Yvonnick Muller

Yvonnick Muller

프로필 사진

Yvonnick Muller

참여 작품

A Difficult Year
Homme couple appartement
Compulsive spenders Albert and Bruno are in debt up to their necks. While seeking help from community workers to get their lives back on track, they run into a group of young green activists. Lured by the free beer and snacks rather than by the ideals of eco-activists, Albert and Bruno find themselves joining the movement without much conviction.
Jean-Marc Lancel
End of the 1960s. While on his way with his manager to the Cannes Film Festival, Jean-Marc Lancel, international film star, steps out on the road for a wee break. When he returns to the car, it has inexplicably disappeared. 
Maria rêve
Maria a cleaning lady, who is reserved, shy and clumsy. When she is assigned to the School of Fine Arts, she meets Hubert, the school's whimsical guardian. There she discovers a fascinating place where freedom, creativity and daring reign.
Maria rêve
Maria a cleaning lady, who is reserved, shy and clumsy. When she is assigned to the School of Fine Arts, she meets Hubert, the school's whimsical guardian. There she discovers a fascinating place where freedom, creativity and daring reign.
How to Make Out
le chanteur cowboy
Arthur, 15, has a crush on Ouassima, who does not even look at him ... While he has never been upset, she goes out with Matt, the handsome kid from college. To get closer to her, Arthur gathers a group of single losers and offers to give them lessons in fishing, at 10 euros per lesson. In the changing rooms of the swimming pool, a long intimate and collective learning begins on "girls and love: instructions for use".
Do a boy's hair with a barrette, or do not a boy's hair with a barrette, that is the question ! Is this female accessory acceptable for a man ? Three generations will face this subject...
Do a boy's hair with a barrette, or do not a boy's hair with a barrette, that is the question ! Is this female accessory acceptable for a man ? Three generations will face this subject...
The Return of Richard III on the 9:24 am Train
Richard 3
A dying man hires professional actors to impersonate his real life family ,with chaotic results, in this quirky comedy drama.
By a Hair
In three days, Elodie is taking an exam to get a beauty therapy diploma. Her father Christophe, a butcher, would like more help from his daughter in his butcher shop. But at the moment, Elodie deals with an other issue, she has to find a model. A hairy model to pass her test.
By a Hair
In three days, Elodie is taking an exam to get a beauty therapy diploma. Her father Christophe, a butcher, would like more help from his daughter in his butcher shop. But at the moment, Elodie deals with an other issue, she has to find a model. A hairy model to pass her test.
더 모델
파리에 도착한 신인모델 엠마. 사진작가 셰인을 만나서 재능을 발휘하고 인기를 얻으며 사랑에 빠진다. 경쟁과 유혹, 음모가 판치는 패션계에서 엠마는 더 큰 욕망으로 위험한 변신을 거듭하는데… 그녀의 도발적인 포즈에 매혹된다!
19세기 말 벨 에포크 시대. 퇴물 취급을 받던 광대 ‘푸티트’(제임스 티에레)는 새로운 무대를 구상하던 중 식인종을 연기하는 흑인 광대 ‘쇼콜라’(오마 사이)를 만나 콤비를 이룰 것을 제안한다. 모두에게 실패할 것이라 무시당한 그들의 첫 무대는 큰 성공을 이루고, 두 사람은 최고의 권위인 프랑스 파리 누보 서커스단에 스카우트되어 전성기를 누린다. 더 큰 무대와 완벽한 연기를 꿈꾸는 ‘푸티트’와 달리 파리의 화려한 생활과 명성에 취해 방황하는 ‘쇼콜라’. 두 콤비의 쇼가 유명해질수록 이들의 우정은 점점 위태로워지는데… 꿈과 예술의 도시 파리를 사로잡은 두 광대의 환상적인 실화! 그들의 황금빛 무대로 지금 당신을 초대합니다!
Cherry on the Cake
L'amico gay 1
Amanda believes men are too complicated and has lost faith finding the perfect one. Her friend and a psychoanalyst have a plan how to make her fall in love. She insists that Amanda not stay home alone on New Year's Eve, and only gets her way after swearing that all the other guests will be couples, except for Maxime, a gay colleague. But Maxime leaves at the last minute to join his lover in Amsterdam, and Antoine, recently separated from his wife, arrives alone at the party.