Rokkō Toura

출생 : 1930-04-30, Osaka, Japan

사망 : 1993-03-25

참여 작품

A man hires a Private Investigator in order to find proof that his wife has been cheating on him. Soon, we learn that the man’s plan is to set the wife up, divorce her and remarry again in America with the daughter of his boss.
A story of Japanese writer Kafu Nagai (1879-1959), a man about sixty with a huge reputation of seducer who falls madly in love for a young geisha named Oyuki. Meticulous and smartly dressed, Nagai patiently wrote in his diary his thoughts during many years. A melancholy reflection on the passage of time and a brilliant interpretive exercise.
Manila Gokudo Wars
Shuji Kanzaki, who lives in the underworld of Manila, winds up in a fierce battle with Japan's biggest gangster.
悪徳の勲章 Black Cop
An ex detective who kill accidentally a suspicious becomes a dog of the yakuza
Crossroads in Tokyo
A three parts movie following people forgotten by a society that modernizes at the price of expelling part of its individuals.
The Shootist 2
Sequel to 'Sniper THE SHOOTIST'
So What
In a small town, high school students in their final year try to balance their studies while also playing together in a rock band.
Memories of You
University student Akira meets the lovely 14-year-old Yumi, whom he had tutored years ago. Her mother is told by her doctor that the schoolgirl has leukaemia and has only 6 months to live.
Murder on Raicho 9
Haneda, the president of a company dealing in gold, is shot to death on the Raicho 9 limited express from Osaka to Kanazawa. Detective Kamei begins an investigation in cooperation with the Fukui Prefectural Police. In the Green Car, Detective Nishimoto had noticed a beautiful woman talking to the victim just before he was killed. Looking into her background, she turns out to be Yumiko Miura, living in Setagaya in Tokyo. An eyewitness who claims that she is the murderer also appears, and she is taken into custody. Before long, the victim's unexpected relationships will be revealed one after another...
Tree Without Leaves
Haru, an aging scriptwriter, has isolated himself somewhere in the woods of Nagano to work on his first novel. As the last surviving member of his kin, he intends to chronicle the family he grew up in.
The New Morning of Billy the Kid
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
Meiso chizu
Lowly Ronin 6: Betrayal at Yatate Pass
Nyû Funaya
Accused of being a spy for a rival clan by Nanbu Clan samurai who then attack him, the 'Lowly Ronin' barely escapes with his life after being shot. Nursed back to health by Yamaoka Daijiro, the one Nanbu Clan retainer that believes him, he must find a way to prove his inno-cence to the others. The two team up together to uncover the mystery and find out who the real spy is that threatens the security of the clan. Against all odds, the two master swordsmen must rely on all their skills to defeat a vast conspiracy and save the clan from being abolished.
전장의 크리스마스
1942년, 인도네시아 자바 섬의 레바크 센바타 일본군 포로수용소. 영국 육군 중령으로 포로인 존 로렌스(톰 콘티)는, 급한 일이 있다며 이른 아침에 갑자기 자신을 깨운 하라 겐고 중사(기타노 다케시)와 함께 어디론가 나간다. 나가보니 도열한 병사들 앞에는 웃통을 벗고 상처투성이로 묶여 있는 두 명의 남자가 쓰러져 있었다. 한 사람은 네덜란드군 포로 드 용이었고, 또 한 사람은 일본군의 조선인 군속 가네모토(조니 오쿠라)였다. 하라는 로렌스에게, 드 용이 바나나를 훔치다 걸려서 독방으로 갔으며, 가네모토가 몰래 드 용의 독방에 숨어들어 그를 범한 것이라고 이야기해주는데…
이 아이의 7번째 생일을 축하하러
Following her mother’s suicide, Maya seeks out her father, who deserted them.
호쿠사이 망가
야시로 세이이치의 동명 희곡을 영화화한 작품. 춘화도를 그렸던 카츠시카 호쿠사이의 이야기를 그린다.
