Arledge Armenaki

참여 작품

An Exercise In Terror: The Making Of 'Death Spa'
Director of Photography
A documentary about the making of 'Death Spa' (1989)
An Exercise In Terror: The Making Of 'Death Spa'
A documentary about the making of 'Death Spa' (1989)
Director of Photography
The year is 1732. John Wesley, an irritatingly self-righteous instructor at Oxford is offered the chance to go to the new colony of Georgia, where he hopes to preach to the Indians. John struggles with his failure and fears and is finally experiences the peace he longed for: "I felt my heart strangely warmed." Wesley begins to preach about his experience of saving faith, but is turned out of most churches in London. Despite opposition, mob violence that seeks to break up their meetings, Wesley and his "Methodies" establish social ministries to the poor that transformed the face of England. Today, almost 75 million people worldwide trace their spiritual heritage back to John Wesley.
Auntie Lee's Meat Pies
Director of Photography
A devil-worshiping woman sends out her four beautiful nieces to lure men back to her place so they can be killed, ground up and sold as meat pies.
공포의 헬스 크럽
Director of Photography
헬스 클럽을 경영하고 있는 이혼남 마이클(Michael: 윌리암 부미러 분)의 애인인 로라(Laura: 브렌다 브케 분)는 헬스 클럽에서 운동을 하다가 사우나실에 들어가 있는데 갑자기 뜨거운 열기가 나와서 죽을 뻔한 위기를 모면한다. 이 연락을 받은 마이클은 병원으로 뛰어가고, 경찰에도 알리지만 원인은 알 길 없다. 그 후에도 계속 사고를 유발한 살인이 연속적으로 일어나고 여러명이 죽어간다. 마이클은 이 일이 있은 다음부터 계속 악몽을 꾼다. 휠체어가 등장을 하고 그 위에 로라가 불타고 있는 장면이 항상 보인다. 그리고 불안해진 마이클은 심령학하는 사람을 찾아가서 그에게 도움을 요청한다. 그가 헬스크럽 곳곳을 돌아다니다가 지하실에서 심령이 있는것을 느꼈으나 그곳에서 그들에게 죽음을 당한다.
Club Fed
Director of Photography
A powerful gangster is murdered. However, All of his holdings were in his girlfriend's name. So she is charged and sent to a minimum-security prison, where all of the prisoners are filthy rich. There she meets and falls in love with an undercover FBI agent.
Crack House
Director of Photography
Rick and Melissa are a pair of young lovers hoping to get out of the slums for good and escape the poverty and crime their families and friends have gotten involved in. All this comes to an end when Rick feels he must rejoin his old gang to avenge the killing of his brother by a rival gang. In the course of getting even, Rick is arrested, leaving Melissa without anyone to protect her. She falls in with a crack dealer and quickly becomes addicted to the drug. When she gets sold to a drug kingpin by a minor dealer to pay off a debt, only Rick can save her.
Dennis the Menace
Director of Photography
While digging in his front garden, Dennis finds a big bone. To prove it's from a dinosaur, he persuades his father to invite an old buddy of him, Bowen Skyler III, who's a famous 'dinosaur hunter'. Being desperate for publicity, Skyler informs press and television... and starts a paleontologic dig in their front garden.
Crime Killer
Director of Photography
Zeus is all business. A no-frills hard-nosed CIA agent under normal circumstances... a furious, unrelenting crime killer when rubbed the wrong way. Forced into an early retirement for a bit of overly - destructive police work, Zeus must sit by and watch as a crime syndicate wages war against drug enforcement agents and makes a laughing stock of the intelligence community. Only one man can turn the tables in this unholy war. The FBI enlists Zeus as an undercover agent. Only this time, he is given free rein to use any and all methods at his disposal. Like a man possessed, Zeus throws his entire arsenal of wit, weaponry and vengeance into his job.
The Slayer
Second Unit Director of Photography
Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings.
The Slayer
Camera Operator
Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings.