Project Manager
Covers the rise of the Swedish IT sector in the 90s and how the industry kept growing despite the bubble bursting.
Project Manager
The Swedish elementary and secondary school is one of the world's most market liberal. How did we get there? Who took those decisions? This is the story of how parts of the Swedish school system got outsourced.
Production Manager
"The Power and the Truth" - depicts the Geijer-affair or the Brothel-affair in 1977 where journalist Peter Bratt was forced to publish an apology in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter even though it turned out that everything he had previously written in the case was true. The Swedish Minister of Justice Lennart Geijer was accused of using under age escort girls provided by the Madam Doris Hopp in Stockholm. Geijer denied the charges..
입원 중인 뉴먼 경감이 깊은밤에 누군가에 의해서 피살되었다. 뉴먼 경감은 일부 자기동료로 부터는 남자다운 경찰관으로서 존경을 받았고 상사로부터의 신뢰도 두터웠다. 그러나 그는 법과 질서를 수행하는데 있어서 시민에 대해서는 공포와 증오의 대상이 되었다. 가정에서는 인자한 남편인 동시에 아버지이기도 한 뉴먼은 권력의 집행자가 되었을때 마치 힘없는 양을 습격하는 늑대가 되어서 범인이외의 사라마에게도 가차없는 처벌을 가했다.