Hasi Chaolu

Hasi Chaolu

프로필 사진

Hasi Chaolu

참여 작품

정복의 신 징기즈칸
피의 표식을 손에 쥐고 태어난 테무진(진위정). 그는 어려서 아버지를 여의고 홀어머니 밑에서 약혼자 패이첩(임윤)과 정식으로 혼인할 날만을 손꼽아 기다린다. 그런데 혼인 당일, 지옥에서 살아온 전설 속 인물 명왕(후준)이 평화롭던 마을에 들이닥쳐 패이첩을 납치한다. 테무진은 비로소 자신의 손에 새겨진 표식의 의미를 깨닫고, 사막의 모래바람과 차디찬 설산을 넘어 민족의 운명을 건 거대한 전쟁을 통해 징기즈칸으로 거듭나는데…!
Dhondup has dedicated his whole life to the art of thangka painting. Before completing his final masterpiece, he unexpectedly discovers he will soon go blind. His son has always wanted to serve as his successor, but Dhondup refuses to accept his Westernized painting style. Frustrated with his son, Dhondup searches for his late thangka teacher’s reincarnation and identifies him as a young disabled man from the grassland who knows nothing about painting. Is he really the thangka master's reincarnation?
Life Regulation
The Old Barber
“Uncle Jing” is an old man of ninety-three who has been a barber for more than 80 years. He quietly lives on his own in the old areas of Peking which he gradually sees disappearing. Despite his age, he daily rides his bicycle to go and meet his old clients he shaves and plays cards with, while recounting the latest news and common memories. Once back home, he is obsessed with the old clock he owns since his birth, which is always 5 minutes slow. His main hope is that everyone, including himself, could leave this world the way he entered: clean and pure. He knows he may die any moment and peacefully gets ready with dignity, without disturbing anyone.
Stirring Trip to Motuo
There was a 78-year-old man in Shanghai. He wanted to spend the rest of his life to climb 100 mountains. one day, when he was in the southeastern Tibet, he found that there was a Motuo Country in China with no highway leading to it. it was a scenic spot with Menbas living there. The children there should climb over the Himalayas to go to school.... The old man was shocked to learn this. He encountered all difficulties to go there to set up a primary school. With Motuo as background,this film will you the real story...
Stirring Trip to Motuo
There was a 78-year-old man in Shanghai. He wanted to spend the rest of his life to climb 100 mountains. one day, when he was in the southeastern Tibet, he found that there was a Motuo Country in China with no highway leading to it. it was a scenic spot with Menbas living there. The children there should climb over the Himalayas to go to school.... The old man was shocked to learn this. He encountered all difficulties to go there to set up a primary school. With Motuo as background,this film will you the real story...
The Story of Zhula
Executive Producer
Zhula lives with her only son in the grasslands. One day, a man asks her to hire him. Zhula hires him but he doesn't want to tell his background.
The Story of Zhula
Zhula lives with her only son in the grasslands. One day, a man asks her to hire him. Zhula hires him but he doesn't want to tell his background.