Raivo Trass

Raivo Trass

출생 : 1946-03-12, Estonian SSR, USSR

사망 : 2022-06-07


Raivo Trass (March 12, 1946 - June 7, 2022) was an Estonian actor, director and theatrical pedagogue. Trass graduated from the Tallinn State Conservatory's Performing Arts Department in 1968. From 1968 until 1977, he was an actor at Estonian Drama Theatre. From 1977 until 1985, he was the chief stage manager of the Rakvere Theatre. From 1981 until 1985, he was the head of Rakvere Theatre. From 1985 until 1992, he was a director at Estonian Drama Theatre. From 1997 until 2004, he was the chief stage manager of Endla Theatre. Trass' first big movie role was Hans von Risbieter in the Estonian classic Viimne reliikvia (The Last Relic) in 1969. Trass also appeared in Zaza Urushadze's Tangerines (2013), Anders Thomas Jensen's Riders of Justice (2020), and Taneli Mustonen's The Twin (2022).

프로필 사진

Raivo Trass
Raivo Trass
Raivo Trass
Raivo Trass
Raivo Trass

참여 작품

Stairway to Heaven
With his last breath Uu's friend entrusts him with the secret of how to go to the past. Uu is an engineer and doesn't believe in miracles, but the trick works. In the past there is a pleasant, eternal summer, long hair, girls and Jenkki chewing gum. In his real life, it is autumn, his friends are bitter, the girls are married and his father is seriously ill. At the end of the day, however, Uu has to decide in which time to live his life - in the summer of the past or in the autumn of the present.
멜키오르의 살인수첩
중세 시대의 탈린, 해적으로부터 발트해를 구해낸 유명한 기사단장이 살해된다. 이 영웅의 머리는 잘린 채 입안 가득 동전이 채워져 있었고, 그날 그가 샀던 금목걸이가 사라진다. 보안관은 약재상 멜키오르에게 사건을 조사하도록 명령하고 멜키오르는 살해당한 기사가 ‘탈린의 죄수’를 찾고 있었다는 것을 알아낸다. 단서들은 도미니카 수도원으로 이어지고, 끔찍한 연쇄 범죄들이 드러나며 이 비밀에 가까워지는 사람들은 누구든 위험에 빠지게 된다. 한편, 약재상 멜키오르는 뭔가를 숨기는 듯한 제자를 의심하기 시작한다.
Old Man - Couple
쌍둥이 아들을 잃은 레이첼 가족을 향해 위로를 가장한 이교 집단의 손길이 뻗친다.
In Between
A young medic decides to escape the devastating horrors of war and wanders off into the endless snowy wilderness. Unexpectedly, he crosses paths with a family who has set a table in the cold fields.
Grandma, Meet Mary!
Middle-aged perfectionist Virve has made sure that her mother's 80th anniversary party goes exactly as planned, but suddenly her niece Silvia appears at the party with a surprise guest.
라이더스 오브 저스티스
Orthodox Priest
가족과 떨어진 채 지내던 현직 군인 마르쿠스(매즈 미켈슨)는 열차 사고로 갑작스럽게 아내를 잃고 실의에 빠져있던 중, 아내의 죽음에 얽힌 사고가 계획된 범죄였음을 알게 된다. 분노가 폭발한 마르쿠스는 범인들을 뒤쫓아 목숨을 건 추격전을 시작하고 자신만의 잔혹한 정의로 그들을 심판하기로 하는데…
Fire Lily
The mystical and thrilling drama asks what sort of reality can give our life meaning. The film tells the story of Pia (38), an ophthalmologist, whose marriage has recently ended because she was not able to have children. As she strives to move forward with her life, Pia learns the unknown but also finds her inner strength. Unexpectedly, her deepest wish to become a mother materializes, but not quite in the way she imagined it.
텐저린즈: 누구를 위한 전쟁인가
소련 공산체제가 무너진 뒤 독립한 국가들의 인종전쟁 중의 하나로 조지아와 아브카지아 간에 치열한 교전이 벌어진다. 소련체제가 붕괴하고 인종전쟁이 일어나면서 아브카지아에 살던 에스토니아인들은 대량으로 옛 조국으로 돌아갔다. 그러나 목수 노인 이보(렘비트 울프삭)와 이웃인 마르구스(엘모 누가넨)는 탠저린을 수확하기 위해 집을 지킨다. 이들은 전투가 바로 자기들 집 문밖에 이르렀지만 결코 평정을 잃지 않고 탠저린 수확에 정성을 쏟는다. 마침내 전투가 두 사람의 마당 앞에서 벌어지면서 서로가 원수지간인 체첸인 용병 아메드(기오르기 나카쉬제)와 조지아인인 니코(미하일 메스키)가 중상을 입고 이보 집 앞에 쓰러진다. 이보는 둘을 자기 집 안에 들여다 놓고 극진히 간호를 하는데 아픈 몸에도 불구하고 아메드와 니코는 몸만 나으면 서로 죽이겠다고 다짐을 한다. 아메드는 죽은 동료들의 복수를 하겠다고 이를 득득 가는데 니코도 이에 맞서 아메드에게 적의를 표하나 니코는 전쟁 전의 직업이 배우여서 용병인 아메드보다는 덜 호전적이다. 이 두 사람 간의 적의와 증오를 연민의 정과 함께 한심하다는 표정으로 지켜보면서 인자한 아버지처럼 그들을 돌보는 이보의 모습이 구세주 같다. 그러나 두 사람의 건강이 회복되는 시간이 길어지면서 한 집 식구처럼 된 둘 간의 적대감도 서서히 녹아 들면서 내면에 깊이 잠재해 있던 인간성이 서서히 고개를 든다. 그리고 다시 한 번 총격전이 이 마을 덮치면서 어제의 적이 오늘의 동지가 된다.
All Musicians Are Bastards
Workshop Owner
