William Sanders

참여 작품

컬러 오브 러브
Dr. George Sadler
갑자기 실직한 도서관 사서 테일러 해리스는 고향 몬태나의 작은 마을로 돌아온다. 그곳에서 조그마한 호텔을 운영하는 테일러의 동생은 자신의 호텔을 사들여 뜯어고치려는 거물 조엘 시핸에게 맞서 호텔을 지키려 하고, 테일러 역시 동생을 돕는다. 그런데 테일러가 조엘에게 마음을 빼앗기면서 상황이 복잡해진다.
Willy et le vieux soupirant
Willie loved his mother. Yes, and he was selfish about it, too. He didn't want a new father and when the old Baron Anatole called lo pay attention to Mrs. Darfeuil, Willie made it most interesting for him. The cute little fellow was original in his methods and the thorough manner in which he demonstrated his dislike for the Baron is certainly amusing. The youngster who plays Willie, is a very clever little performer and the comedy situations are handled in such a laughable manner that the subject is indeed an enjoyable one.
Willy and the Conjuror
Willy wasnt very proud when he arrived home, for once again he was at the bottom of his class. As punishment his parents informed him that he would not be allowed to see the Conjuror...
Willie, King of Janitors
A little boy, left in charge of a Parisian apartment building, goes on a murderous rampage.