Maria Ribera

출생 : , Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

참여 작품

Lola (40) enjoys a happy life until an unforeseen pregnancy throws her plans into disarray. Resistant to motherhood and confronted by societal expectations, Lola and her boyfriend, Bruno, deal with the situation. As Lola confronts her inner fears about the repercussions of not embracing motherhood, she embarks on a quest for answers. Unexpectedly, Bruno reveals his desire to become a father, adding further tension and complexity to Lola's search for clarity about her future amidst pressure to conform to societal norms.
맨 오브 액션
Madre Lucio
무정부주의자 루시오 우르투비아의 생애를 모티브로 만든 드라마 영화. 루시오는 세계 굴지의 대형 은행 중 하나를 표적으로 삼아 교묘한 위조 화폐 작전을 펼친다.
미치도록 사랑해
Enfermera Rosa
하룻밤 사이에 사랑에 빠진 남자. 마음을 고백하기 위해 그녀가 사는 정신병원에 입원하기로 한다. 하지만 막상 병원에 들어가자 하염없이 꼬이기 시작하는 계획. 여기, 퇴원하는 게 말처럼 쉽지 않네?
고등학교를 졸업 후, 16년 만에 만난 데니스와 나초는 과거와 너무 달라진 서로를 발견한다. 그들은 16년이라는 간극을 메꿀 수 있을까.
The Distances
아나와 엘로이, 기예와 올리비아는 서른다섯 번째 생일을 맞는 코마스를 위해 베를린을 깜짝 방문하지만 정작 친구들을 만난 코마스의 반응은 기대와는 달리 차갑기만 하다. 우정 어린 재회를 기대했던 그들은 주말 동안 세월과 공간의 거리보다 더 큰 마음의 거리를 느끼게 된다.
Janine works in a bank giving credits to clients to buy houses and receives the offer of a promotion to work in a future branch in China for which she takes Mandarin classes. One night he travels from work to his home on the subway. There is attacked by two young delinquents a very old woman and Janine tries to avoid it. The young follow her and it is then that they steal and attack her sexually. After recovering from the blows and the anguish he gets up and sees his attackers raping a helpless young girl. Janine, instead of taking some initiative to stop them, flees home. From that situation her life is disrupted and her job promotion to China, her consolidated partner and her present as an independent woman become secondary and worthless issues. Janine lives in anguish and tormented by the memory of that traumatic situation. To try to recompose himself, he travels to the countryside to see his father who is a widower and is trying to rebuild his life after the death of his wife.
No quiero perderte nunca
The Long Way Home
One morning Joel finds his wife's dog Elvis half dead. This forces him out of home, something he has avoided for a long time. After forgetting his keys inside, he'll spend the day desperately trying to get back into his flat, his shelter.