Ralph Kretschmar
출생 : 1980-02-10, Berlin, Germany
Germany, 1971: Erika (Anna Schudt) is actually completely overwhelmed by her work in the butchery of husband Kurt (Christian Erdmann), the education of three common children and additional obligations, which brings the village life, as her doctor also revealed that she is pregnant again. Another baby is the last thing she needs now, and so she decides to drive to her sister Charlotte (Alwara Höfels) to Cologne and let the baby abortively secretly abort. Since there are complications during the surgery and Erika can only be rescued, but her husband still learns from the matter. It comes to a huge dispute, in which another topic is the future of daughter Ulrike (Lene Oderich). Without further ado Erika then packs her things and moves with her children to Charlotte. But at a time when legislation inevitably makes her dependent on her husband, she is denied a self-determined new beginning. Erika decides to do something to change that ..
Ambitious cello student Jessica receives an invitation to an international contest. A great opportunity, but at the same time it means enormous pressure. Stress begins to gnaw on Jessica's everyday life and soon reality and imagination blur.
Swastikas were scratched into the windows of the University of Stuttgart and have caused considerable property damage. Far-right vandalism? The case is quickly closed, but the young Commissioner Bernau wants to enlighten the mysterious attack. He returns at night back to the crime scene and has an appearance that make his blood freeze! When he turns to the medium Morgana, he lifts the veil on a cruel mystery.
Wagner is a cop, a man who doesn't talk much, unlike Zippolt, the guy he has to sit in the car with. Both men are ordered to give close protection to Siegfried, a suspected murderer. Wagner lives in an old fashioned apartment, he counts birds, listens to Richard Wagner's operas, sees a lot, does little, meets a woman, gets entangled - and in the end he loses his countenance. A story about good-wanting and wrong-doing, about relationships and people in contemporary Berlin.
"Little Paris" is the nickname given to Luna's hometown in provincial Baden Württemberg. Its name comes from a replica of the Eiffel Tower on a factory roof on an industrial estate next to the A9 autobahn. Luna knows she has to leave her home, the dead-end part-time jobs and a relationship which has about as much going for it as the local market. And that's not a lot. With the arrival of the mysterious dancer G. in the small town, life in the place is suddenly shaken up his erotic vibes and moves. Luna finds herself in love with G. who is different to her childhood sweetheart Ron. G. is the first one to recognize her talent and together they start rehearsing at the "Pink Palace", a huge disco, for an audition for a dance contest in Berlin. If they win, they could end up starring in a music video. With the support of G., with whom she's falling deeper in love..
Gruppenmitglied Jens
혁명을 꿈꾸었던 테러리스트 현대사를 뒤흔든 테러리스트, 그들의 이야기! 1967년 6월 2일 서독. 이란의 전제군주 방문 반대집회에서 한 대학생이 경찰의 총격에 죽는 사건을 기점으로 정부의 정책과 베트남전쟁에 반대하는 혁명 단체들의 움직임이 과격해진다. 열혈청년 ‘바더’는 동료들과 함께 백화점 폭탄테러를 일으키고, 좌파 언론인 ‘마인호프’가 이들을 옹호하고 활동에 동참하게 되면서 ‘바더 마인호프’ 테러집단이 결성된다. 정상적인 방법으로는 정부에 대항하는 게 힘들다고 판단한 이들은 테러라는 극단적인 선택을 통해 세상을 바꾸려 한다. 갈수록 대담해져가는 테러활동에 세상은 등을 돌리지만, 아이러니하게도 이들과 싸우는 연방경찰국장 호르스트는 이들을 이해하게 된다. 도대체 무엇이 그들을 역사상 가장 악명 높았던 테러리스트로 만든 걸까? *독일 적군파 (RAF: Red Army Faction) ‘안드레아스 바더’와 ‘울리케 마인호프’가 주축이 되어 결성한 급진적 혁명단체. 나치 잔재 청산과 반자본주의를 기치로 폭탄테러와 방화, 비행기 납치 등을 일으켜 전세계에 큰 충격을 주었다. 역사상 가장 급진적이고 파괴적인 테러단체로 손꼽힌다.
After being separated from his friend Sophie, Felix embarks on a journey filled with mystical creatures in this high quality animated feature for your kids and family.
Frank Drannemann, a passionate star chef and single father, is in a professional and private crisis. Since the tragic accidental death of his beloved wife, the soul of the gourmet restaurant "La Vie", business has been bad. Daughter Franzi, handicapped by a stiff knee joint since the accident, doesn't let anyone get near her. The little son Michael also feels neglected, because Frank mainly concentrates on cooking. When preparing his famous lobster or seasoning one of his irresistible sauces, the gourmet chef is in his element. But Frank has lost sight of reality: Since the friendly reception from Frank's wife has been missing, far too few guests appreciate his exquisite cuisine, and so "La Vie" is on the verge of bankruptcy.