Muk Sing

참여 작품

In a summer holiday, a father (Mr. Kuk) with his children (Ku Fung and Little Kuk-Ku) has decided to open a noodle bar on a 2-month lease. He has great expectations for his noodle business. Kuk Fung quickly falls in love with Carlily (Kuk Fung's friend). Meanwhile, Little Kuk-ku has met a new friend, Wo who is working at the noodle bar. As the vacation is going, the nodle bar has to be closed. Mr Kuk's business performance didn't come up to his expectations, but it ends up with two puppy loves.
Among the Stars
Assistant Director
Two absolute strangers both desperately struggling to find themselves make a hilariously funny partnership for money. Their plan - a bank robbery! Meet Ah Lee, a well-educated middle-class professional who is deep in debt because of a so-called friend. Then there's PaPa, an inexperienced and very outdated crook who is heartbroken by the recent break-up with his girlfriend. When PaPa decides to teach Ah Lee the art of robbing a bank, the two men discover more than just a thing or two about themselves!
Midnight Caller
Assistant Director
Chow Mei Si (Diana Pang) is a late-night radio DJ who receives an ominous warning from one of her callers. The caller, named "Hungry Wolf", says that he's going to blow up a hospital...and he does! Chow Mei Si tries to warn cop Wong Chi Ming (Michael Wong), but he's skeptical. That is, until the caller threatens to blow up a kindergarten and promptly follows through. Now Wong and his partner (Joyce Ni) must protect Chow Mei Si from the bomber before he can claim her as his next victim!
Summer Snow
Assistant Director
Tells the story of the relationship between a widower with Alzheimer's disease and his daughter-in-law, May Sun, who is a housewife in her forties trying cope with the upheavals in her family.
With or Without You
Assistant Director
A cop falls in love with a karaoke singer, while her violent, and psychotic gangster-boyfriend, known as Prince, is away on business.
Man walking away from public phone
중국 10대 전설의 하나인 포타라 궁궐의 전설상의 그릇인 금항아리에 대한 이야기를 영화한 것이다. 잠재적인 초자연의 능력을 지녔다고 알려져 있는 이 항아리는 이미 100년전에 실종되었다. 어느날 홍콩 변호사 이지 로빈슨이 티벳에 있는 사원에 와서 상사 다라이 라마를 만나고자 한다. 그는 억만장자인 쇼우가 진짜 항아리를 소유하였다고 주장하였으며 그 항아리가 마땅히 가야할 곳은 시장에 있는 이 사원이라고 역설한다. 다라이 라마는 항아리를 되돌려 받기위해 그가 가장 신임하는 랍희를 홍콩에 보내 진짜 항아리 뚜껑을 가지고 항아리의 가부를 가려내고자 한다. 그러나 불행히도 종교적인 반대파 로우 화가 이일을 알아차린다. 그는 종교 세계를 지배하려는 야심에 찬자로서 금항아리의 힘을 빌어 그의 야심을 이루고자 한다.