An insensitive man whom nobody takes seriously. A girl who is too sensitive to what others think to live freely. When the paths of the two crossed unexpectedly. The serendipity brings their life into unusual directions. Will they find a true love?
Wish freedom and feel responsibility. 3days road movie of prince and a girl. It's a romantic story between prince and Levelle Kingdom on an escape journey and a girl living freely in Japanese city, with a stylish Asian taste of colorful and vivid images. The story is set in a city of beautiful mother nature, fashion, artistic architectures, and history
Wish freedom and feel responsibility. 3days road movie of prince and a girl. It's a romantic story between prince and Levelle Kingdom on an escape journey and a girl living freely in Japanese city, with a stylish Asian taste of colorful and vivid images. The story is set in a city of beautiful mother nature, fashion, artistic architectures, and history
도쿄 올림픽을 2년 앞둔 2018년 새해가 밝는다. 거대한 쓰레기 처리 공장에서 야간 근무를 하던 타니는 공장 안에서 개가 없어졌다는 이야기를 듣고 개를 찾으러 다니지만 찾지 못한다. 한편, 서바이벌 게임을 좋아하는 고는 공장에 와 켄과 함께 게임을 한다. 아다치는 게임을 하는 둘을 무심히 지켜보며 시간을 보낸다. 한편, 공장을 돌아다니던 타니는 뭔가 이상한 기운을 느끼기 시작한다. 이 젊은이들은 각자의 고민을 안고서 공장 안에서 밤을 보낸다.
George has been working wholesale market, and reside in the house his grandmother handed down. It seems that his daily life has no change.
George has been working wholesale market, and reside in the house his grandmother handed down. It seems that his daily life has no change.
George has been working wholesale market, and reside in the house his grandmother handed down. It seems that his daily life has no change.