Jiang Wenli

Jiang Wenli

출생 : 1969-06-20, Bengbu, Anhu, China


Jiang Wenli was born in a highbrow family. Her father was a railroad engineer, her mother was a railroad telephone operator, and her parents love literature and art. Since Wenli was a little girl, her father taught her to read famous book and painting, and listen to famous songs. When she was 5 years old, she dreamt about being a gymnast, so her mother sent her to study dance and gymnastics. However, since her stature didn’t fit the standard of a gymnast, the coach of Bengbu city gymnastic team refused to regard her as a formal team member. After that, she spent five years to practice as an informal team member of the gymnastic team. At the age of 17, she took the college entrance examination and regard going to normal university as her goal. However, she got accepted by a water conservation secondary school because her score was five points lower than the acceptance line of the normal university. In 1986, she graduated from the secondary school and starts to work in Bengbu City Water Company. Her job was to design ways of water transportation for residents. Nevertheless, she was not satisfied with her current life and decided to go to Beijing in 1988 and start her new life. Without any preparation, she got accepted by Beijing Film Academy. After become a student of film academy, there were countless film companies inviting her to play role in their films. Her first role was a nursery school teacher in a TV series named The Lily on Cliff, and this TV series won the Feitian TV Awards of that year. Also, she was a candidate for Best Supporting Actress Reward. After this, she played Shuixiu in a movie named Li Li Yuan Shang Cao, and this film won the award from French film festival. The last film of her college period was The Story of Xing Hua, and she played the girl named Xing Hua. After graduate from college, she went to America for a long time and then returned to China to continue her career. After came back to China, she played a role in Miaomiao Liu’s movie *Who you think you are. In 1993, she played an important role which is Chengyi’s mother in movie Farewell My Concubine,and this movie won the Best Movie Award at French Cannes Film Festival of that year. In 1999, she played a 20 episode TV series named Lead by the Hand, and this helped her won the highest honor of Chinese TV industry, Best actress from both Golden Eagle Awards and Feitian TV Awards. In 2000, based on the outstanding performance in film Team Spirit,she won the best actress from Huabiao Film Awards. In 2001, movie The treatment made her career even more successful. In 2011, the TV series When Happiness Knocks became a huge success in her career. This TV series is broadcasting on CCTV-1, which is the most important channel in China. Also, the average audience rating was 3%, which is on the top of other TV series in the whole country.