Ootake Shinobu no Reikan Shoujo
The biography of Mifune Chizuko a woman clairvoyant.
The Revolt
MP Captain Abe
When a young soldier is killed while trying to prevent his younger sister, Kaoru, from being sold into a life of prostitution, his commander, Col. Miyagi, tries to honor his dying wish to rescue his sister. Upon finding Kaoru at a party working as a geisha and later rescuing her from committing suicide, Col. Miyagi allows her to move in with him. Over time, the two grow close, but in spite of Kaoru's growing feelings for him, Col. Miyagi is unable to bring himself to return her love. On the night of his deployment to war, Col. Miyagi finally admits his feelings for Kaoru, but will they ever be able to enjoy a peaceful life together now that a very violent and bloody military revolt is under way...
The Strangling
The men who surround and torment the young protagonist (demanding teacher, owner of the company that rapes his own daughter, despotic and uncompromising father) are opposed to women (victims of men) as embodiment of salvation.
Bone of a Butterfly: Hunter with White Skin
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
An Unforgettable Affair
Kozo Sudo
Toshihiko, a high school boy, hates Kozo, his father, enough to kill him. His mother had lived in terror of him and, at last, broken in spirit, she had left and her pitiful departing figure is still seared in Toshihiko's mind. Soon, Kozo marries Asako who is young and beautiful. An idea forms in Toshihiko's mind to get even with his father for the shabby way he had treated his mother. He wonders if he can do it through Asako.
Lost Love
Miyauchi (newspaper bureau chief)
At a seaside city somewhere in the Tohoku area, the corpses of Nozomi, daughter of an affluent family, and Yamazaki, son of an engineer at the local nuclear power-plant, are found tied-to on a beach, as if they intended to commit double suicide. Nogami, a reporter, begins to investigate.
Lost Love
At a seaside city somewhere in the Tohoku area, the corpses of Nozomi, daughter of an affluent family, and Yamazaki, son of an engineer at the local nuclear power-plant, are found tied-to on a beach, as if they intended to commit double suicide. Nogami, a reporter, begins to investigate.
The Skies of Haruo
1977 Japanese film directed by Tengo Yamada.
The War of the 16 Year Olds
A young drifter and a precocious sixteen years old girl slowly form a bond in a small town haunted by its wartime past.
The International Gang of Kobe
Detective Nishimura
In 1947, in Kobe, Japan, a local street gang fights for their survival when its turf is overrun by United States occupation forces and international gangs.
Shimane Prison Riot
Japan, 1948: Hiroki Matsukata stars as a man facing a nine year prison sentence. He incites prisoners of Shimane Prison to the biggest riot in jail history. A fighter by heart, he sees a way out of any situation, but will he survive this, the gutsiest assault ever attempted?
My Way
Based on a true story, an elderly woman resiliently spends nine months attempting to retrieve her husband's dead body, fighting government bureaucracy and indifference all along the way.
Gokudo VS Mamushi
Military Comfort Woman
Movie based on a book by Kakou Senda about the use of women as sexual slaves by the Japanese Army during WW2.
제로과의 여자: 붉은 수갑
Tani / Police
경시청 소속 여형사 레이는 독단적으로 친구 에미를 살해한 외교관에게 복수를 하고 그 사건으로 외교문제를 우려한 윗선은 레이를 유치장에 가두게 된다. 한 달 뒤, 유력 정치인 나구모의 딸 쿄코가 납치당하는 일이 일어나자 레이는 유치장에서 풀려나 쿄코의 극비 구출을 명받게 된다.
The Tattooed Hitman
The most dangerous hired gun in Tokyo's underworld has managed to trigger a vicious gang war, and now, there's a contract on his life. Though nobody is more skilled in the arts of dealing death, can the tattooed hitman fend off the entire Japanese mafia as he searches for the man who wants him dead?
Zoku tameiki
Office General Manager
Roman Porno from 1974.
