Philip Avdeev

Philip Avdeev

출생 : 1991-11-10, Moscow, USSR [now Russia]

프로필 사진

Philip Avdeev
Philip Avdeev
Philip Avdeev
Philip Avdeev

참여 작품

Rehab Specialist
2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.
차이콥스키의 아내
Antonina Miliukova is a beautiful and bright young woman, born in the aristocracy of 19th century Russia. She could have anything she'd want, and yet her only obsession is to marry Pyotr Tchaikovsky, with whom she falls in love from the very moment she hears his music. The composer finally accepts this union, but after blaming her for his misfortunes and breakdowns, his attempts to get rid of his wife are brutal. Consumed by her feelings for him, Antonina decides to endure and do whatever it takes to stay with him. Humiliated, disgraced and discarded, she is slowly driven to madness.
Distant Loved Ones
Boris works as a geography teacher in an ordinary Khabarovsk school. His life is pretty routine. In addition to the school and the garden, Boris has a son, Misha, with whom they have been communicating less and less lately and have become distant people for each other. Everything changes when Misha gives his father his old smartphone for his birthday. Boris begins to understand the phone and registers in social networks. Accidentally, Boris adds one unfamiliar woman named Nadezhda as a friend. An active correspondence is tied up, which subsequently becomes fateful. At one point, Boris decides to go to Nadezhda in the Moscow region to surprise her. He persuades his son, who is engaged in hauling cars, to take him with him on a trip. During a joint trip through all of Russia, old conflicts between father and son are revealed, the reasons for their separation from each other are clarified.
Just A Man
Sasha lives his simple but cool life: he works as a bartender, meets a beautiful girl Laura, together they are preparing to move to Barcelona, ​​where they are already waiting for their own apartment and their own bar, which Laura's parents bought for the couple. On the surface, everything looks perfect, but no one knows what difficulties are hidden in the depths. A few days before the move, Sasha learns that there was a woman who left him in the hospital thirty years ago. A young man who has grown up as an orphan gets a chance to see his mother for the first time. Acquaintance with this woman completely changes Sasha's life. On the threshold of her apartment, where he comes filled with desperate resentment, a lonely and sick woman appears, falling in front of a guy in an epileptic fit. Sasha sees a man who, probably, all these years was not easier than he was.
Le Moine Noir
Andrej Kowrin
Andrey Kovrin, overworked intellectual who dreams of liberty and glory, decides to retire to the country house of his old friend Pesotsky and his daughter Tanya to get some rest. As he sits in the garden, he sees the ghost of a monk, who will haunt his stay and eventually drive him mad.
The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow
The story of how a son gets a second chance to find a mother. About how war generates only human grief and creates unhealed wounds. The hero of the picture, 40-year-old Walter, left his native land for several years and works as a foreman at one of the Moscow construction projects. He builds not only houses in Russia, but also tries to build his new life. However, one day a phone call from his homeland breaks all his plans. Walter learns that the hostilities have reached the village in the mountains where his mother lives.
페트로프스 플루
Sasha's apartment
A day in the life of a comic book artist and his family in post-Soviet Russia. While suffering from the flu, Petrov is carried by his friend Igor on a long walk, drifting in and out of fantasy and reality.
Nikita Zyablov
A fight en route to an airport leads an ordinary Moscow couple to split on a whim. With Nikita ending up in Thailand and Zhenya in Berlin, both find themselves in two separate love triangles, inadvertently causing chaos in others' relationships as they attempt to fix theirs. But even continents apart, their lives turn out to be more intricately connected than they realize.
체르노빌 1986
1986년 4월 26일 오전 1시 24분 누구도 상상하지 못했던 체르노빌 원자력 발전소 폭발! 엄청난 위험에 노출된 줄도 모르는, 사람들 방사능에 피폭되어 쏟아지는, 환자들 그리고 전세계를 위협할 2차 폭발의 일촉즉발 상황 더 큰 재앙을 막고 소중한 사람들을 지키기 위해 생사를 넘어선 위대한 용기를 낸 이들의 진짜 이야기
The unknown actor Lesha works as animator and doesn’t see a chance of success. Lesha doesn’t understand how he is worse than a well-known actor of numerous sensational movies. In complete despair, he notices a girl on the roof of a house and rescues her from jumping, without suspecting that this will later present him with a chance of finding a way into big cinema.
러시아의 외진 곳에 위치한 수도원의 수녀 나타샤는 17년 전 두브롭카 극장 인질극의 희생자들을 위한 추모의 밤을 계획하기 위해 모스크바를 방문한다. 추모의 밤 참가자들이 증언하는 사건들을 따라 나타샤의 어두운 개인사가 드러난다.
닥터 리자
Mikhail, Eva's father
자선가이자 «공정한 도움» 재단의 설립자 엘리자베타 글린카의 인생 중 하루. 결혼 30주년을 맞아 가족과 함께 보낼 시간을 계획하는 리자, 하지만 오늘도 전화를 꺼둘 수가 없다. 노숙자 식사 배식과, 죽어가는 소녀를 위해 동료 의사 셰브쿠노프에게 모르핀을 요청하기 위해 역으로 나가야 한다. 열정이 넘치는 자선가의 이 모든 순간을 정부기관이 오랜 시간 동안 관심을 가지며 지켜보고 있었다.
Gogol online: Shakespeare
What happened to Ophelia two minutes before death? What did Lady Macbeth do in prison? What if Romeo had a girlfriend before Juliet? What if the heroes of various plays know each other?