In her fondest dreams, this film’s main character Leila (Riina Maidre) is a resplendent singer. In reality, however, all her energy and talent is spent on relationships that eat away at her soul, mind-altering substances, and glamorous showing-off. Heleri defies the rules. By playing with the possibilities of the art of film, she takes the viewer to an uneasy universe where the boundary between reality and illusion is incredibly thin. This is a world that is familiar to everyone who at some point in their life had to grow up and admit to themselves that dreaming is not enough on its own. And who have regardless of that chosen dreaming.
Bad Hair Friday
At an ever-accelerating pace, this thriller / dark comedy tells the story of 8 very different groups whose paths cross in the space of 24 hours. We meet a wide range of characters - from spoiled rich brats to real bottom-feeding criminal scum, and everyone in-between. In the best traditions of Commedia dell’arte, the characters each have easily recognizable roles
Visit of an Old Lady
As a young woman, Claire left her hometown in disgrace. Now she is old and unimaginably rich, as for the first time she returns. The town is nearly bankrupt and in urgent need of money. Everybody hopes Clara will come to the rescue. And she will. However, there is a condition: somebody must kill the man who was her lover all those years ago.
Happy Landing
Three film segments.
Old Man Wants to Go Home
Albert Valter
Toomas Simmo is a simple worker who has seen a lot of injustice and carelessness in his life. Yet he has not become bitter or lost the ability to understand and encourage other people who are struggling with their problems. When he lies in the hospital with an amputated leg, her daughter presents him with the most difficult choice of his life.
The Spaceship of Aliens
A story about a launch of one of the first "Vostok" space ships in 1960.
Arabella, the Pirate's Daughter
Arabella is a daughter of the world's most terrifying pirate captain. She loves her father but also dreams about a life of a usual girl. One day a weird stranger is saved from the sea who will be the only friend of Arabella. At the same time a rival pirate called Raudpats plans to kidnap the girl. Will she be safe and can she ever live a normal life?
The film based on Eno Raua's stories "Päris kriminnene lugu" and "Telepathic lugu" takes the viewer to a summer town in Estonia, where boys and girls meet with exciting adventures, dreams and falling in love. There are no real forensics and telepathy here, but it is about the disappearance and finding of a little boy. In addition to adventures, the main characters find something else - both in life and in themselves.
The film based on Eno Raua's stories "Päris kriminnene lugu" and "Telepathic lugu" takes the viewer to a summer town in Estonia, where boys and girls meet with exciting adventures, dreams and falling in love. There are no real forensics and telepathy here, but it is about the disappearance and finding of a little boy. In addition to adventures, the main characters find something else - both in life and in themselves.
The Last Relic
Hans von Risbieter
A medieval love story with lots of adventures. The times are troubled - there's a revolt of peasants going on. To secure its safety a monastery chases for a relics of a holy Brigitte. A nobleman promises to get it if he gets beautiful Agnes as a reward. But she fells in love with a handsome adventurer. The monastery has to act shrewd now and play double game. The movie is still the best achievement of the Estonian cinema. Based on a novel.
A story about young people and heartache. Youth — a sense of strength, but not yet a sense of responsibility, often leads to thoughtlessness. Gradually, this accumulates into a debt that has to be paid in life. A philosophical reflection on a young man aims to recognise this debt so we can think about it from early on. Based on Mati Unt's novel "Debt".