프로필 사진

Jiang Wenli
Jiang Wenli
Jiang Wenli
Jiang Wenli
Jiang Wenli

참여 작품

Professor Cheng
두 엘리트 군인에게 떨어진 특별한 임무. 총격과 폭발이 난무하는 사지에서 민간인들을 무사히 호송해야 한다. 성룡, 존 시나 주연 영화.
7번가 이야기
The Woman in Yellow (voice)
60년대 홍콩. 위 여사는 묘한 분위기를 풍기는 고등학생 딸 메이링 함께 7번가에 살고 있다. 대학생 쯔밍이 메이링의 영어 과외교사로 오게 되면서 모녀와 쯔밍 사이에 미묘한 기류가 흐르기 시작한다. 과거 지식인으로서 사회의 변화를 위해 싸웠던 위 여사는 쯔밍을 만나게 되면서 대학시절 문학에 열광했던 기억이 되살아난다. 어느 날 쯔밍과 함께 영화관에 찾게 된 위 여사. 그곳에서 두 사람은 마법의 순간을 경험하게 되고 금지된 욕망에 휩싸이게 되는데...
심야식당: 식도락
Ms. Jin
상해 작은 골목길에 있는 심야식당. 남자 주인 혼자 식당을 꾸려나가고 사연 많은 손님들이 이곳에 와서 밥을 먹는다. 불치병에 걸린 가수, 두 다리를 못 쓰는 여학생, 그리고 여학생의 엄마, 난생 처음 권투 시합에서 이긴 선수, 그 선수를 힘들게 키워온 엄마, 낯선 도시에 생활을 꾸린 두 남녀 등 심야식당에서는 그들의 이야기들로 하루를 시작하고 또 마감한다. 그곳에 와서 함께 먹고 마시며 이야기를 나누며 함께 즐거워하고 슬퍼하며 또 다른 아침을 맞이하며 각자의 삶으로 돌아가 생활한다.
The Secret of China
Song Qingling
Nice to Meet You
Love stories of students in a re-preparing school for college entrance exams.
Nice to Meet You
Dorm Keeper Wang
Love stories of students in a re-preparing school for college entrance exams.
Xie Hong
Three stories which each focus on one of three types of relationships: family, friendship, and love. The first story is about conflicted manager on a business trip who is intrigued by an elderly worker and investigates his life. The second story is about a young father who receives a letter that brings him to a foreign land, where old emotions come unburied. The last story is about a visiting professor from overseas who sets a student's heart fluttering, while having to deal with his own.
사부: 영춘권 마스터
Master Zou
무도계의 성지, 천진에서 도장을 열려면 8대 문파를 격파해야 한다. 영춘권의 마지막 사부가 각 문파를 차례대로 격파하지만 위기를 느낀 무도계는 음모를 꾸미는데… 분노한 사부와 전 무도계의 대결이 시작된다. 정통 무협 액션이 귀환한다!
The Beautiful Kokonor Lake
Xu Yi's mother
수능을 100일 앞둔 어느날. 리얼(진도령)은 쒸이(양양)를 짝사랑하게 됐다. 하지만 어느날 쒸이에게 라바라(마사순)가 등장하면서 리얼의 짝사랑은 저 멀리 가버렸다. 쒸이는 라바라에게 빠져 학업도 등진채 온통 그녀 생각 뿐이다. 어느날 라바라는 쒸이와의 사진을 인터넷에 올린뒤 쒸이와 더이상 만나주지 않고, 쒸이는 라바라때문에 성적도 곤두박칠하고 만다. 라바라가 쒸이를 사랑했던 것은 실은 그를 망가트리고 싶은 장양(구호)의 모략이었던 것. 동네의 마돈나 라바라가 장양에게 고백하던 날. 장양은 한가지 조건을 내건다. 바로 쒸이를 망가트려달라는 것. 어린시절 자신을 버린 어머니가 쒸이의 아버지와 재혼한 것을 두고, 복수의 날을 기다리던 장양은 라바라를 통해 복수를 하게 된 것이다. 그러나 장양에게는 여자친구가 있었고, 가난했던 장양은 그녀의 도움이 절실한 상황. 수능이 끝나는 날, 장양의 여자친구는 '걸레 라바라가 좋으냐 내가 좋으냐'를 놓고 선택하게 했고, 장양은 '걸레 라바라'를 선택한다. 하지만 이 모습은 동영상에 남게 되고, 그 동영상은 라바라에게 전해지게 되는데...
Love On The Cloud
Romance gets complicated in modern-day Beijing.
불법 혈액 거래로 HIV의 확산을 야기시킨 중국의 작은 마을, 이곳의 두 에이즈 환자는 서로 사랑에 빠진다. 그들은 이웃들의 멸시와 차별을 겪으며 결국 마을 밖에서 살도록 강요 받고 서로의 행복을 위해 마지막 결심을 하게 되는데...
Major Secretary
We'll Meet in Heaven
In China, during the Cultural Revolution, a young girl's parents are thrown in jail for ten years. She is raised by her grandfather. He introduces her to gymnastics where she does her best to fit in with the others.
We'll Meet in Heaven
In China, during the Cultural Revolution, a young girl's parents are thrown in jail for ten years. She is raised by her grandfather. He introduces her to gymnastics where she does her best to fit in with the others.
We'll Meet in Heaven
