Gale Harold

Gale Harold

출생 : 1969-07-10, Decatur - Georgia - USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Gale Morgan Harold III (born July 10, 1969) is an American actor best known for his roles on Queer as Folk, Desperate Housewives and Hellcats.

프로필 사진

Gale Harold
Gale Harold

참여 작품

Executive Producer
A young girl recounts growing up in San Francisco in the '70s and '80s with her bisexual dad, activist and author Steve Abbott.
To the End
Executive Producer
The world is in crisis as it misses target after target to stop climate change. The Green New Deal has captured the imagination of millions with its visionary promise for systemic economic and environmental change that will build a better and more just world. In this moment of political upheaval with clashes in the streets and the halls of Congress, climate policy is taking center stage for the first time in American history, and the fight is on.
안드론: 블랙 라비린스
완벽히 통제된 미래 사회 10명의 남녀가 거대한 미로, 안드론에서 깨어난다 코드를 해독하고, 시그널을 읽고, 장애물을 뚫어라! 그리고 살아 있는 미로를 탈출하라! 단 한 사람만 살아남는다!
Kiss Me, Kill Me
While confronting his unfaithful boyfriend, Dusty blacks-out. When he comes to, his boyfriend has been murdered and he's the prime suspect.
필드 오브 로스트 슈즈
Major Charles Semple
버지니아주 군사학교에서 전쟁의 포화를 피해 있던 소년병들이 직접 전투에 나서며 어른들의 끔찍한 싸움에 뛰어 들어야 하는 운명에 맞닥뜨리게 된다. 링컨 대통령에게 새로 임명 받은 율리시스 S 그랜트 장군은, 남부의 곡창지대인 섀넌도우 계곡으로 대군을 이끌고 전진한다. 큰 어려움에 직면한 버지니아 주 군사학교의 교장은 결국 어린 생도들을 죽음의 전쟁터로 보내게 되는데.. 그들의 운명은 과연 어떻게 될 것인가!
에코 파크
Desperate to jar herself from the rich tedium of picture-perfect Beverly Hills, Sophie moves across town to another world: Echo Park. She quickly strikes up an unexpected connection with Alex, a handsome neighbor and British expat who is reluctantly selling his beloved home to move back to London. As the summer passes, a romance driven by uncertainty compels them to reassess where each belongs.
The Spirit Game
In the mid-nineteenth century, three sisters astonished the world with their ability to talk to the dead. But what began as a clever prank to gain fortune and fame, soon spiraled beyond anything they could have ever predicted. Based on the true story of The Fox Sisters.
퍼틀 그라운드
Nate Weaver
의상 디자이너인 ‘에밀리’는 화가인 남편 ‘네이트’와 행복한 결혼생활을 하고 있다. 그러던 중 ‘에밀리’는 기다리던 임신을 하게 되고 이를 자축하기 위해 친구들을 집에 초대하여 조촐한 파티를 연다. 이 자리에서 딸을 임신했음을 공개하고 친구들의 축하를 받게 되지만 ‘에밀리’는 갑작스런 하혈을 하게 되고 충격적인 유산을 경험하게 된다. 그 후 ‘네이트’는 유산으로 인해 충격에 빠진 ‘에밀리’를 데리고 19세기경에 지어졌다는 전원 주택으로 이사하게 되고 부부는 이 곳에서 새로운 출발을 결심한다. 한적하고 평화로운 전원생활은 ‘에밀리’의 마음을 안정시키는데 큰 도움이 되어 점차 활기를 되찾게 된다, 그러던 어느 날, ‘에밀리’는 우연히 지하창고에서 전원 주택의 주인이었던 ‘윌리엄’과 ‘메리’의 물건들을 발견하게 되고 이들의 결혼날짜가 자신들과 같다는 사실과 사진 속 ‘윌리엄’의 모습이 남편 ‘네이트’와 너무나 닮아 있다는 것에 놀라게 되지만 우연의 일치라 생각하고 넘긴다. 그 후, ‘에밀리’는 점차 각종 환영에 시달리게 되고 급기야 하수관 공사 도중 사람의 해골이 발견되자 ‘에밀리’는 극도의 불안감을 느끼게 되고, 그녀는 그 지역 역사학자인 ‘에이버리’를 찾아가 전원 주택에 얽힌 충격적인 이야기들을 듣게 되는데...
Low Fidelity
A dramedy about relationships and fidelity, or the lack thereof. A group of old high school friends, now in their late thirties, get together for the weekend to celebrate the 4th of July, for better or for worse.
Passenger Side
Two brothers spend the day driving around Los Angeles county looking for the meaning of their lives, or cheap street drugs, depending on who you happen to believe.
Scott Walker: 30 Century Man
Associate Producer
A documentary on the influential musician Scott Walker.
이스트 브로드웨이
Grace is a Chinese American who longs to be a part of New York's high society. At a socialite event, she is mistaken for a Hong Kong heiress and meets her Prince Charming. Nothing is as it seems absorbing drama. What will happen to this Cinderella when the clock strikes midnight?
Martha behind Bars
Peter Bacanovic
Dramatized film of Martha Stewart's recent trial, and her subsequent five-month prison sentence.
The Unseen
Set in small-town rural Georgia, a man returns to his hometown to face the deep-rooted racial tensions of a deep southern town that ages, but never changes.
Fathers and Sons
Intertwined tales of three families who grow up on the same street, focusing on the relationship of fathers and sons. The first section features Anthony and Jenny and traces the father-son bond that develops between Anthony and his newborn son over 30 years. The second story centers on the affairs of an airline pilot who shares a house but not a life with his wife. He crosses paths with an unusual woman and spends an extraordinary night with his son. The final chapter follows the homecoming of Elliot to his estranged family. As his father dies, Elliot meets and falls in love with a woman who sees past his tough-guy exterior.
Rhinoceros Eyes
Detective Phil Barbara
Rhinoceros Eyes is a fantastical coming-of-age story revolving around Chep, a young, reclusive prop-house employee who falls in love with a detail-obsessed movie production designer named Fran. Fran's need for authentic props sends Chep to great and questionable lengths as he tries to satisfy her requests, and ultimately... win her heart.
Kyle Riven
The fateful reunion of four brothers quickly dissolves into a night of drinking, deceit, perversions, and death. They don't realize until it is too late that the party they are having is, in fact, a wake.
Particles of Truth
Morrison Wiley
Life, love, and the fear of failing... Lilli Black, battling her painful memories and the secrets surrounding her dying father, collides into the complicated and obsessive life of Morrison Wiley on the streets of New York City. This peculiar love story exposes Lilli's internal bouts and her nightmarish "bad luck". We weave in and out of eight defective lives and go for a turbulent mental ride where Lilli's reality spirals out of control and we're lead to an unforgettable climax where some fall apart and some piece themselves together.