Janina Kuzma

Janina Kuzma

프로필 사진

Janina Kuzma

참여 작품

Sandra Lahnsteiner, Janina Kuzma, Julia Mancuso bring along their spouses on a freeride trip into the wild mountains of British Columbia, Canada, at Stellar Heliskiing for the first time ever.
디스 마운틴 라이프
캐나다 브리티시 컬럼비아의 산악 지대를 무대로 삼고 살아가는 사람들의 이야기. 마르티나와 그녀의 60세 어머니 타니아는 밴쿠버에서 알래스카까지 이어지는 2,300km의 해안 산맥을 여성 듀오 최초로 6개월 동안 스키 등반한다. 한 커플은 50년 동안 산속에서 살아가고, 한 무리의 수녀는 산에서의 수련 생활을 통해 하나님과 더 가까워지는 영적 체험을 한다. 눈사태를 목도하는 사진가, 눈을 소재로 공고한 작품 세계를 구축하는 예술가. 이들이 삶으로 전하는 숭고의 메시지는 문명 시대를 살아가는 우리에게 많은 생각의 여지를 남긴다. (2019년 제4회 울주세계산악영화제/장보영)
CROSSROADS follows Janina Kuzma (NZL) and Sandra Lahnsteiner (AUT) on their road trip through British Columbia, Canada. Bounded by a strong friendship, Crossroads takes you with on the athletes’ pursuit for powder with playful skiing, many laughs and a few surprises along the way. Between Golden and Kaslo, the girls get behind the steering wheel and amongst the machines. With this edit, they are breaking routine, but relentless in showcasing what fun skiing and traveling provides them with.
Follow some of the world’s finest female athletes on a journey that takes them from the slopes of a volcano in Hawaii to the white-knuckle ride down an Alaskan giant, and other interesting places…
PURE is the second "Shades of Winter" movie of Austrian free skier and filmmaker Sandra Lahnsteiner. Sharing her platform with some of the best female athletes from all over the world you can again expect high performance skiing at its best. Together with directore Mario Feil and DOP Mathias Bergmann the young crew stepped it up in every single aspect of movie making. PURE will leave its footprints and get you pumped to get out and live your own adventure.
Shades of Winter
Shades of Winter features deep powder and pillows in Japan, skiing all-time conditions in the Alps, big mountain lines in Haines, AK, and the highest level of female freestyle skiing ever seen from the Nine Queens event in Austria.