Mariano Mendoza

Mariano Mendoza

출생 : 1968-09-17, Los Angeles, California, USA


Mariano Mendoza, a former MMA World Champion Fighter, is an American film and television actor and stunt performer.

프로필 사진

Mariano Mendoza

참여 작품

Vide Noir
Following his missing fiancée Lee across the country to a bustling, neon-lit city, Buck's only plan is to search every cocktail bar, lounge and club to find her. What follows is a series of dreamlike nighttime encounters throughout increasingly strange places. Buck’s search eventually leads to the trail of a new drug that removes the barriers of death, time, and space... and the dangerous man behind it all.
Terror Eyes
Tour Bus Driver
Terrorized at multiple stops on a road trip to Joshua Tree, three friends realize something unexpected is pulling the strings.
뎁트 콜렉터 2
Funeral Morner
환상적인 호흡을 자랑하던 최고의 수금 콤비가 다시 뭉쳤다. 1편에서 죽은 줄 알았던 수가 살아돌아와서 프렌치에게 또다시 수금 제안을 하게 되고 둘은 3건의 극한 수금 작업을 하러 간다. 근데 이번엔 미행하던 자들도 따라붙었다. 한 건씩 수금을 해치울 때마다 밝혀지는 돈의 비밀. 둘은 무사히 수금을 마치고 돈을 받을 수 있을까?
Pool Player (uncredited)
일상이 따분하고 지루한 간호사 '퀸'은 생존시간을 알려주는 어플을 무심코 다운로드 받는다. 앞으로 살 수 있는 시간이 3일 밖에 남지 않았다는 것을 알게 된 '퀸'은 어떻게든 이 상황을 빠져나가려 하는데… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 당신의 남은 생존시간을 확인하라!
3 프롬 헬
1978년도. 살인마 가족 베이비 파이어플라이(셰리 문 좀비), 오티스 파이어플라이(빌 모슬리), 스파울링(시드 헤이그) 세 악당이 경찰의 총격을 받고 체포된다. 의료진은 수 십 발의 총격으로 생존 가능성이 희박하다고 진단했으나 지옥에서 온 살인마들은 세사람 다 기적적으로 살아난다. 그들이 재판을 받게 되는데 그들을 숭앙하는 집단들이 생겨난다. 일부 사람들은 조직을 결성하고 그들의 살인은 잘못된 시스템에 대항하는 것이라고 주장한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 긴 재판 끝에 세 사람 모두 유죄 판결을 받고 사형을 선고 받았다. 특히 스파울링은 가장 먼저 치명적인 주사를 통해 처형된다. 10년 후, 파이어플라이 남매가 교도소에 복역하는 동안 오티스의 이복형 폭시 콜트레인(리차드 브레이크)은 그들을 구하기 위한 계획을 세운다. 오티스가 다른 죄수들과 함께 노역장에서 일을 하고 있을 때 폭시가 나타나 잔인하게 간수들을 죽이고 그를 탈출 시킨다. 탈출과정에서 오티스는 수감 중에 다투었던 멕시코의 악당 론도(대니 트레죠)를 총을 쏴 죽인다. 탈출 후 두 악마들의 엽기적인 살인 행각이 계속되어 그 지역 주민들이 공포에 떤다.
Avenge the Crows
Oso (as Mariano Mendoza)
A former gang member and her young cousin become embroiled in a vendetta between L.A. gangs, as rivals seek revenge for old crimes.
The Final Resolution
Chance? Coincidence? Prophecy? THE FINAL RESOLUTION is an in-depth examination of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 666 and how it parallels Revelation 13: 16-18.
Vatos Locos 2
Chicano gangster Micky Solis finds that his family has been slaughtered by the Chinese mob. His whole life force turns to finding the killers. A slick lawyer (Angus MacFadyen) leads Micky to a "nun" (Paz De La Huerta) who shows him who the killers are that took his family from him. Micky unleashes a war of bullets and emotions on the family until each one dies by the same sword they wielded. The only thought on Micky's mind is REVENGE: VENGANZA.
Peter is an aspiring comedian encouraged by his friend Ben to perform at the local comedy club. But stage fright isn’t Peter’s only fear. When confronted with one of today’s most divisive issues, he feels compelled to speak, but can he? Challenged by his coworker Diana to defend his convictions about homosexuality and gay marriage, will he have the courage to stand for what he believes—even at the risk of losing a friendship? And how will he respond when faced with a harrowing life-or-death experience? “Audacity” uses a unique approach to address a very sensitive subject in contemporary society. Regardless of your views on homosexuality, you’ll gain fresh insights and a new perspective.
스트라이크 원
Muerto O.G. #2
1년 전 감옥에서 출소한 ‘매니’는 영화배우로 새로운 삶을 꿈꾸고 출연한 영화가 유명세를 타면서 인기배우로 자리매김 한다. 조카 ‘후안’은 그런 삼촌을 우상처럼 따르며 동경하고 친구들과 일탈을 일삼으며 매니의 걱정을 산다. 그러던 중, 과거 함께 일했던 갱단으로부터 협박을 받던 매니는 결국 은행 털이 범죄를 저지르게 되고 당시 함께 있던 후안과 도주하는 과정에서 불의의 사고를 당하고 다. 매니가 사망하면서 후안은 범죄의 공범으로 지목 당하고 후안은 자신이 범죄에 가담하지 않았던 사실을 증명해야만 한다. 하지만, 과거 철없이 했던 행동들이 그에게 점점 불리하게 작용하는데...
Cage Fight
