Tim LaHaye

참여 작품

레프트 비하인드: 휴거의 시작
대학생 '클로이'(캐시 톰슨)는 공항에서 성경에 관해 설교하는 여자로부터 유명 기자 '벅'(채드 마이클 머레이)을 구해준다. '클로이'는 아빠 '레이'(니콜라스 케이지)의 깜짝 생일 파티를 위해 고향을 찾아왔지만, 비행기 조종사인 '레이'는 호출을 받고 급하게 비행을 떠난다. '레이'는 '벅'을 포함한 수많은 승객들을 태운 비행기에 탑승하고, 오랜만에 집으로 간 '클로이'는 이번엔 독실한 기독교 신자인 엄마와 말다툼을 벌인다. 기분 전환을 위해 어린 동생 '레이미'와 함께 쇼핑몰을 찾은 '클로이'. 그런데 별안간 전세계적으로 수많은 사람들이 옷가지만 남긴 채 흔적도 없이 사라져 버리는 일이 벌어진다. '레이미'도, '클로이'의 엄마도, 비행기 안 수많은 승객들도 감쪽같이 사라진 상황. 설상가상으로 '레이'와 '벅'이 타고 있던 비행기는 추락 위기에 처하고 마는데...
What God Hath Wrought: Pastor Chuck Smith and the Jesus Revolution
This historical documentary tells the story of Calvary Chapel and the Jesus Movement and traces its impact on Christianity including the birth of contemporary Christian music and worship as well as a more informal church atmosphere. Includes interviews with Chuck Smith, Franklin Graham, Tim LaHaye, and many others.
Revelation 666
A half hour special that explores the significance of the devilish numerical sequence "666" in today's world. Through interviews, historical research and educated speculation, the show balances historical and scientific fact with supernatural revelations.
Have You Been Left Behind?
A Christian minister explains to viewers why millions of Christians have suddenly vanished: the Rapture has occurred.
One World Globalism, the Anti-Christ, and Planet Earths Last Days
This prophecy movie is a breath-taking prophetic glimpse into the future. World renowned authors Hal Lindsay, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Marlin Maddoux, and Chuck Missler offer startling insights into the turbulent days in which we live. A political and spiritual conditioning process is now in full swing following such diverse events as the September 11th tragedy and the media hype surrounding the Harry Potter phenomenon. This fast-paced prophecy DVD presents a clear and concise scenario of the earth-shattering events which are about to unfold across our planet. An important and eye-opening warning for this generation.Based on the book "Earth's Two Minute Warning" and includes scenes from the original video of the same title.
Youth Probe Presents: The Fantasy Explosion
How you and your family are being exploited by: pornography & teenage sex films, music videos, occult films, toys, soap operas & romantic novels, role-playing games, and comic books. This book answers by examining our growing fascination with dangerous forms of fantasy and escape.