Paweł Burczyk

Paweł Burczyk

출생 : 1969-01-17, Elbląg, Polska


Pochodzi z aktorskiej rodziny a jego rodzicami są Irena Telesz-Burska oraz Stefan Burczyk. Jest absolwentem warszawskiej PWST, którą ukończył w 1992 r. W tym samym roku zadebiutował w teatrze. Po raz pierwszy przed kamerami wystąpił w 1979 r. w jednym z odcinków serialu "W słońcu i w deszczu". Popularność zyskał dzięki roli Luksusa w telewizyjnym serialu komediowym "13 posterunek".

프로필 사진

Paweł Burczyk

참여 작품

Basia sama w domu
Dżej Dżej
The hero of this perverse comedy is Jerzy, a completely incurable romantic, who finds the love of his life in the voice coming from the navigation system in his car. Jerzy is a gadget-head, and loves all kinds of electronic devices – he gives them names, and then talks to them. This makes him fall in love with Carmen – the voice from his car-navigation system.
가족의 존재조차 모르는 채 수녀원에서 홀로 자란 ‘안나’는 수녀가 되기 전 유일한 혈육인 이모 ‘완다’에 대해 알게 된다. 하지만 어렵사리 만난 이모는 쌀쌀맞기만 하고 ‘안나’가 유태인이라는 것과 본명 ‘이다’라는 뜻밖의 이야기를 전한다. 혼란스러운 감정도 잠시, 부모님의 죽음에 대해 알고 싶어진 그녀는 이모와 함께 숨겨진 비밀을 밝히기 위해 동행을 시작하는데...
1944년 폴란드, 나치 강제수용소에 수감된 ‘토마슈’는 유태인인 자신의 연인 ‘한나’와 깊은 사랑에 빠지고 그녀와 함께 목숨을 건 탈출을 시도한다. 탈출에 성공한 두 사람은 새로운 삶을 시작하려 애쓰지만 전쟁의 혼란과 오해 속에 서로를 잃게 된다. 그리고 30년 뒤 뉴욕… 단란한 가정을 이룬 채 행복하고 평범한 삶을 살아가던 한나는 어느 날 우연히 TV에서 옛 연인 토마슈와 닮은 사람을 보게 된다. 그 순간부터 30년 전 토마슈와의 사랑의 기억이 마치 눈 앞에 펼쳐지듯 생생하게 떠오르기 시작하며 현재의 삶과 단 한 순간도 잊을 수 없었던 첫 사랑 토마슈에 대한 마음 사이에서 갈등하게 된다. 결국 한나는 토마슈가 살아있다는 것을 확신하고 그를 찾아 나서기 시작 하는데…
Projekt dziecko, czyli ojciec potrzebny od zaraz
Robert's worker
Peter and Anne decide to find the perfect sperm donor. The trouble is, where can he be found. First, natural candidates tend to be closest friends and acquaintances. Then...the net is cast wider...
The Corrupt
"Nożyk", człowiek "Cygara"
When a group of bandits accidentally kill a boy in a club, his father and sister try to find the guilty and bring them justice.
Zróbmy sobie wnuka
Policjant "Młody"
Polish Workman
1939년 폴란드 바르샤바, 유명한 유대계 피아니스트 블라디슬로프 스필만은 한 인기 라디오 프로그램에서 쇼팽의 야상곡을 연주하다 폭격을 당한다. 이후 유태인인 스필만과 가족들은 게토에서 생활하지만, 결국 수용소로 향하는 기차에 몸을 싣게 된다. 가족들을 죽음으로 내보내고 간신히 목숨을 구한 스필만은 허기와 추위, 고독과 공포 속에서 마지막까지 생존해 나간다. 자신을 도와주던 몇몇의 사람마저 떠나고, 자신만의 은신처에서 끈질기게 생존을 유지하는 스필만. 어둠과 추위로 가득한 폐건물 속에서 은신생활 중 스필만은 우연찮게 순찰을 돌던 독일 장교에게 발각되는데...
There and Back
młody lekarz
In the mid-1960s, a respected surgeon dreams of leaving Poland to see his wife and daughter in England. To get the money for his escape, he needs to consider taking part in a bank robbery.
A Very Christmas Story
Crazy adventures of an accountant with a briefcase full of defrauded money, a girl desperately looking for money for her orphanage and an Angel of Death, who doesn't know anything about money and doesn't need too. Death begs God for just one day of vacation. Since there is much to do on the earth, a substitute - the Angel of Death - is found for the job. Right from the start he runs into bad luck and what is more a beautiful blonde - the Guardian Angel - is bothering him. Little Angelica moves out in search of Santa Claus. Christmas Day is coming soon, so she wants to fulfill her Christmas wish - to find money to save her orphanage from closing down. On the way the little girl meets an accountant named Claus who has stolen a huge amount of money. He is being chased by a bunch of bumbling hoodlums.
A Very Christmas Story
Crazy adventures of an accountant with a briefcase full of defrauded money, a girl desperately looking for money for her orphanage and an Angel of Death, who doesn't know anything about money and doesn't need too. Death begs God for just one day of vacation. Since there is much to do on the earth, a substitute - the Angel of Death - is found for the job. Right from the start he runs into bad luck and what is more a beautiful blonde - the Guardian Angel - is bothering him. Little Angelica moves out in search of Santa Claus. Christmas Day is coming soon, so she wants to fulfill her Christmas wish - to find money to save her orphanage from closing down. On the way the little girl meets an accountant named Claus who has stolen a huge amount of money. He is being chased by a bunch of bumbling hoodlums.
Nie ma zmiłuj
Julek, przedstawiciel "Pol-Vinu"
