Through a collection of incomplete fictions, this film portrays Delhi, India, in times of lockdown and unrest. Priya Sen constructs a kaleidoscope of resilient voices that keep the language of hatred at bay and absorb the city’s grief and euphoria.
A series of video letters composed between Nicolás Grandi in Buenos Aires and Priya Sen in New Delhi, artists and collaborators since 2011.
델리의 암베드카 나가르에서 촬영된 영화는 주인공들의 예측하기 힘든 변덕스런 사랑을 따라간다. 영화는 사회와 가족의 끈질긴 구속과 감시에서 벗어나 '자유로운 삶'을 꿈꾸는 그들의 열망을 주시한다. 그러나 사회의 구속을 거부했을 때 '자유로운 삶'에 남는 것은 사랑의 불안정에 대한 취약함이다.
Vérité documentary of a day in the life of a government-run, free dispensary in the Savda-Ghevra, Delhi’s most recent resettlement colony.
About Elsewhere seeks to foreground the impossibility of fixing notions of sexuality through ideas of 'identity' and 'language'. As the film moves through the various worlds the filmmaker inhabits, it suggests a self in constant formation; one that constructs itself from parts and places that are in themselves, fragments of memory and experience.