Gabriel Scotti

참여 작품

The End of Time
Original Music Composer
Working at the limits of what can easily be expressed, filmmaker Peter Mettler takes on the elusive subject of time, and once again turns his camera to filming the unfilmable. From the particle accelerator in Switzerland, where scientists seek to probe regions of time we cannot see, to lava flows in Hawaii which have overwhelmed all but one home on the south side of Big Island; from the disintegration of inner-city Detroit, to a Hindu funeral rite near the place of Buddha's enlightenment, Mettler explores our perception of time. He dares to dream the movie of the future while also immersing us in the wonder of the everyday. THE END OF TIME, at once personal, rigorous and visionary, Peter Mettler has crafted a film as compelling and magnificent as its subject.
Miroir mon amour
The story starts where the tale ends: Snow White wakes up to the age of sexuality and discovers a world where the dwarves have become tall, and her Prince Charming is deprived of charisma. And, most terrible of all, her mother is incomparably more sexy.
원유를 대신할 새로운 자원으로 각광받는 타르샌드가 가득한 캐나다 앨버타주의 한 지역을 헬리콥터를 타고 하늘에서 내려다본다. 이곳에서 타르샌드를 추출하는 거대 프로젝트는 자연을 무분별하게 파괴하는 재앙을 불러왔다. 보는 이를 압도하는 영상과 거친 음향의 조화를 통해 인간의 욕망에 신음하는 지구의 현실을 고발한다
Unwanted Witness
Original Music Composer
This documentary offers a complex portrait of Hollman Morris, the Colombian war journalist whose multiple award-winning news show Contravía is one of the few local current-affairs programs that refuses to pander to President Alvaro Uribe's staunchly authoritative government. While most television viewers in Columbia opt for variety shows and soap operas, citizens in search of suppressed truths tune in to Contravía to hear the latest news about forced disappearances, secret mass graves, and various other atrocities taking place all across the countryside. But when you live and work in the country that Reporters Without Borders claims is one of the most dangerous places in Latin America for a journalist to work, denouncing human rights abuses can be a dangerous game. Yet despite the danger to both himself and his family, Morris remains convinced that the situation in Columbia will never been improved if outspoken media figures like himself simply disappear into exile.
Magic Radio
She's One of Us
Original Music Composer
At the start, Christine Blanc is a temp, her boyfriend has gone. Near the story's end, she's been offered a steady job, she has a fiancé, other men seem interested in her, she's passed her driving test, and, after she wins 1000 Euros in a scratch-off, her colleagues sing that she's a jolly good fellow ("one of us"). But something's askew: her gaze is too direct, her eyes open too widely; conversational gambits hit odd notes; she parrots others' words; she cooks too much food when she invites a supervisor to dinner. When the supervisor takes Christine on a spontaneous outing that disorients her, her oddities become something else. Can things ever be normal?