17회 부산국제영화제)
Me, Grandma, Iliko and Ilarion
Assistant Director
The residents of a Georgian village bungle their way through war, peace, life and death.
Udiplomo sasidzo
Bichiko experiencing strong mother that her son throughout the village serves as a care-free claims. Bichiko studies and do not care about his girlfriend Nani prefers. Nani's father, did not want to hear vardens udiplomo fiancée, the daughter of suitable bridegrooms agronomist Nicholas presumption. Nani decides Bichiko abduction, but by the hands of his father will be forgiven. The case in favor of Bichiko is up, as it turns out it was a misunderstanding under vardenis sole protector. Varden will understand that people are Bichiko Charming and grooms will not reject.
Прерванная песня
This is a film-tale about the battle between good and evil good ending. Tsiskara his heroes, the evil wizard who's People without a savior sent forth to the people. He must conquer the evil forces and to release people from slavery. His beloved and loyal friends to help overcome Tsiskara many sorcerers, defeats the sorcerer and water, and the freedom of people to return.
Keto and Kote
Using a marriage broker,a Prince in dire financial straits plans to marry the wealthy daughter of a merchant, The girl is in love with the nephew of the prince. Forced by her father into the unwelcome match, she finds a friend in another matchmaker. They arrange it so that the prince will not like the girl when he meets her.
XIX century peasants' revolt and the life story of bandit Arsena Odzelashvili.
Desire Under the Elms
An adaptation of Eugene O'Neill's play "Desire Under the Elms," updated to the Italian Revolution.