In China, during the Cultural Revolution, a young girl's parents are thrown in jail for ten years. She is raised by her grandfather. He introduces her to gymnastics where she does her best to fit in with the others.
Lost Indulgence
After a car accident which kills him, the wife and son of a taxi driver take in the injured prostitute he was driving.
And the Spring Comes
Wang Cailing
In a grimy provincial industrial city, a talented but unattractive schoolteacher dreams of an operatic career.
The Winter of Three Persons
My Bittersweet Taiwan
양가휘의 굿바이 차이나
Jian Ning
중국 이민들이 미국의 문화와 삶에 적응해 나가는 모습을 그렸다. 뉴욕이나 로스앤젤레스처럼 다민족이 살고 있는 도시가 아닌, 지극히 미국적인 세인트루이스라는 도시를 배경으로 하고 있다. 실제 촬영도 그곳에서 이루어졌다. '구아샤 치료법'이라는 제목으로도 알려져 있는데, '구아샤'란 침이나 부황과 같은 중국 전통 의술의 일종이라고 한다. 숟가락 모양의 끝이 동그란 도구로 피부를 자극하는 촉진식 치료법인데, 시술 후에 피부에 남는 붉은 점들을 '샤'라고 부른다고 한다.
Mr. Zhao
Mr. Zhao tells the story of a philandering doctor living in Shanghai. His infidelity gets the best of him, however, when his mistress Tian Jing (Chen Yinan) announces she is pregnant, while his wife learns of his affair but refuses to grant a divorce
캣츠 아이
Miss Ou
연속적인 명화 도난 사건이 세상을 떠들석하게 만들고 있었다. '캣츠아이'라고 자칭하는 범인은 범행 예고대로, 많은 사람들이 보고 있음에도 자정 12시에 대담한 범행을 반복하고 있었다. 단서는 전혀 없다. '캣츠아이'의 정체란… 아름다 세 자매인 '루이', '히토미', '아이'. 그녀들의 범행 동기란 실종된 화가인 아버지의 그림을 되찾고 그 소식을 확인하기 위해서였다. 그러나 거기에는 국제적 신디케이트 ‘홍룡단’의 그림자가 있다. '캣츠아이'에 최대의 위기가 다가오고 있다…!
The Story of Xinghua
Xinghua lives with her husband, who makes money by selling stones from the Great Wall. But she is unable to give him a son to inherit this wealth. When her husband hatches a plan to tear down the local historic fortress to find a legendary hidden treasure, she finds herself drawn to a gentler, more educated man who wants to preserve it.
Yan Hong
어려서 북경 경극학교에 맡겨진 두지와 시투는 노력 끝에 최고의 경극배우가 된다. 여자 역할을 맡았던 두지는 시투를 흠모하게 되는데, 시투에게 사랑하는 여인 주샨이 생기면서 방황을 한다. 두지는 아편에 손을 대고, 시투는 주샨에게 빠져 산다. 이를 시작으로 두 남자는 중국의 역사처럼 파란만장한 삶을 시작한다.
Family Portrait
After laying bare backward village mentalities in Bloody Morning, Li Shaohong turns her attention to China’s urban middle class. Cao is a photographer, married to an opera singer and with an infant son, caught in the usual professional morass of political compromise. His life starts to fall apart when he learns that his ex-wife also bore him a son some months after their divorce – and when the boy turns up looking for his father. Nothing wildly dramatic, just believable people in believable situations. If the ending seems a touch forced, this is nevertheless a sign that ‘Fifth Generation’ cinema is changing and coming to terms with up-to-date realities.
A Mysterious Couple
A film by Li Ziyu.
Magic 7
Ma Zheng
Eric, a former football star and now coach for a Chinese league team, ends up in a small village after being falsely accused of corruption. A young boy saves him from near death in the desert and requests that in exchange he coaches the local team and takes them to the junior cup final. At first only preoccupied by saving his reputation, Eric slowly comes around and rediscovers his passion for football thanks to the young players.