Juhan Ulfsak
출생 : 1973-04-18, Tallinn, Estonia
Juhan Ulfsak (born 18 April 1973 in Tallinn) is an Estonian actor.
In 1995, he graduated as an actor from the Viljandi Culture College (where he later worked as a drama teacher), while simultaneously improving his skills at the Helsinki Theater College. Since 1998, an actor at the Von Krahl Theater. Over the years, he has worked with many different directors and theater troupes in Estonia and abroad. Received several awards as an actor (Estonian Theater Awards Best Actor Award 2012 and others).
He is also a recognized film actor, having played in the films of, for example, Veiko Õunpuu, Rainer Sarnet, Pirjo Honkasalo, Christopher Nolan ("Tenet", 2020). As a director, Juhan Ulfsak has done important works at the Von Krahl Theater, the NO99 Theater and the Drama Theater, interpreting the works of Lars von Trier, Sarah Kane, Taavi Eelmaa and Michel Houellebecq.
Juhan Ulfsak's father is actor and director Lembit Ulfsak, and his half-sister is film journalist Maria Ulfsak.
After 27-year-old Karmen's father dies, the security structures of her previous life start falling apart, as her relationship with her half-brother Viktor also deteriorates, and she faces the darkness and emptiness of the universe.
Erik is convinced he has a stone for a heart. That’s why he doesn’t mind that his parents have no time for him, or that he is bullied at school, or that he has no real friends. When his family moves to a villa they inherited, he is confronted by Maria whom Erik's parents want to kick out along with her father. Maria refuses to move and promises to make Erik's life a living hell. As a last attempt to defeat Erik, Maria goes to look for her mother who disappeared two years ago. Together they end up on a fantastical journey to the In-Between-World and Erik learns how hard it really is to wear a heart of stone.
It is 1991 in Latvia and nineteen-year-old aspiring cinematographer Jazis’s whole world is thrown into chaos as he is dragged into the people’s peaceful protests against the Soviet Army’s attempted takeover of power in his country.
Leonid Titov
대통령궁이 공격당했다! 독립기념일 만찬 중인 대통령궁. 무장 테러리스트들이 습격해 점령하고 대통령과 각국 외교관을 인질로 협상조건을 내민다. 일급비밀 EU특수팀의 진압작전이 시작되고 놈들은 대통령을 납치해 공항으로 탈출하는데… 대통령을 구출하라! 끝까지 추격해서 모두 제거한다!
When love is the greatest torment, will art or play save you? A dramatic documentary about author Vaino Vahing.
Tundra of Lapland, Finland. Rupi, a young man who fills his days dealing and drinking, works in a mine hoping to raise enough money to escape the desolate village where he lives.
주도자는 미국의 한 요원으로 우크라이나 국립 오페라 극장의 한 사건에 투입되었다가 우크라이나 요원들에게 붙잡히게 되고 고문을 받지만 CIA가 준 자살 약을 먹고 자살을 택하게 된다. 그러나 이내 다시 눈을 뜬 주인공은 의문의 한 남자로부터 임무를 부여받는다. 그가 주도자에게 줄 수 있는 건 하나의 제스처와 하나의 단어 뿐. 시간의 흐름을 뒤집는 인버전을 통해 현재와 미래를 오가며 세상을 파괴하려는 사토르를 막기 위해 투입된 작전의 주도자는 인버전에 대한 정보를 가진 닐과 미술품 감정사이자 사토르에 대한 복수심이 가득한 그의 아내 캣과 협력해 미래의 공격에 맞서 제3차 세계대전을 막아야 한다.
Tõnu (segment "Virago")
Five fresh short films on the theme "With the best intentions" from even fresher Estonian directors.
10년 넘게 예술계를 벗어나 외딴 시골에서 살고 있는 헬렌. 어느 날 젊은 예술가 에이나르를 만나고 싹트는 사랑 속 감정의 변화를 겪으며 그녀의 예술성은 점점 더 무르익기 시작하는데… ‘핀란드의 뭉크’로 불리는 북유럽 대표 화가 헬렌 쉐르벡의 삶이 최초로 공개된다!
A man falls off a roof. Another one drowns. Another catches fire. Wherever you look, men are dropping like flies. “May God rest their souls,” sigh the widows as they cross themselves somberly. This is the life and the death of the men in Virago—a village where for centuries no man has lived long enough to see his fortieth birthday. Until today.
A 10-year old girl's Christmas plans take an unexpected turn after she is brought to a mysterious Estonian farm.
Paul Varik
1950년대 에스토니아, 수용소로 간 엄마를 기다리는 여섯 살 ‘렐로'는 엄마와의 약속대로 착한 아이가 되기 위해 빨간 스카프를 두른 '소년단’이 되기로 결심한다. 한편, '렐로'는 자꾸만 집으로 찾아오는 검은 옷을 입은 어른들에게 왜 아빠의 자랑스러운 스포츠 메달을 비밀로 해야 하는지 궁금하기만 한데... '렐로'가 씩씩한 소년단이 되면, 엄마가 입학식 전까지 집으로 돌아올까?
Aleksander Kross (Virgin)
The film consists of three chapters. The Manslayer takes place more than a hundred years ago. The leading character Maara is a young bride who is about to start her life in her new family. The Virgin, set in the spring of 1949, tells the story of a young woman called Elina, who has been deported from Ingria into Estonia during the previous war. The Shadow moves in the present, on the border of real life and fantasy. The main character, Luna Lee, has decided to flee from home. Is there anything besides emptiness somewhere? The film is led by the singularity of the leading character - Maara, Elina and Luna Lee are all played by the same actress.
