Bertrand Chénier

참여 작품

14 Days, 12 Nights
Original Music Composer
Isabelle Brodeur embarks on a journey to Vietnam, her adopted daughter’s birthplace. Throughout this stunningly beautiful journey, Isabelle discovers her daughter’s country through the eyes of the woman who brought her into this word.
내 어머니의 편지
개인적이고 시적인 이 영화에서 Serge Giguère는 돌아가신 어머니가 그와 그의 15명의 형제 자매들에게 쓴 100통의 편지를 자세히 들여다본다. 그 중에는 어머니가 가족 목공 사업을 운영하는 것을 돕는 동시에 퀘벡 주 시골에서 자신의 아이들을 길르면서 겪은 시행 착오들이 적혀있다. 감독은 가족 사진과 무대 재현과 같이 창의적이고 재미 있는 방법을 통해 이야기를 보다 생생하게 전달한다. 그러던 중 그는, 자신과 형제들에 대한 어머니가 차마 하지 어려웠던 이야기를 처음 듣게 된다. 이 얽힌 이야기들을 통해, 영화는 어머니의 자식에 대한 복잡한 사랑 뿐 아니라 1950년대 노동자 계층으로써의 퀘벡 주를 보여준다
The Pond Inlet Inuit in Nunavut live with the memory of a tragedy: in 1943, 25 people –over half the population of the community – died within the span of a few days. This personal and intimate documentary brings us into homes and lives of Ruth and Elisapie, two survivors of this tragedy.
The Diary of a Volunteer
Original Music Composer
Jean-Marc Phaneuf, an unmarried electrical engineer, travels to Burundi as a volunteer for the NGO Radio du Monde. He finds a country ruined by grinding poverty, famine, war, disease and appalling social inequality. At the same time, he meets a joyful, brave people hungry for happiness, knowledge and human dignity. The camera that becomes his personal diary also helps Jean-Marc expose the shaky, ineffective workings of NGOs. His investigations turn up a few praiseworthy examples of international cooperation, but on the whole he finds himself drawn to a terrible, inescapable conclusion: humanitarian aid is a utopian mirage. After falling victim to an attack and losing whatever ideals he still had, Jean-Marc becomes entangled in an impossible relationship. He is ultimately forced to leave Africa in disgrace.
Love & Savagery
Original Music Composer
In 1969, a visiting geologist from Newfoundland arouses scandal in a small Irish village when he romances a local girl who’s destined for the convent.
The Escort
In this melodramatic French Canadian comedy-drama, a sexy male escort sashays into the living room and life of a gay man and proves to be the catalyst for turmoil. Until Steve showed up to strip as a birthday present, the life of lovers Jean-Marc and Phillipe had settled into a comfortable but passionless rut. Jean-Marc is alone at the time and has sex with Steve. Later that night, Steve tries to change a light bulb and falls, causing his friends to jump to the conclusion that he tried to kill himself. Soon Phillipe too gets involved with Steve. Finding Steve a tonic to his doldrums, Phillipe begins pursuing a real relationship with him. Steve then proves to be a troubled character who is involved secretly with another man who has been diagnosed with HIV. The problem stems from the fact that the mystery lover is none other than Phillipe's dearest friend. Matters are complicated by Nathalie -- who secretly loves Phillipe -- and by his recently divorced mother.
Les Galeries Wilderton
Sound Mixer
Les Galeries Wilderton