Anissa Matlock

Anissa Matlock

프로필 사진

Anissa Matlock

참여 작품

Faceless After Dark
Set Dresser
Following her breakout success in a killer clown horror flick, Bowie finds herself held hostage by an unhinged fan determined to recreate the film's fatal plot.
Dead by Midnight (Y2Kill)
Sequel to the 2018 horror anthology Dead by Midnight (11PM Central).
비스트 비스트
A look at the lives and trauma surrounding three people living in a southern town.
Senior Airman Parker
혜성의 지구 충돌 속보를 지켜보던 존과 가족들. 미 항공우주국(NASA)의 예측과 달리 해상으로 떨어졌어야 할 파편은 캘리포니아를 비롯해 세계 대도시로 추락해 세계는 순식간에 혼돈에 빠진다. 지구의 3/4을 날려버릴 초대형 혜성 추락까지 남은 시간은 단 48시간. 존과 가족은 지구의 유일한 안전 대피소인 ‘그린란드’의 벙커로 향하는데... 인류의 마지막 카운트다운이 시작된다!
Dead by Midnight (11PM Central)
It's Halloween at WKIZ when the malicious Mistress of Midnight arrives to host her annual horror movie marathon 'Dead by Midnight'. When the WKIZ staff begins disappearing only to turn up in the increasingly darker films, it's up to line producer Candice Spelling to stop the Mistress of Midnight before her final and most diabolical film goes to air.
Dead by Midnight (11PM Central)
It's Halloween at WKIZ when the malicious Mistress of Midnight arrives to host her annual horror movie marathon 'Dead by Midnight'. When the WKIZ staff begins disappearing only to turn up in the increasingly darker films, it's up to line producer Candice Spelling to stop the Mistress of Midnight before her final and most diabolical film goes to air.
Dead by Midnight (11PM Central)
It's Halloween at WKIZ when the malicious Mistress of Midnight arrives to host her annual horror movie marathon 'Dead by Midnight'. When the WKIZ staff begins disappearing only to turn up in the increasingly darker films, it's up to line producer Candice Spelling to stop the Mistress of Midnight before her final and most diabolical film goes to air.
Doctor's Asst.
70년대 TV 리포터 '크리스틴'(레베카 홀)의 이야기. 상사는 시청률을 위해 범죄나 자극적인 소재를 더 다루라고 압박하고, 복통으로 찾은 병원에서는 불임을 선고받는다. 우울증에 시달리는 가운데 어떻게든 성공적으로 커리어를 이어보려고 고군분투하지만 마음처럼 되지 않는다.
Intrepid Academy
Fight Choreographer
Teenage superhuman Joseph Hawk embarks on an adventure to Intrepid Academy, making many friends and enemies while he competes in the world-famous "Crucible" tournament.
Intrepid Academy
Makeup Effects
Teenage superhuman Joseph Hawk embarks on an adventure to Intrepid Academy, making many friends and enemies while he competes in the world-famous "Crucible" tournament.