Two University of Virginia workers share a drink and conversation at a local nightclub. One worker is a phlebotomist and the other is a former EKG technician who has relocated from New Mexico and works now in the university cafeteria.Starring Ricky Goldman and Richard Cooper. Inspired by the 1973 film "The Mack" starring Max Julian and Richard Pryor.
Two University of Virginia workers share a drink and conversation at a local nightclub. One worker is a phlebotomist and the other is a former EKG technician who has relocated from New Mexico and works now in the university cafeteria.Starring Ricky Goldman and Richard Cooper. Inspired by the 1973 film "The Mack" starring Max Julian and Richard Pryor.
Two University of Virginia workers share a drink and conversation at a local nightclub. One worker is a phlebotomist and the other is a former EKG technician who has relocated from New Mexico and works now in the university cafeteria.Starring Ricky Goldman and Richard Cooper. Inspired by the 1973 film "The Mack" starring Max Julian and Richard Pryor.
Set in Charlottesville during the early 1990s, "Pride" follows an aspiring writer as she finalises stories for the latest issue of "Pride", a student run newspaper at the University of Virginia. Over a hectic two-day period, she puts the finishing touches on the upcoming issue. Despite the looming deadline, she moves with a calm confidence.
A new film by Kevin Jerome Everson and Claudrena N. Harold. Part of the Black Fire UVA series.
버지니아대학 캠퍼스의 유명했던 만남의 장소를 학생들이 다시 찾아간다 소중하고 초월적인 소통의 공간에서 젊은이들은 음악을 듣고 정치를 논하고 춤을 추고 이성을 유혹하는 등 자신들의 삶을 충만하게 살아갔다 이 영화는 1980 90년대 버지니아대학 흑인 학생들이 모이던 비공식적이나 상징적 장소였던 블랙 버스 스톱에 찬사를 보내는 작품이다 찬란한 달빛 아래 흑인 남학생과 여학생들 이 신성한 장소로 집결하고 과거의 추억과 리듬에 몸을 맡긴다
버지니아대학 캠퍼스의 유명했던 만남의 장소를 학생들이 다시 찾아간다 소중하고 초월적인 소통의 공간에서 젊은이들은 음악을 듣고 정치를 논하고 춤을 추고 이성을 유혹하는 등 자신들의 삶을 충만하게 살아갔다 이 영화는 1980 90년대 버지니아대학 흑인 학생들이 모이던 비공식적이나 상징적 장소였던 블랙 버스 스톱에 찬사를 보내는 작품이다 찬란한 달빛 아래 흑인 남학생과 여학생들 이 신성한 장소로 집결하고 과거의 추억과 리듬에 몸을 맡긴다
How Can I Ever Be Late takes the tarmac arrival of Sly and the Family Stone as a point of departure: African American students of the University of Virginia greet the band at the airport in 1973.
Two University of Virginia grapplers take instructions.
Historical reenactments of athletes performing various sports at the University of Virginia are seen as Kent Merritt, one of the first African American scholarship athletes at the university reflects on his experience.
We Demand revisits a ten-day period of unprecedented student upheaval at the University of Virginia in 1970, during the height of the anti-Vietnam War movement. The film reenacts the delivery of two sets of demands regarding action to be taken on campus and in the wider political sphere, spoken by budding activist James R. Roebuck, the first African American president of UVA’s Student Council.
We Demand revisits a ten-day period of unprecedented student upheaval at the University of Virginia in 1970, during the height of the anti-Vietnam War movement. The film reenacts the delivery of two sets of demands regarding action to be taken on campus and in the wider political sphere, spoken by budding activist James R. Roebuck, the first African American president of UVA’s Student Council.
"A 16mm cinematic exploration of African American intellectual, social, and political life at the University of Virginia during the 1970s. Conceived and written by UVA History Professor and author Claudrena Harold and directed by Harold and UVA Professor of Art, filmmaker/artist Kevin Jerome Everson, the film stars Erin Stewart (the bank teller/race driver in Everson's 2006 feature film "Cinnamon") as Vivian Gordon (the director of UVA's Black Studies program between 1975 and 1980). The film tells the story of African-American women and men who through their public and private gestures sought to create a beloved community that thrived on intellectual exchange, self-critique, and human warmth." - Trilobite-Arts-DAC, Claudrena Harold, Picture Palace Pictures