Ivica Pajer

참여 작품

The Other Side of Welles
Film The Other Side of Welles portrays the life, work and intellectual heritage of Orson Welles in Yugoslavian federal unit "Socialist Republic of Croatia". Through the period of 25 years, he appeared as actor in several co productions made in Croatia (David and Goliath, Tartars, Austerlitz) - acted in few Yugoslavian film (Battle of Neretva, The Secret of Nicola Tesla) and directed two of his own film: The Trial and The Deep. As a Hollywood maverick, in Croatia he often found his shelter. Through the never before seen archive materials and the interviews with the people who worked with him, directors of this film, in the 90th anniversary of his birth and 20th of his passing, reveal the other side of Orson Welles
The Queen of Hearts
It was only a card game in the beginning, but then it turned out to be a crime thriller. Frank is a man who works in a printing shop, and whose life was paid a visit by an uninvited man. Then he tries to take his wife and 8-year-old daughter to the island of Corsica, but the uninvited man shows up there as well...
Based on the famous novel of Milos Crnjanski, the story follows Serbian migrations from the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the XVIII century.
소피의 선택
Sophie's Father
시골출신의 소설지망생 스팅고(피터 맥니콜)는 브루클린에서 값이 싼 집을 얻어 들어갔다가 옆집에 사는 생물학자 부부를 알게 된다. 네이단(케빈 클린)과 소피 부부와 친해진 스팅고는 소피(메릴 스트립)가 유태인 학살현장에서 살아왔다는 사실을 알게 되고 그녀에게서 이야기를 듣게 된다. 소피는 아버지와 남편을 잃고, 애인이 레지스탕스였다는 이유로 아우슈비츠로 보내진다. 수용소로 가는 도중 독일장교가 소피의 미모에 반해 그녀의 아이 둘 중에 하나만을 살려주겠다고 한다. 소피는 궁지에 몰린 상황에서 아들을 선택하여 살려낸다. 딸을 저버린 모정으로 그녀는 있는 힘을 다해 살아남고자 하고 수용소에 있는 아들을 구해내고자 한다. 하지만 아들을 찾지 못하고 전쟁은 끝난다. 미국에 와서 네이단을 만난 소피는 그와 살지만 네이단은 정신이상증세를 가지고 있다. 스팅고는 소피의 과거를 듣고 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 소피에게 사랑을 고백하고 그들은 함께 떠나지만...
The Trojan Horse
Domobranski časnik Juvega
During the WWII, the communist resistance, with the help of a few local anti-fascists, makes sabotage and obstructs the actions of the Yugoslav quislings.
The Man to Kill
Ruski knez
After the murder of the Russian Emperor Peter III, who was succeeded by Empress Catherine, Satan decides that the balance between good and evil on Earth has been destabilized. In order to set things right, he sends his representative to Earth - the teacher Farfa, who bears an unusual resemblance to Peter III. His mission is to seize power from the old Duke of Montenegro, and then to take back the Russian throne as Peter III. The people of Montenegro accept Farfa as their new leader, and he proclaims himself the new Emperor, Scepan Mali, successfully resisting an invasion by the Turks. Farfa is touched by the Montenegrins' kindness and courage, falls in love with the beautiful Elfa, and fails to follow Satan's plan. Not one to be crossed, Satan sets out to kill him.
Devil's Island
Partizanski komandant
After Italian capitulation in WW2, German forces are rushing to take control of the Dalmatian coast, forcing thousands of people to take refuge. One partisan boat, filled with refugees, tries to reach a safe area, but because of a storm it must stop near a small island. While the crew tries to repair it, a German gunboat comes from nearby.
