Pascale Christophe

Pascale Christophe

프로필 사진

Pascale Christophe

참여 작품

임모럴 우먼
The first episode – featuring frequent Borowczyk muse Marina Pierro – is the longest and, in a way, most substantial: it’s set in Renaissance Rome, with the lusty (and perpetually nude) leading lady sexually involved with famous painters and church benefactors. The second episode is the most notorious and, consequently, gave the film its controversial poster – featuring a rabbit slowly disappearing under the skirt of a teenage girl (played by Gaelle Legrand). The third and final episode, which has a modern-day setting, is the shortest – but also, possibly, the most outrageous: Pascale Christophe is a young married woman who’s abducted on a busy Parisian street by a small-time hood hidden inside a cardboard box!
Barry of the Great St. Bernard
A Wonderful World of Disney TV movie based on the true story of famed Saint Bernard dog, Barry, who rescued dozens of stranded travelers in the Swiss Alps.
여정의 끝
Croft's French Girlfriend
The first World War is in its third year and aerial combat above the Western Front is consuming the nation's favored children at an appalling rate. By early 1917, the average life-span of a British pilot is less than a fortnight. Such losses place a fearsome strain on Gresham, commanding officer of the squadron. Aces High recreates the early days of the Royal Flying Corps with some magnificently staged aerial battles, and sensitive direction presents a moving portrayal of the futilities of war.
Édith Giovanna Gassion is born in 1915. As a young girl she sings on the streets of Paris until a nightclub owner, Louis Leplée, discovers her. When he is murdered the composer Raymond Asso takes care of her and lets her perform at the ABC theatre, which leads to her breakthrough.
부도덕한 이야기
Istvan (Story 4)
어떤 금기도 넘고야 마는 욕망에 대한 네 개의 우화들. 사촌의 은밀한 소원을 들어주려는 소녀의 이야기, 자신의 성적 욕망과 종교적 신념 사이에서 고민하는 여성, 영원한 젊음을 얻기 위해 금기를 깨트리는 귀족, 종교 의식을 위해 근친상간을 하는 남녀의 이야기가 파격적인 이미지 속에 차례로 펼쳐진다.