Guerrero, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, crosses the border into the United States in search of his family. After arriving in San Diego, California he meets organized crime boss Gino Santoro, who offers him lodging, a job, and help in finding his family. There is only one condition... he must fight in an underground Cage Fight tournament and only the strong will survive!
크레이지 온 더 아웃사이드
Prisoner #1
A recently paroled ex-con who has trouble adjusting to the wacky normalcy of life outside of prison. He has spent the last three years behind bars after getting caught committing a crime and taking the rap for his much more dangerous pal.
Bobby Fischer Live
Bobby fisher fan
A bio about the life of Bobby Fischer.
This is Encino
Dutch's Bodyguard #2
Things go wrong from the very beginning when a crook tries to set up a big score at the last minute.
When Artem Kolchin, Denis Nikiforov, arrives in the U.S. to fight for the championship, he soon finds himself fighting for his life after he sends a young, aggressive boxer, who provokes him into sparring, into a coma and ultimately killing him. That is when Artem finds out that the young boxer was none other than the only son of Felix Mendez, the powerful Mexican mafia kingpin, played masterfully by Victor Herminio Lopez, and when the real fight begins.
I Accidentally Domed Your Son
This offbeat dark comedy take place when four friends have a backyard bar-b-q and decide to come up on some bud. Not knowing where to turn, because the streets have been dry for a few months, they end up scoring from the son of a over protective mob figure by the name of Fredrico, who vows, if anything should happen to his son, their will be hell to pay. After a tragic accident, the four friends are on the run with only one person to turn to, Krego, Brisco's long time friend. Krego confirms to them, Fredrico is a very powerful man, and there is no escaping his fury. Their only option is to change their appearance through underground plastic surgery, which would take them on a five hundred mile road trip. Along the way, they will have to avoid Fredrico's beautiful assassin, Venus, and other unsavory characters, leaving them to ponder the question, was it just dumb luck, or was it the bud?
Taking the Westside
Model (as Mariano Mendoza)
Fifteen years is a long time to contemplate revenge -- and that's precisely how long a recently released ex-convict has had to think about the folks who landed him in the big house. Now, he's out and ready to take action.
하이랜더 3
Sword Fighter (uncredited)
16세기 스코틀랜드의 두 전사 맥클라우드(Connor MacLeod / Russell Nash: 크리스토퍼 램버트 분)와 케인(Kane: 마리오 반 피블스 분)은 숙명적인 대결을 벌려야 하는 불사신들. 둘 중의 하나는 반드시 죽어야만 된다. 맥클라우드는 고향에서 쫓겨나 세계를 떠돌아 다니던 중 깊은 동굴 속에 들어가 마법사 나카노(Nakano: 마코 분)의 제자가 된다. 케인이 그 동굴로 찾아오자 나카노는 맥클라우드를 피신시키고 케인은 나카노를 처치한 뒤 그의 마법을 독차지한다. 그리고 400년 후 뉴욕에서 두 전사는 다시 만나게 된다. 고고학자로서 나카노 동굴을 발견했던 알렉스(Alex Johnson / Sarah: 데보라 웅거 분)는 4백년전 맥클라우드를 사랑했던 사라의 분신으로 두 사람은 다시 운명적인 사랑을 나누게 된다. 악한 전사 케인은 맥클라우드의 양아들 존을 납치하여 맥클라우드를 유인하지만 치열한 칼 싸움 끝에 결국 맥클라우드의 칼에 쓰러진다.
Patient 41
A team of independent news stringers are hired by a network to cover the story of a closedown psychiatric hospital known as Residential Hills located in northern Arizona. When the group arrives at the property, they slowly realize they're not alone and discover disturbing secrets from the past and present life of the hospital.
Products of the Universe with Marsha Tanley
Products of the Universe is Marsha Tanley's television show on the LH Shopping Channel. It showcases various merchandise and is a bizarre piece of the Lord Huron world in addition to the Lord Huron albums.
A former Las Vegas Detective turned Private Investigator is tasked by an old friend to investigate money that went missing from the casinos. At the same time, he is attempting to get over pain from his past and build a relationship with a past client. He soon discovers that the case he is working on is blending into personal life. As bodies start turning up his past is slowly revealed.