Gogol online: Kharms. Myr
A small but powerful orchestra with strict melodies and rhythms in the spirit of “Avia” unleashes a mechanical frenzy: artists under a thick layer of make-up are throwing replicas from Harms' stories and notebooks. Ultimately, this plotless musical by Maxim Didenko with the artists of the Gogol Center claims to incarnate (literally, from the word “flesh”) the universe of a unique writer, the demiurge of a dislocated reality.
블랙아웃: 인베이젼 어스
가까운 미래, 어느 날 평화로웠던 어느 거대 도시는 갑자기 전 세계와의 통신이 두절되는 초유의 사태를 겪는다. 도시 밖으로 한 걸음만 나가도 전기를 비롯한 일체의 시설이 작동하지 않고, 심지어 전 세계 인류의 생사조차 불분명한 상황. 사태의 원인을 규명하고 생존자를 찾고자 탐색에 나선 특수부대는 그곳에서 충격적인 장면을 목격하는데... 꺼지지 않은 단 1%의 인류는 생존의 실마리를 찾을 수 있을 것인가!
High Above
Eighteen-year-old Vasya Tikhonova is travelling with her parents to a medical resort near Moscow, seeking treatment. She has a congenital heart defect, and her mother has always been overprotective. But when the Tikhonov family arrives, a murder is committed at the resort. And within seven days, Vasya’s life will change dramatically. She will meet her first love, she will take a big risk fighting for it, and she will make a discovery that is scary, but grants her freedom.
제어장치 없는 화려한 뮤지션의 삶을 살던 사샤와 페탸… 내일이 없는 것처럼 살던 두 청년에게 충격적인 사건이 발생한다. 결국 방향감각을 상실하고 매일 밤 환각제와 섹스로 공허하게 청춘을 채워나가던 두 사람. 염산을 들이키고 금지된 관계에 집착하는 등 이들의 인생은 점점 더 극단으로 치달아가는데…
The Chosen Ones
The film is based on a dialogue between young and older generations about life, profession, fame, love, the mission of art, the destiny of man, heroism and the ideals of our time. Conversations of outstanding figures of Russian culture with actors who have recently started their professional path and have already clearly declared themselves in art.
Better Hammer It
The embittered fan takes hostage a star of the Russian national football team to teach him to “hammer”.
1981년 레닌그라드, 자신만의 음악을 하고 싶은 자유로운 뮤지션 빅토르 최와 금기의 록음악을 열망하는 열정적인 록스타 마이크 그리고 그의 매력적인 뮤즈 나타샤. 음악이 있어 빛나고, 사랑이 있어 아름답고, 젊음이 있어 찬란한 그들의 끝나지 않을 여름이 시작된다.
City Birds
Romantic stories of three friends...
Gogol online: An Ordinary Story
Young and enthusiastic Alexander Aduev comes to St. Petersburg from the province, ready to conquer the whole world. Very soon all his ideals were crushed, and he himself repeated the fate of his practical and impassive uncle Peter.
Pavel Zuev has to start his life over from darkness after he looses his sight. The young man has to learn again how to eat, walk, wash himself, do simple housework, and even how to look out of the window without seeing anything. All connections to his previous life are broken. In this new life blind Zuev encounters an exceptional woman capable of seeing more than other people. Her name sounds symbolic – Nadezhda (translates as 'hope' into English) and she works at the local hospital. Nadezhda will help Zuev find his strength and a new sense of existing. These equally strong but otherwise different people spend together what, perhaps, will be the best days of their lives; but everything has an ending.
In the summer of 2014, a group of actors of the Gogol Center (Moscow) and the State Academic Drama Theater named after Fedor Volkov (Yaroslavl), headed by Kirill Serebrennikov, went on an expedition to the Yaroslavl region. The purpose of the expedition is to prepare a play based on the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Who is to live well in Russia". The theater studied life, read a Nekrasov poem together with residents of villages and cities, wrote down documentary monologues of people, asked each person one of the main questions of the poem and today's life: “Who should live well in Russia?” The artist of "The Seventh Studio" Alexander Gorchilin and cameraman Ksenia Sereda recorded every second of this amazing research trip.
Corrections Class
Anton Sobolev
Lena is a bright, disabled girl who, after years spent studying at home, is keen to get back to school. She is assigned to a special class for disabled pupils who have to present themselves before a school commission at the end of the year in order to prove that they merit being moved back into a "normal" class. Her enervated teachers, however, show absolutely no desire to motivate the students and help them improve; on the contrary, they try to quash right from the start any interest Lena shows in more complex study material. Nevertheless, Lena soon involves herself in the school routine and gets together with classmate Anton. Yet their transparent happiness is not to everyone's liking and repercussions soon follow.
Danger of Complete Extinction
Phillipp's panic fear to look like his dad-failure and to repeat dad's steps of life provoke internal riot against the whole humanity and release on a cold streets
Aziris Nuna
Brothers Stas and Kostya find themselves in 2506 as the prisoners of Space Prison then get in touch with the unusual people of the future to play a strange game with them. Later, they are captured by the fantastic sphinx Shidla who guards them from various dangers. Further, the brothers keep moving in their time machine and their next stop is Ancient Egypt.
The Mystery of the Blue Valley
Three teenagers - Artyom, Vika and Maxim - are getting into a lot of adventures in a mysterious place called Blue Valley.