Original Music Composer
뉴질랜드의 농장에서 가족과 힘쎄 행복한 생활을 하던 샬롯에게 엄청난 불행이 닥친다. 어느날밤, 농장에서 일했던 인부들이 강도로 돌변하여 남편을 죽이고 아이를 납치해 간것, 시간이 흘러도 경찰의 수사가 진전이 없자 샬롯은 직접 아이를 찾고자 하는데...
Catherine St.John-Burke is an independent, uptight, status obsessed, sophisticated, British woman, living alone in London's Chelsea, and doing herself no favors by having an affair with a married man. Her world is turned upside down when she comes home one day to discover an uneducated, Kiwi woman (with very hairy legs) drinking beer in her living room. Shirley Zachary claims to be Catherine's long lost half-sister and that their father, who Catherine thought died when she was a child, is still alive and trying to make claims on both of their properties following the death of their mothers! Furious and frustrated with Shirley's refusal to 'disappear', Shirley reluctantly agrees to undertake a DNA test.