Tambet Tasuja

Tambet Tasuja

출생 : 1978-09-25,


Tambet Tasuja (born September 25, 1978 in Rakvere) is an Estonian film editor. In 2000, he graduated from Tallinn Pedagogical University, majoring in TV directing.

프로필 사진

Tambet Tasuja

참여 작품

Last Sentinel
After serving two years on a military outpost in the middle of an ocean – four soldiers are waiting for a new crew to replace them. When the long-awaited boat finally appears, it’s empty with no relief on board. When trying to find out what happened to the boat and the missing crew, they realize they’ve lost all communications with home. Cut off from the rest of the world and no one coming to get them, Baines, Sullivan, Cassidy and Hendrichs must fight with suspicions about each other and find a new way to get home. If home still exists.
대통령궁이 공격당했다! 독립기념일 만찬 중인 대통령궁. 무장 테러리스트들이 습격해 점령하고 대통령과 각국 외교관을 인질로 협상조건을 내민다. 일급비밀 EU특수팀의 진압작전이 시작되고 놈들은 대통령을 납치해 공항으로 탈출하는데… 대통령을 구출하라! 끝까지 추격해서 모두 제거한다!
1977년 냉전 시대의 에스토니아, 군 기지에서 복무 중이던 젊은 군인 '세르게이'는 새로 온 전투기 조종사 '로만'에게 첫눈에 이끌린다. 위태롭게 선을 넘나들던 두 남자는 모든 게 금지된 시대에 위험한 사랑을 시작한다.
Nothing Can Stop Us Now
Under-appreciated by his wife, a charismatic music producer forces his wife, his teenage daughter and his lover to live together as a family, under one roof.
진실과 정의
1872년 에스토니아, 척박한 땅에서 농장을 일구려는 남자가 고된 노동과 악의적인 이웃에 맞서 고군분투한다. 하지만 생존을 위한 그의 투쟁은 아내와 딸에 대한 외면으로 이어진다.
Take It or Leave It
One sleepy Saturday morning a 30-year-old construction worker Erik gets some earth shattering news: his ex-girlfriend Moonika who he hasn't even seen for the past six months is about to go into labor. She however is not ready for motherhood and if Erik doesn't want the kid either, the little girl will be put up for adoption.
나의 작은 동무
1950년대 에스토니아, 수용소로 간 엄마를 기다리는 여섯 살 ‘렐로'는 엄마와의 약속대로 착한 아이가 되기 위해 빨간 스카프를 두른 '소년단’이 되기로 결심한다. 한편, '렐로'는 자꾸만 집으로 찾아오는 검은 옷을 입은 어른들에게 왜 아빠의 자랑스러운 스포츠 메달을 비밀로 해야 하는지 궁금하기만 한데... '렐로'가 씩씩한 소년단이 되면, 엄마가 입학식 전까지 집으로 돌아올까?
Class Reunion 2: A Wedding and a Funeral
Class Reunion 2: A Wedding and a Funeral sees the return of the three high-school friends Mart, Andres and Toomas. This time they are planning a memorable stag party for Toomas, but due to unexpected turn of events end up at a funeral instead. It has been a year since the unforgettable class reunion and our three friends have all reached new stages in their lives. The rock star Toomas (Genka) has finally decided to get married. Mart (Mait Malmsten) is having troubles with his wife. And Andres (Ago Anderson) has declared war on the female sex and decided to become a resolute bachelor.
이터널 로드
1930년대, 냉전시대의 이념 갈등이라는 혼란에 휘말린 ‘주시 케톨라’ 소위 ‘영원한 길’이라 불리는 소비에트 국경 지역에 강제로 버려진다. 소비에트에 피랍된 ‘주시 케톨라’는 자신의 가족들에게 돌아가기 위해 그의 목숨을 건 탈출을 시도하는데…
The Dissidents
An upbeat comedy about three boys that escape from Soviet Estonia to Sweden via Finland in the 1980s to fulfill their dreams in the free world.
The Spy And The Poet
Lonely secret service officer Gustav meets a mysterious gypsy woman. It soon comes clear that it is a trap set by the Russian intelligence. Gustav is ordered to continue the relationship to get a better understanding of the enemy's plans. Unfortunately, Gustav finds himself struggling with the task, as he is falling in love with the enemy. Is there a way out of this situation?
Class Reunion
Three middle aged men are going to their high school reunion after 25 years and the troubles that come with it.
Mother is a thrilleresque story about rash decisions made in the name of dreams that will have haunting consequences for some time to come. This small town crime story in the pastel tones of modern retro offers recognition and bitter humour. The film focuses on a woman whose adult son has fallen into a coma after being shot. Taking care of him at home, she has to face a whole town trying to solve the puzzle of what exactly happened.
Ghost Mountaineer
A group of Estonian students on a winter hiking trip suddenly find themselves in the middle of bloodcurdling events in a Buryatian village. Olle, a closed off group leader disappointed in his mates, disappears in the mountains in the last day of the trip. Open-minded and adventurous Eero and the rest of the hikers are facing a situation they at first do not want to, but later can not solve. But no one is prepared for devastation seemingly conducted by the vanished group leader Olle. In strange country and amidst strange people, the group will soon find out that past actions and vengeance do not know the thin line between life and death.
나의 펜싱 선생님
2차 세계대전 이후 에스토니아는 스탈린에 의해 소련의 지배를 받게 되고 비밀경찰들로 하여금 전쟁 당시 강제로 독일군에 가담했었던 에스토니아 국민들을 처리하고자 하는데 이에 펜싱 선수인 엔델은 레닌그라드를 떠나 에스토니아의 작은 도시로 숨어들어 자신의 신분을 숨긴채 선생님이 되어 펜싱을 가르치며 벌어지는 이야기 입니다.
