In a youth correctional facility, Joe is preparing his return to society. But William’s arrival turns his desire for freedom into desire of another kind. Behind fences and cell walls, passions begin to play havoc with the need for liberty.
14-year-old Lucie is a resourceful teenager who takes care of her loving yet unreliable father, William, who has multiple sclerosis. Whilst William hangs out in his wardrobe and devises pranks and jokes to make his daughter smile, Lucie tries her best at school while juggling a job in a sandwich shop and all the chores at home. Her vividly imaginative mind and the novel she is writing are her only distractions. But when a social worker is appointed to visit them, Lucie and William elaborate a complex plan to make social services believe they live a perfectly normal life.
어릴 적부터 피아노 영재로 불려온 ‘제니퍼’는 ‘퀸 엘리자베스 콩쿠르’ 우승으로 재능을 증명해야만 한다. 그는 결선에 오른 11명의 경쟁자와 함께 ‘뮤직 샤펠’이라 불리는 성에 갇혀 1주일의 연습 기간을 갖는다. 하지만, 폐쇄적인 공간과 경쟁 상황 속에 끔찍한 트라우마까지 되살아나며 극심한 불안에 시달리는데… 완벽함을 향한 광기에 가까운 집착이 시작되고, 그 누구도 믿을 수 없는 가운데 결선 날이 다가온다!
Tony and Marie are passionate about Bangers, a trashy variant of the stock car. Following a tragedy, their couple falls appart. Tony hung up the races as Marie vent her anger onto the speedway in violent crashes. When problemes resurface, they have no choice but to resolve their dispute where their community has always solved them : on the speedway.
Antonio has spent his whole life away from Italy, his home country. He crosses paths with Leo, a young Italian artist who is trying to make it abroad. The old man and the young woman's destinies mirror each other. Memories from the past are awoken and end up offering a more peaceful future to the both of them.
밝고 지적이며 열정적이고 자유로운 엘리너는 칼 마르크스의 막내딸이다. 최초로 페미니즘과 사회주의 논제를 연결하는 시도를 한 여성 중 한 명으로, 노동 운동에 참여해 여성의 권리와 아동 노동 철폐를 위해 싸운다. 1883년, 에드워드 에이블링을 만나면서 그녀의 삶은 열정적이지만 비극적인 사랑으로 짓밟힌다.
Victor and his little brother Jimmy manage to get by in an environment where their romantic misfortunes seem to be never-ending. But the arrival of Billie and her unbridled romanticism will shake both of the boys' beliefs to the core.
Two repeat offenders sentenced to community work in a learning center for the visually impaired decide to build and coach a blind football team.
Challenging the burden of family traditions, the young Amel and Mashir live a secret and passionate love story. An arranged marriage between him and Amel’s new best friend will put their relationship in danger. Tearing apart social conventions seems to be the only way to stay together.
Approaching age 50, singer/songwriter Nico leads a solitary existence, far from her days as a Warhol superstar and celebrated vocalist for the Velvet Underground in the 1960s. Her life and career on the fringes, Nico's new manager convinces her to hit the road again and tour in Europe to promote her latest album. She longs to rebuild a relationship with her son, whose custody she lost long ago.
Poland. Separation and distance have hardened Pawel's heart. Or so it seemed to him... Until that rainy afternoon. And that unexpected visitor.
A handful of migrants without papers decide to start a hunger strike. Day by day, overcoming the violence that they inflict upon themselves, they discover the greatness of their true cause. From this realisation they learn to affirm their common humanity.
Paul is a chubby kind-‐hearted amateur detective. Dorothy is an intense upper class teenager. Paul is into quoting Sherlock Holmes and watching Derrick. Dorothy is into punk clothing and hating her mother. Paul is forty three, Dorothy is sixteen, and the only thing that links them is Paul’s knowledge that he is Dorothy’s biological father… over time, this has grown into a one way relationship with Paul spying on Dorothy as she grew up, always from a safe distance…They would never have met if Dorothy hadn’t heard of Paul’s amateur detective skills. She wants to use him to find her father…
는 시인이자 영화감독이었던 이탈리아 거장 피에르 파올로 파솔리니의 마지막 하루를 재구성한 문제작이다. 1975년 11월2일 살해 당일 파솔리니는 어머니와 몇몇 가까운 친구들과 함께 시간을 보낸 후 로마로 밤의 유희를 즐기러 떠난다. 다음 날 오스티 해변가에서 그의 시신이 발견된다. 파솔리니만큼 많은 스캔들을 불러일으킨 영화사의 거장도 없을 것이다. (1971), (1975) 등 검열에 도전하는 파격적이고 불편한 영화들을 만들었으며 그의 작품에 대해서는 늘 찬반양론이 엇갈렸다. 이를 반영이라도 하듯 페라라의 신작은 파솔리니의 영화 일부를 스크린에 투영하며 문을 열고, 그것을 들여다보는 거장의 모습으로 옮겨간다. 세계적인 성격파 배우 윌렘 데포가 파솔리니 역을 맡아 열연한 이 영화는 아벨 페라라와 윌렘 데포 콤비가 만들어낸 최신작으로 현실과 판타지를 넘나드는 강렬함으로 가득하다.
(이수원_2014년 제19회 부산국제영화제)
Delegated Producer
서른에 접어든 시몽과 줄리앙은 고향이 지겹기만 하다. 둘은 의기투합해 어린 시절 꿈꾸던 유럽 일주를 위해 무작정 캠핑카를 구입하지만 시골 탈출은 시작부터 좌절되는데. 제 자리를 맴돌 수밖에 없는 두 청춘이 그리는 ‘움직이지 않는’ 코믹 로드무비. (2013년 제14회 전주국제영화제)