이중 유방 절제술을 받은 후 젊은 간호사를 데리고 스코틀랜드의 전원 지역으로 요양을 떠난 베로니카 겐트의 이야기다. 수술 과정으로 자신의 존재에 의문을 품게 된 그는 과거의 트라우마에 대해 묻고 맞서기 시작한다.
A young couple move apart from one another to go to college but remain together in a long distance romance. The pair must try to do whatever it takes to stay in touch and eventually be reunited. Everything has changed, but can their love survive the distance?
A shy young diner waitress entertains her patrons with her beautiful singing voice. One handsome patron appears oblivious to her music, much to her consternation. It is a light bulb moment and realisation that allows her to sing her way into his heart.