Marshall Williams

Marshall Williams

출생 : 1989-07-31, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Marshall Williams (born July 31, 1989) is a Canadian actor and model. He is best known for his role as Spencer Porter on Glee, and Albert Banks in How to Build a Better Boy.

프로필 사진

Marshall Williams
Marshall Williams
Marshall Williams

참여 작품

Christmas Class Reunion
High school classmates, who once dubbed themselves the “cursed class,” reconnect at Christmas for their 15-year reunion. Over the course of their time reconnecting, the classmates challenge each other to remember who they were, who they are, and who they want to be.
Scented with Love
After training as a junior perfumer in Paris, American Rosalie fails to secure a job in France, leaving her no option but to return home to the small town she was brought up in with her sister. With a small inheritance from her late grandmother, she decides to try to rent a store to sell her own perfume. The only space available is shared with the local furniture store, owned by the previously geeky kid from school, Jason, who has now blossomed into a handsome man.
When Hope Calls Christmas
Sam Tremblay
When Harper's Bazaar chooses Brookfield to be featured for its "Country Christmas" magazine piece, the residents all band together to make the town into a Christmas wonderland. Meanwhile, old flames are fanned, new romances are sparked, and some unexpected visitors show up just in time for the holidays.
Fixing Up Christmas
Known as a “fixer” for difficult clients, a talented party planner must help a young CEO plan the Christmas party of the year to dazzle the mayor and save his company. Wil the “fixer” fix something more than just the company?
Love Strikes Twice
Rick Morgan
Maggie and Josh are an out-of-sync married couple. Maggie wishes for a do-over and wakes up 15 years earlier. Will she choose Josh again or is an ex-boyfriend her happily ever after?
아이스 로드
Mine Safety Supervisor Tully
캐나다 매니토바주, 다이아몬드 광산 폭발 사고로 갱도에 매립된 26명의 광부들. 이들을 구출할 유일한 방법은 제한시간 내 해빙에 접어든 아이스 로드를 횡단해 구조용 파이프를 운반하는 것뿐. 영하 50도에 달하는 극한의 추위와 눈 폭풍이 도사린 ‘하얀 지옥’ 위니펙 호수 위 불가능한 미션의 수행자로 선택된 전문 트러커 ‘마이크’는 대형 트레일러 3대와 구조팀을 이끌고 예측불가 위험들이 도사리고 있는 아이스 로드를 달리기 시작하는데…
팔로우 미 투 데이지 힐즈
When Jo realizes that her family's general store in Daisy Hills is losing money, her father Duke calls in a favor to help. Duke's help is Jo's ex-boyfriend, Blake, former Daisy Hills native.
Sincerely, Yours, Truly
Josh Burns
Hayley stumbles upon a bundle of letters with an engagement ring from a mysterious sender, she decides to respond to him with her own alias, and with it start the anonymous correspondence that will change her life forever.
Amazing Winter Romance
Nate Perry
When journalist Julia goes back home to find inspiration, she discovers her childhood friend has built a giant snow maze which prompts her to find her way to true love.
Stefan Sokolowski
In post-World War I Winnipeg, a Ukrainian immigrant and a Jewish woman get caught up in a labour strike.
콘택트: 지구 최후의 날
1981년 콜로라도 주, 의문의 폭발 사고! 사라진 아버지를 찾아 미국으로 돌아 온 페터는 아버지가 '라 팔로마'라는 연구시설에서 일했으며 폭발사고와도 관계가 있다는 충격적 사실을 알게 된다. 감마선 폭발을 일으켰던 우주 기술의 비밀을 알게 된 페터. 이제 지구의 운명이 그의 손에 달렸다.
어느 먼 미래, '시노가잠'의 채굴 사업으로 인해 미국과 캐나다 국경을 비롯한 전지역에 원인을 알 수 없는 전염병에 시달린다. '시노가잠'의 운반자로 일하던 딕은 그 과정에서 여동생 주드를 잃고 이로 인해 형 제시와 갈등에 놓인다. 하지만 한 번의 운반이 더 남은 상황. 딕은 제시에게 함께 하자고 설득하는데…
How to Build a Better Boy
Albert Banks
Mae and Gabby are two friends who go everywhere together but they are not very popular in their school. Their classmates always pressure because they have not had a boyfriend so to avoid further setbacks, the girls put in place a plan to create the perfect boyfriend. Both believe that it will be easy to create their perfect guy using the military team building; machinery owned by the father of Mae, the machine works through a wireless keyboard. The machine can create with their settings, a robotic soldier. Of this plan was born Albert an ideal guy to be a perfect boyfriend. He will be the most popular boy of the school.
피터스 크리스마스
Mike Bronski
An overlooked middle child finds himself in the unexpected spotlight when he realizes his family's terrible Christmas day keeps repeating. As the only one experiencing the day over and over, he decides to use his unique gift to give the holidays a makeover and his family a Christmas they will never forget.
A Town Called Love
Emma needs to prove herself to her boss Jenna, of Jenna’s Journeys – the famous series of travel books. But when she butts heads with the mayor’s son Riley on a mission to scout out a town called Love, she decides to impersonate Jenna to teach him a lesson. On a mission to debunk the myths of the town for a place in Jenna’s new book, can Emma find love in a town called Love?