Miami is the story of two sisters who have grown up separately. The older sister, Angela, is an exotic dancer with her own touring dance group. The younger, Anna, on the threshold of adulthood, lives in a small town working in sales. When their father dies, Anna looks for and finds Angela. The fascinating, high-strung Angela asks the timid Anna to accompany her on tour and, before long, trouble from Angela’s past catches up to them and the sisters’ love is put to the test.
A young man tries to make sense of the world in the summer heat of late nineties Estonia.
Two men on the run cause chaos in a small community that is on the brink of getting swallowed by war.
는 헬싱키 슬럼가에 사는 소년 시모의 악몽 같은 오디세이를 따라간다. 시모는 교도소에 가야 하는 문제아 형 일카와 마지막 밤을 보내면서 낯선 상황들을 목격하고 급기야 충동적으로 끔찍한 사건을 저지른다. 거대한 혼란의 소용돌이를 일으키는 순간 시모는 잃어버렸던 정체성, 자신의 진짜 얼굴을 보게 된다.
이 영화는 한 세대가 다음 세대의 삶을 어떤 방식으로 일그러뜨리는가를 보여주는 성장영화로 불우한 환경에 놓인 소년의 내면을 따라 미성숙한 존재의 불안과 공포, 다중정체성이라는 주제를 탐구한다.시모의 일탈행위는 『이방인』의 뫼르소가 그랬던 것처럼 돌연하고 부조리하다. 무력하고 예측 불가능한 시모의 상태는 콘크리트 정글과 같은 헬싱키의 자화상이다. 에는 초현실주의적 이야기와 흑백의 자연주의가 기이하게 공존한다. 와이드스크린 포맷의 흑백 촬영은 시적인 이미지의 향연으로 이루어진 영화의 백미이다. 혼카살로는 흑백 시대의 향수를 살려내기에 충분한 촬영의 교본을 만들어냈다. (2014년 15회 전주국제영화제/ 장병원)
A demeaning game-show appearance, an ill-advised mushroom-picking outing that goes horribly off the rails, inquiries from a cynical reporter — things just keep getting worse for the middle-aged politician at the centre of Estonian director Toomas Hussar's satire about a shallow, fame-obsessed post-Cold War culture.
Five stories and many more lives that are affected, they flow by each other and sometimes intersect. In one way or other we talk about emotional scars that each of us carries around. Events take place in a space of a few days as our heroes try to cope with their past and move on with their lives.
A story of a naive man, whose direct behavior stirs in people moral unrest, rage and embarrassment over their own pettiness, making them yearn for goodness. Based on the book by F. Dostojevski.
Taxi Driver
During an election campaign, a large sum of money goes missing at an Estonian politician's home party. The story involves some party guests who have serious money problems and are trying to come to terms with past mistakes. However, the self-confident politician strangely does not turn to the police, but begins to demand his justice by force.
It's the early 90's. A new currency is in circulation in Estonia - the kroon. The former federal republic has become a world leader in non-ferrous metal exports. There is a relentless struggle around this criminal business. It brings new victims every day. Estonia ranks first in Europe in terms of the number of killings. This is just the beginning ...
Fellow Traveller
A mid-level manager who develops an aversion to being a good person questions his morality as he faces the challenges of middle age and loses control of his life.
The young country of Estonia is dancing to the jazzy tune of the 1920's when on December 1, 1924, the capital Tallinn is overrun by members of the Comintern in an attempt to stage a Communist coup. The film follows the fates of a young soldier called Tanel and his wife, a telephone operator named Anna, amidst the ensuing chaos which determines whether the country remains independent or becomes a minor province in the Communist Empire.
Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of human companionship, of love, of a ray of light in an ocean of gray.
The well-known but out-of-luck actor Jan Uuspõld sets out to hitchhike from Tallinn through Estonia to Tartu.
Deputy #1
Ivan, a cynical journalist, is assigned to investigate mysterious events in a small town. During his first night, he is seduced by a strange and mysterious girl. As they embrace, she transforms into a hideous demon. Ivan fights the creature, managing to strangle it. But it is too late, Evil has been unleashed. When Ivan is charged for the brutal murder, he feels his last hope disappear. As he is overcome by the dark forces trying to pose as his soul, Ivan comes to realize that his only hope lies in his power to find the faith that he once lost
Host of Beauty Contest
A family comedy about a 7-year-old boy, who's a devoted viking fan.
Photographer / DJ / Vedamik
The 6 short films of "Tabamata ime" are based on Edward Vilde's play of the same name first published in 1912. Vilde's play is about a young piano player Leo Saalep, who returns to his homeland Estonia to give a concert, and whose alleged international breakthrough has given him the long awaited role of putting Estonian culture on the map in the eyes of the local culture elite.
A young intellectual, Mati, engineers himself into a situation where he has to spend a weekend with his wife Helina and her lover Eduard. The trio goes to Eduard's summer house, surrounded by the majestic scenery of big forests and an empty beach. Mati, either out of jealousy or pride, has decided to win back his wife and will do anything his introverted and inert mind can come up with.
Three friends return from a vacation and discover that the TV studio they work for has gone bankrupt - so they decide to start their own costume renting business.
10-year-old Martin meets a cat, who turns into a boy and helps Martin solve his problems which occurred after he changed school.
Scandalous TV journalists Rain Tolk and Ken Saan of Esto TV disguise as nationalists and infiltrate the conservative party Res Publica to expose xenophobia, racism and intolerance.
Tom's Brother
A warm movie about two boys, who discover a secret of a painting that was considered to be lost. The adventures begin, when a boss of a bunch of criminals finds out about the painting.
The protagonist of this satirical short is a photographer whose camera captures photos of people's true nature. We often have to ask ourselves whether we see the truth around us. But do we want to see it?