Bob Walz

참여 작품

Pennsylvania Holy Ghosts
Theo, Clair, and Renee forge their way through life in an attempt to find their place and purpose in a bleak Pennsylvania town. Theodore, alone for the first time in his life, broods over past personal tragedies while trying to figure out what comes next. Across town, Theo's grandson Clair is forced to deal with the consequences of his inaction following a devastating breakup. Along the way both men meet Renee, a teenage caretaker to a recovering addict mother, dealing with issues in her own way. Struggling to find a direction, our characters wander lost through life ruminating on past and present failures trying to answer the age old question: What do I do now?
웻 핫 아메리카 썸머
Drug Dealer
1981년 여름, 파이어우드 캠프. 각자의 현실로 돌아가기 전날, 여름의 열기가 아직 가시지 않았듯 풀리지 않은 여러 사건들을 가지고 마지막 날을 보내는 젊은이들의 이야기가 그려진다.