제2차 세계대전이 한창이던 1944년, 독일과 소련 사이에 끼어있던 에스토니아 사람들은 조금이라도 더 많은 전력을 확보하고자 하는 두 나라의 힘에 눌려 강제 징병을 당한다. 분명히 한 동포였는데도 불구하고 독일의 ‘무장 친위대’와 소련의 ‘붉은 군단’으로 나뉜 에스토니아 사람들. 총알이 빗발치는 전쟁터에서 ‘카알 토닉’은 자신과 똑 같은 이름을 갖고 있는 ‘카알’과 친구가 되지만 뒤늦게 자신들이 서로 다른 편에 서 있다는 것을 깨닫는다. 서로에게 총을 겨눌 수밖에 없는 적이 된 그들! 역사상 가장 비극적인 전투가 지금 시작된다.
The Lesson
The Lesson tells the story of Zane, a devoted teacher mentoring the senior class in a Latvian high school. She tries to live her life in the most meaningful way possible. She takes her mission as a teacher seriously, and works hard to help her students develop their talents. Even so, as a younger teacher it’s hard for Zane to keep her distance from the class – the students soon become a sort of family to her. When she realizes she’s falling in love with one of them, the others start to feel left out. She faces a stark choice between personal happiness and the pressures of society.
I Won't Come Back
Anya, a young academic raised in an orphanage, is on the cusp of success when she’s accused of drug possession. While in limbo hiding from the police, she hits the road with Kristina, another orphan several years Anya’s junior, in search of her possibly mythical grandmother.
러브 이즈 블라인드
30-year old Kertu has lived under her father's power her whole life. Because of her gentle nature, she is thought by locals to be a little simple-minded. The young woman makes her first timid attempt to change something in her life - she send a postcard to Villu, a handsome but degenerate village drunk.
The Arbiter
A brilliant but misguided man feels that he has the right to decide who is worth their place on earth.
Living Images
The main character, Helmi, is born into the house of Baron von Strandmann in Old-Town Tallinn, in 1908. The only thing that she knows for sure about her past is that her mother was an Estonian servant girl. Everything else is a discovery during a life that runs the course of a century - a life that has quite a lot of surprises in store for Helmi. In this house she finds happiness and suffering, passion and disappointment. She grows up alongside young Erik and waits for her big love to blossom. But one floor down lives projectionist Julius - a man who is far from indifferent when it comes to Helmi. All of the biggest historical events of the century leave their mark on the house. Its hardwood floors have born soldiers' gruff boots and gentleman's shiny oxfords. Its walls have held the fates of people from far and near, foreigners and locals. Helmi's home becomes a German salon, a revolution museum, and a working class commune. And as freedom comes, real estate crooks start sniffing ...
Living Images
Sailor Sidorov
The main character, Helmi, is born into the house of Baron von Strandmann in Old-Town Tallinn, in 1908. The only thing that she knows for sure about her past is that her mother was an Estonian servant girl. Everything else is a discovery during a life that runs the course of a century - a life that has quite a lot of surprises in store for Helmi. In this house she finds happiness and suffering, passion and disappointment. She grows up alongside young Erik and waits for her big love to blossom. But one floor down lives projectionist Julius - a man who is far from indifferent when it comes to Helmi. All of the biggest historical events of the century leave their mark on the house. Its hardwood floors have born soldiers' gruff boots and gentleman's shiny oxfords. Its walls have held the fates of people from far and near, foreigners and locals. Helmi's home becomes a German salon, a revolution museum, and a working class commune. And as freedom comes, real estate crooks start sniffing ...
When Joko, Ants and Reeda, all in their own good reasons, first enter a casino, they can't possibly be aware of the very existence of the demons inside them. Soon enough, they will know. But then it is already too late and their lives are suddenly caught in a fatal vortex.
A demeaning game-show appearance, an ill-advised mushroom-picking outing that goes horribly off the rails, inquiries from a cynical reporter — things just keep getting worse for the middle-aged politician at the centre of Estonian director Toomas Hussar's satire about a shallow, fame-obsessed post-Cold War culture.
People Out There
Jan, a guy in his twenties, and his friend Cracker are involved in several crimes in their neglected suburb of the city. After meeting the “golden youth” beauty Sabina, he looks for a fresh start in downtown circles, but only finds contempt. His hopes for love, compassion and opportunity are dashed by the even more ruthless rules of the bourgeois, and he comes to realize that the only one he can count on is himself.
The Idiot
A story of a naive man, whose direct behavior stirs in people moral unrest, rage and embarrassment over their own pettiness, making them yearn for goodness. Based on the book by F. Dostojevski.
