Jodi Larratt

Jodi Larratt

프로필 사진

Jodi Larratt

참여 작품

Christmas Unwrapped
Vivian Sanderson
Charity, an ambitious reporter, learns the true meaning of Christmas when she investigates Erik Gallagher, a beloved member of the town who insists all the gifts he provides every Christmas are from none-other than Santa himself.
After suffering torment and abuse at the hands of her abductor, Elle is suddenly released on the side of the road with no explanation. Her boyfriend Billy and sister Jen rush to her aid after she's found, but the reunion is derailed by detectives who start to find discrepancies within each retelling of the events leading up to Elle's capture. As they continue to hear more of the story, suspicion leads them to think that Elle might not be telling the truth and she must work hard to clear her name and identify her attacker.
Christmas Jars
Louise Jensen
Aspiring reporter Hope Jensen uncovers the remarkable secret behind a holiday phenomenon: money-filled glass jars anonymously given to people in need.
A Storybook Christmas
If event planner Celeste Everett is going to save her business and give her niece a happy Christmas season, she is going to need help. When the nanny she hires turns out to be a man, Celeste surprisingly realizes she may have also found Christmas love for herself.
콘택트: 지구 최후의 날
1981년 콜로라도 주, 의문의 폭발 사고! 사라진 아버지를 찾아 미국으로 돌아 온 페터는 아버지가 '라 팔로마'라는 연구시설에서 일했으며 폭발사고와도 관계가 있다는 충격적 사실을 알게 된다. 감마선 폭발을 일으켰던 우주 기술의 비밀을 알게 된 페터. 이제 지구의 운명이 그의 손에 달렸다.
A Christmas for the Books
Goldie Turner
Lifestyle guru and romance expert, Joanna Moret, has developed a fool-proof strategy for ending holiday loneliness and it's all detailed in her best-selling book, The Love Audit. After appearing on a morning show, she is offered the biggest opportunity of her career—to throw the MacAllen Holiday Gala—and if all goes well she'll get her own TV show. Little do her fans, or the MacAllen's, know that she is newly single and can't seem to apply her principles to her own love life. Joanna asks the morning show producer, Ted to pretend they are a couple or risk being exposed as a fraud.
The Sweetheart
Sex, lies, and deception of a con man. Heartbroken over her parents breakup and recovering from a car accident, Jane becomes suspicious of her mother’s new boyfriend.
Kat's Mom (uncredited)
가톨릭 기숙학교인 브램포드 학교에서 생긴 악마 빙의 영화.
부동산 중개인인 주인공은 아들의 생일에 오기로 한 광대가 약속을 어기는 바람에, 자신이 중개하기로 한 집에서 우연히 발견한 광대복으로 광대복장을 하고, 아들의 생일잔치를 즐겁게 치뤄낸다. 하지만 그는, 그 날 이후로 광대복장이 벗겨지지 않아서 애를 먹기 시작을 하는데...
The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom
A divorced woman finds sexual liberation through online dating.
The Girl He Met Online
A man's relationship with a bipolar woman becomes dangerous.