Alexey Solodov

출생 : 1972-02-26,

참여 작품

Chizhik-Pyzhik Returns
Director of Photography
Arriving on an excursion to St. Petersburg, classmates Dana and Lyova witness the theft of the famous "Chizhik-Pyzhik". According to legend, if you make a wish and get a coin on the pedestal of the monument without dropping it into the water, it will surely come true. But "Chizhik" is gone. Does this mean that the guys will never be able to realize their dreams and Lyova's parents will still get divorced, and Dana will not become a famous blogger? Courageous schoolchildren rush in search of kidnappers, hiding from teachers, parents urgently summoned from Yekaterinburg, policemen and even from themselves.... "Peter the Great".
Sobchak. Woe from Wit
Director of Photography
The first attempt in the history of Russian documentalism to understand what was the historical moment in which Anatoly Sobchak appeared in the political arena what his role in the history of the country was and, finally, why he suffered as a politician collapse. Perhaps his ideas were too advanced for his time?
Camera Operator
세력 다툼이 끊이지 않았던 12세기 몽골. 여기 훗날 인류의 영웅이자 대륙의 지배자로 불리게 되는 대 몽골 제국의 창시자, 테무진이 태어난다. 계속되는 투쟁과 혼란 속에서 일찍이 아버지를 잃은 소년 테무진은 어린 시절 결혼을 약속한 보르테를 다시 만나게 되면서 남자로서 갖추어야 할 의무와 소중한 것을 지키는 방법을 깨달아간다. 몇 년 후, 적에 의해 사랑하는 여인 보르테가 납치되는 아픔을 겪고 적의 아이를 배속에 품고 돌아온 그녀를 지켜보던 그는 모든 이들의 진정한 평화를 위해 몽골의 혼란을 끝내기로 마음먹고 진정한 칸으로 다시 태어나기로 결심하는데…
Village Lessons
Director of Photography
There was a split between men and women in the village. Led by the village teachers, the women turned to religion. And then the Finns came... the film is a cross-section of village life in all its diversity. School, students, Aborigines and missionaries, teacher… Their idea of religion and of themselves is a kind of everyday lessons of modern life.
Не делайте бисквиты в плохом настроении
Director of Photography