Farts of Fury
Keiser, the lead singer of a former rock group won't put up with approaching old age and decides to call his old band members together. Keiser's ambition is to return to the big stage with his buddies. Despite the initial resistance of other fellows, Keiser will be successful, at least partly so. It is a fast-paced comedy full of humor and consolation, telling the story about people who despite all obstacles strive for their goal.
Rat Trap
During an election campaign, a large sum of money goes missing at an Estonian politician's home party. The story involves some party guests who have serious money problems and are trying to come to terms with past mistakes. However, the self-confident politician strangely does not turn to the police, but begins to demand his justice by force.
A Friend of Mine
Mati, a 70-year-old bibliophile, cannot cope with his wife's death. As loneliness and indifference overrun his thoughts, he contemplates suicide until he meets a younger man who sparks his interest in life.
Red Mercury
It's the early 90's. A new currency is in circulation in Estonia - the kroon. The former federal republic has become a world leader in non-ferrous metal exports. There is a relentless struggle around this criminal business. It brings new victims every day. Estonia ranks first in Europe in terms of the number of killings. This is just the beginning ...
December Heat
The young country of Estonia is dancing to the jazzy tune of the 1920's when on December 1, 1924, the capital Tallinn is overrun by members of the Comintern in an attempt to stage a Communist coup. The film follows the fates of a young soldier called Tanel and his wife, a telephone operator named Anna, amidst the ensuing chaos which determines whether the country remains independent or becomes a minor province in the Communist Empire.
Where Souls Go
A teenage girl has problems with her family and life when her little brother is born with a heart problem.
Autumn Ball
Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of human companionship, of love, of a ray of light in an ocean of gray.
The Class
An average guy of an Estonian high-school decides to defend his bullied classmate. This starts a war between him and the informal leader of the class. As teenagers' honour is a touchy thing, everything ends in bloodshed.
A rich businessman moves to countryside to give his life a meaning.
Visit of an Old Lady
As a young woman, Claire left her hometown in disgrace. Now she is old and unimaginably rich, as for the first time she returns. The town is nearly bankrupt and in urgent need of money. Everybody hopes Clara will come to the rescue. And she will. However, there is a condition: somebody must kill the man who was her lover all those years ago.
A young intellectual, Mati, engineers himself into a situation where he has to spend a weekend with his wife Helina and her lover Eduard. The trio goes to Eduard's summer house, surrounded by the majestic scenery of big forests and an empty beach. Mati, either out of jealousy or pride, has decided to win back his wife and will do anything his introverted and inert mind can come up with.
Men at Arms
A fake historic epic on the Middle Ages and Estonia's not-so-glorious past.
August 1991
August 1991, military coup d'etat in Moscow. When Soviet tanks are on the streets of Tallinn, Estonia, all hopes for independence seem to be lost. People in the only local television station, ETV, are facing their own choices.
Touched by the Unknown
Mati is an assistant in TV studio. Patiently he has waited for his time to become a TV star but seems that he has to wait forever. One day an alien called Tipp is sent on Earth (by its chief Tapp) to find out the purpose of Estonian children's TV show "Tipp and Tapp". Tipp nestles himself inside Mati's brains that leads the man to unpredictable actions.
The Curse of the Werewolf
Liina is a young actress at Vanemuise Theatre who gets Tiina's part in the new, postmodernist version of the play "Werewolf" by August Kitzberg. The theatre is haunted and the rehearsals seem to be cursed, artificial blood becomes real blood. The play won't be complete before the murder mystery is unsolved - and Liina is being taken back to the old theatre legends and intrigues of the past century.
Set Point
On one summer evening, four strangers are brought together by a mysterious murder. A case which at first seems like a regular crime investigation turns out to be something more - a tale of love, alienation and new hope.
Made in Estonia
Fantasy and reality dance a wicked tango in this quirky comedy about the misadventures of Mill and Norm, two talented radio actors in Estonia.