Occupation in 26 Pictures
Set in Dubrovnik, this drama chronicles a friendship between three men, that began just before World War II. One of the men is of Italian origin, another is the wealthy heir of a shipping fortune, and the third is the son of a Jewish antique-store owner. Before the war, they are fast friends, enjoying one another's company at carnivals and at a private fencing club. However, when the war comes, the Italians and Germans move in to create the Independent State of Croatia. The Italian friend becomes a fascist and courts and marries the sister of his rich friend. Soon enough, atrocities are being committed, and anyone suspected of Jewish or Serbian parentage or anti-fascist leanings, is killed.
The Last Mission of Demolitions Man Cloud
The Spanish Civil War veteran and WW2 partisan Josip Crnković-Cloud faces eviction from his modest little house which is to be demolished soon to make space for new skyscraper. He tries to stop it in a legal way, but fails to break the shield of administrative bureaucreacy. He decides to use dynamite left from the war and simply blow out the house.
Fliers of the Open Skies
Poetic parable of children in war and their sacrifice.
사적 악, 공적 미덕
The setting is a Central European kingdom, near the turn of the century. Bored by his very proper wife, the youthful heir to the throne spends his time in amorous dalliances at a sprawling country estate. His wife departs at the arrival of his friends, and they organize a celebration which becomes a wild orgy and culminates in death and tragedy.
Little Mother
Marina Pinares, the wife of the president of a South American country, insists on being his vice-presidential running mate in the next election. She's no stranger to assassination to get what she wants, so some suspect she'll kill her own husband after the election to become president. In a series of flashbacks we see her rise to power: a party girl willing to sacrifice a friend's virtue to gain favor; the lover of a soldier she later tortures; the mistress of the military man she soon marries.
The Stone Forest
The god Wotan gives the young Prince Sigmund of Valhalla and his sister Brunhilde, the leader of the Valkyries, the task of defending the Petrified Forest. This is threatened by the Vikings (led by the aggressive Hunding), who plans an invasion of the forest in search of the secret treasure of the Nibelung, the possession of which gives one unlimited power. After crossing the border and invading Valhalla, Hunding finds an ally in the daughter of one of Sigmund's loyal followers, Erika, who is embittered by unrequited love. She helps the Vikings raid the camp of the Valhalla residents and kill many warriors. Sigmund swears vengeance and pursues them with the remaining men. However, thanks to other traitors in Sigmund's ranks, Hunding succeeds in capturing him and his fiancée Siglinde, Erika's sister. At the end, Sigmund escapes and, with the help of the Valkiries, succeeds in stopping the invaders and defeating Hunding in a duel.
Caesar The Conqueror
Claudius Valerian
In 54 B.C. Julius Caesar seeks to solidify his position in Rome by putting down a rebellion in Gaul led by a tribal chieftain named Vercingetorix. Vercingetorix has rallied many tribes to his cause, including one led by the beautiful Queen Asterix and others who'd once pledged allegiance to Rome.
Quest for the Dragon
Two illegal fighters hide from Ustasha regime in the abandoned villa from which Jews are expelled. Tensions arising from their situation mixes with thoughts of the previous owners of the place.
David and Goliath
When the Philistines attack, the Israelites are hopeless against the fierce giant Goliath and don't know what to do. King Saul takes the advice of the prophets and sends an adolescent shepherd, David, into battle to conquer the oversized Philistine. David is victorious and becomes the King of Israel.
Nights of the Teddy Boys
An Italian drama directed by Leopoldo Savona.
Train without a Timetable
The story about colonization of poor Dalmatian peasants to the fertile Pannonian plain shortly after WWII.
The Year Long Road
Italian director Giueseppe DeSantis was the creative force behind this Yugoslavian "slice of life" drama. The title translates as The Year-Long Road; accordingly, the plot concerns a joint, voluntary effort between Italy and Yugoslavia to construct a highway along the countries' Naturally, this animosity wreaks havoc on the various Romeo-Juliet romances in the region. All is resolved when oil is discovered on one of the islands. An American oil company is finally able to establish détente between the warring factions, smoothing the path for the long-delayed marriages of three young couples.