The film's heroes work in a company that distributes branded French wines. They are a group of friends, but their feelings are exposed to new attempts. Because in the world of salesmen there is no room for sentiments. Only sales counts, and everything can be anything. Piotr accidentally meets Irek, his school friend. Thanks to him, he gets a salesman job in Vinneka. She moves from a dilapidated bicycle to a company car, begins to succeed and falls in love with Monica, an ambitious salesmate who makes an instant career from the hostess to the head of the sales department. Young people soon realize that it's not easy to reconcile love with a career ...
O dwóch takich, co nic nie ukradli
sprzedawca na bazarze
Two broken, police, destruction of property by arson with an explosive charge, stealing a car. Not bad for one night! Such is the balance of Alex's eighteenth birthday - the main hero of the film.
Rozmowy przy wycinaniu lasu
Deserter's Gold
"Deserter's Gold", the sequel to the very popular "The Deserters", is a rich war comedy, skipping humorously around the more serious dangers of a war. Deserters Gold takes place during World War II, while the first film happened during WWI. The heroes' mission is to rob a Nazi-run bank in Poland for gold that will buy military supplies for the Polish Underground.
In the life of Ula, a twenty-year-old very pretty girl, nothing good has happened so far. Poverty, her father an alcoholic abuser to his family, finally an illegitimate child, raised alone ...
Darmozjad polski
A slice of life type movie. A main plot goes around showing common behavior and psychological portraits of inhabitants of a typical little town in Poland.
Weekend Stories: Unwritten Law
kelner w motelu
A handsome young chauffeur hired by a powerful and charismatic businesswoman discovers he has been made an unwitting party to fraud, but his moral outrage is complicated: the married man allowed himself to be seduced by the woman, who threatens to tell the man's wife.
Forty-something Leon is an alcoholic, ex-special forces barely scraping by when he's hired by a mobster to protect his 16 year old daughter. Not only does Leon have to clean up his act, but also handle the romantic advances of his ward and the keen attention of his dangerous employers.
Colonel Kwiatkowski
członek komisji lekarskiej
촉망받는 인류학 교수 미셸은 같은 날, 이성을 마비시켜버린 두 가지 일을 겪게 된다. 하나는 떨쳐버릴 수 없는 흥분과 새로운 자극으로 옭아매였던 이탈리아 여대생과의 우연한, 그러나 너무나 특별했던 정사. 또 다른 하나는 그녀와 헤어진 바로 다음 오랫동안 연구해온 토탄지에서 2000년전에 죽은 '남자 주술사'의 미이라를 발견하게 된 것이다. 둔기에 맞아 심하게 파손된 뒷머리, 환각제, 하반신에서 채취된 여자의 분미물 등 주검은 추측할 수 없는 의문들로 미셸의 연구에 열정을 불어넣는다. 한편 강의실로 찾아온 여대생을 다시 만나게 되면서 약혼녀를 두고도 걷잡을 수 없이 그녀에게 끌리는 미셸. 동료나 제자들 앞에서도 그녀를 탐닉하게 된 미셸은 더 이상 헤어날 수 없음을 인정하고 여대생의 집으로 거처까지 옮겨버린다. 너무 깊이 빠져버린 육체 속에서 미셸에게 새로움을 주기 위한 방법으로 음모를 깎아보기도 하는 여대생은 이제 미셸의 말 한마디, 사소한 행동 하나하나에 자신의 모든 운명을 걸게 된다. 그리고 그것은 미셸의 영혼을 뒤흔든다. 어느날 연구 중이던 미이라의 죽음이 타살일지도 모른다는 강한 심증을 갖고 있는 미셸 앞에 주술사의 환영이 나타나고 그는 주술사를 죽음으로 내몬 2000년전의 충격적인 사랑이야기를 듣게 되는데.
Poland under Stalinist rule, 1953. A young nun Anna is brought to a prison where an influential priest is kept in. She discovers the priest is the man she loved a few years before. Communist authorities try to make her spy on him now.
Do jednostki wojskowej przyjeżdżają nowi poborowi. Starsi koledzy ostrzegają ich przed Tygrysem, byłym kryminalistą, faktycznym władcą kompanii, słynącym z bezwzględności i sadyzmu. Co gorsza jest on w praktyce bezkrany, gdyż przełożeni chociaż wiedzą o jego wybrykach, nie reagują. Już pierwsze dni służby wystawiają cierpliwość świeżo upieczonych "kotów" na ciężką próbę. Grupka starszych żołnierzy, czekających na przejście do rezerwy bije, upokarza i demoluje dobytek poborowych. Ich okrucieństwu i złośliwości najodważniej próbuje przeciwstawić się niejaki Kowalski.
The Great Give-Away
współwięzień Branickiego (nie występuje w napisach)
Partly thriller, partly dark comedy, the tagline of this film announce that any resemblance to real-life characters and situations were completely intentional. This had the audience guessing who the main characters were supposed to represent: those biznismeni and post-socialist yuppies who after 1989 teamed up with their former enemies to exploit Poland ruthlessly.