Rudolf Beneš

참여 작품

스탈린그라드: 최후의 전투
1942년 늦은 여름, 제2차 세계대전이 네 번째 해를 맞이했을 때, 히틀러의 군대는 유럽 대부분과 북 아프리카 일부를 점령했다. 그리고 그들은 두 번째 러시아 공격을 준비 중이었다. 목표는 카스피 해와 코카서스 유전. 이집트에서 큰 공을 세운 제6군은 이탈리아에서 짧은 휴가를 마치고 파울루스 장군의 지휘 아래 스탈린그라드로 진격한다. 스탈린그라드로 향하는 기차 안에서 젊은 중위 한스와 패기 넘치는 롤로는 누가 살아 돌아올지 내기를 한다. 하지만 전선에 도착하자마자 그들은 이제까지의 전투와는 다른 느낌을 받는다. 수많은 전우들이 눈앞에서 죽어나가고 러시아 포로들은 인간 이하의 대접을 받고 있었다. 그래도 조국을 위한 희생이라는 명분 아래 다들 최선을 다해 싸우지만 동료 부상병 에미콜즈를 치료하기 위해 프리츠가 위생병에게 총을 들이대는 바람에 한스와 그의 부하들은 지뢰 제거반에 보내진다. 러시아 포로들과 함께 생활하게 된 그들은 혹독한 추위와 비인간적 대우까지 견뎌야 했다. 패배가 뻔히 보이는 전투에 가차 없이 투입되고 무고한 러시아 시민까지 사살하게 되면서 병사들은 마지막 애국심마저 내려놓게 된다….
Larks on a String
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In post-WWII Communist Czechoslovakia, several characters considered bourgeois are sentenced to work in a junkyard for rehabilitation. Among them is a young man who pines for a female convict.
Pan Tau – der Film
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Pan Tau, the friend of all children, now also helps the adults. A movie producer is in trouble and decides to shoot another Pan-Tau movie. But the old Pan-Tau actor Karasek is no longer young enough to walk the almost weightless walk of Pan Tau. Mr. Novak turns up - he resembles Pan Tau like a twin brother. He succeeds every pirouette. And as if by magic, he solves all the problems between people! Who is Mr. Novak? Is he really ...?
Vražedné pochybnosti
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Silnější než strach
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Muž s orlem a slepicí
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Smrt na černo
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Summer with a Cowboy
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Hlavními postavami je mladá psycholožka Doubravka a vesnický mladík Honza Macháček. On je traktorista, který při ztřeštěné sázce dočasně přišel o řidičský průkaz, takže teď pase družstevní stádo krav, ona je na chatě se svým chlapcem Bobou, který nepříliš úspěšně studuje medicínu a právě se připravuje na opravné zkoušky. Honzova bezprostřednost, optimismus a přístup k životu i práci ostře kontrastuje se sobeckým, slabošským a nevyrovnaným Bobou a Doubravka si stále víc uvědomuje, že její cit k Bobovi zmizel a doopravdy má vlastně ráda Honzu. Otázkou je, jak se na takovou partii bude dívat její poněkud konzervativní rodina.
Na konci světa
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Družina černého pera
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Zatykač na královnu
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Cesty mužů
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Zlatá svatba
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Black Wolf
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In the thick woods at the edge of the Bohemian Forest, two border guards are keeping watch - rifleman Kucera (Rudolf Jelínek) and dog handler Stencl (Josef Hajducík), whose sluggishness and clumsiness have won him the nickname Simpleton. The official army dog, the bitch Líza, picks up the scent of an alien dog on the German side - Black Wolf. She bites through her leash and runs away. Soon afterwards, the border boundary was interrupted. The two soldiers are wounded in the gunfire that follows, but Stencl's shot also hits the target and the intruder - an attractive woman in a black jersey - is dead. The investigation reveals that this agent knew someone among the local residents. The locals are all called in to identify the body but nobody admits to knowing the woman.
Four Murders Are Enough, Darling
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Two criminal gangs are ruthlessly fighting for a 1-million dollar check that, purely by chance, got into the flat of shy high school teacher George Camel. As the number of victims sharply increases, Camel is mistakenly regarded as a mass murderer and cunningly uses his horrifying reputation to get the respect and heart of his beloved Sabrina, a journalist from a local newspaper. But this game turns out to be risky and in the end, both gangs don't hesitate to seize the check at all costs, including an improvised operation
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The female employees of the poultry-processing factory find relief from their monotonous work in chatting about weddings and marriages. The very young Zdena (Marta Vancurová), too, dreams about a white veil and an entourage of bridesmaids. On her return home from work, she runs into a peculiar man on an abandoned road who pertinaciously offers to read her palm for a few crowns to buy soup. His augury is rather usual - wealth and poverty, suffering and happiness. Then however, he declares that Zdena must marry exactly on 3 November of that year otherwise she will be unhappy.
Slasti Otce vlasti
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The young Prince Charles (Jaromír Hanzlík), the future King of his country Charles IV, is being educated at the French court in the company of his fiancée Blanche (Daniela Kolárová). One day he receives a summons from his father John of Luxembourg (Milos Kopecký) in Italy. He leaves for Italy accompanied by a deputation from Bohemia. On the way the prince's company fights a battle with armed Milanese against heavy odds. Thanks to Charles's perspicacity, the prince's almost naked soldiers win through. In Lucca in Italy Charles joins his father, and here he experiences an amorous adventure and escapes from the traps laid by the Italian rebels.
On Zizka's Battle Waggon
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Widowed yeoman Tuma and his household are on their way to help the town of Kourim, which is under attack by the papist troops. His son Ondra is secretly following his father. Miksík the castellan, who is responsible for Ondra, finds himself forced to set off after the boy. They are both captured by soldiers from Kutná Hora. Miksík sacrifices himself to give Ondra a chance to flee. On the way, Ondra runs into the orphan Sulík. The two boys become friends and begin to wander together.
소방수의 무도회
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소방대의 전임 의장은 암환자로 시간이 얼마 남지 않았다. 부하직원이었던 소방대원들이 그를 위해 무도회를 개최하는데 사람들은 점점 만취해 몸도 가누지 못하고 그로 인해 무도회장은 무질서의 아수라장이 되어간다. 소방대원들은 즉석에서 미인대회를 열기 위해 젊은 여자들을 모집하고 여자들은 자의반 타의반 테스트를 거쳐 미인대회에 참가하게 된다. 하지만 여자들은 난장판이 된 무도회장을 도망가듯 나가버리고 술취한 사람들이 무대로 올라가 왕관을 써보는 등 추태를 부린다. 바로 그 때, 무도회장 근처 주택에서 불이나고 무도회장의 사람들은 모두 불구경을 하기 위해 우르르 나가 버린다. 그리고 돌아온 사람들은 테이블에 있던 경품이 모조리 없어진 것을 발견하는데...
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금발 소녀의 사랑
중소도시 주룩에서 노동자 생활을 하는 금발머리 처녀 안둘라는 프라하에서 온 젊은 피아니스트 밀다를 만나 하룻밤을 보낸다. 밀다의 달콤한 약속을 철썩같이 믿었던 그녀는 희망과 다른 현실에 직면하여 허물어지고 만다.
A Star Named Wormwood
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At the end of May 1918, released prisoners return to the Rumburk garrison from Russian captivity, hoping that the war is over for them. The only thing they want is to get their withheld ...
Tenkrát o vánocích
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