Karate Killer
Kiba is back again, but this time he has fallen from grace and sent to prison for all the violent acts he has committed. Once he's out, he begins working as a bodyguard in a club that is crawling with gangsters.
아들을 동반한 검객 5
Ayabe Ukon
아들을 동반한 검객 5
Miyamoto Musashi
Shishido Baiken
In Part I we see the young would-be swordsman setting out to achieve greatness in war, achieving nothing because fighting on the losing side, & then beginning his long period of wandering & training, with the goal always in mind of his duel with Kojiro. Part II builds toward that great duel on Ganryu Island, with considerable focus on Musashi's planning & forethought as to how to gain an advantage.
The School Deviate Waru
Time Within Memory
Minoru visits his home on Okinoerabu island for the first time in thirty years. Seeing the old man who used to be in love with his mother, Minoru recalls the old days spent on the island with his young, beautiful mother.
Rahman: Father of Bengal
Narrator (Voice)
Documentary about the politician Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
여죄수 사소리 제41호 감방
Ministry of Justice Officer
죄수들에게 스콜피온으로 알려진 마츠는 교도소의 원활한 운영을 방해하고 교도관에 대한 모욕적인 공격에 대한 복수로 감옥에 갇힌다. 고위 인사의 방문으로 하루의 유예가 주어진 그녀는 그것을 이용하여 다시 간수를 공격하고 이것은 더 잔인한 처벌과 굴욕으로 이어진다. 하지만 그녀에게 6명의 다른 여성 수감자들과 함께 탈출할 기회를 준다. 감옥에서 그들의 초현실적인 도피는 교도관, 교도관, 그리고 서로에 대해 죄수들을 구덩이에 빠뜨리고..
The story tells of the adoration of Sasuke for his mistress, the blind samisen-teacher Shunkin, who treats him imperiously and subjects him to cruel beatings.
The Horrible Obsessions
Hajime Ito
Detective Kikuchi is sent to Okinawa to investigate why a girl jumped from a window after shooting heroin. There, he encounters the usual assortment of addicts, dealers, pimps and sleazy American GIs.
A Narcotics Agent's Ballad
Undercover cop Kikuchi teams up with the Okinawa local police to clean up the narcotics and prostitution underworld.
Dear Summer Sister
Sunaoko come to Okinawa to find his brother Tsuruo. Her searching is not very painless because it tears up old wounds in complicated relationships, some of which date back to the horrors of war.
The Iron Crown
A woman takes revenge on her husband after he leaves her for a younger woman by harassing the couple with unwanted phone calls at night.
Gang Warfare
The Giants
The program investigates the secrets behind the success of Japan’s most famous baseball team, the Tokyo Yomiuri Kyojin-gun, affectionately known as the Giants. An interview with Kawakami, the coach at the time, retraces the glorious history of this team, which was Japan’s baseball champion for seven consecutive years, until 1971.
Yakuza Wolf
A fearless man confronts a yakuza organization pushing the envelope of extravagant & all sorts of violence.
Two Jesuit priests encounter persecution when they travel to Japan in the 17th century to spread Christianity and search for their mentor.
결혼식, 생일, 장례식 등 한 가족의 일대기가 극도로 복잡한 플래시백과 결합해 의식의 흐름처럼 펼쳐지는 작품. 에서 사용된 다중적인 플래시백은 신부 없는 젊은이의 결혼식 등 상상과 초현실주의적인 에피소드들을 담아내고 있다. 이를 통해 오시마 나기사는 전후 일본의 역사와 아버지와 국가의 권위, 예술가의 역할을 성찰하고 있다. 전후 일본이 걸어온 25년간을 총괄한 작품으로, 그 해 「키네마 준보」 최고의 영화로 선정되었다. (한국시네마테크협의회 - 2010 오시마 나기사 회고전)
추락하는 청춘
세상을 놀라게 한 연쇄총기살인사건을 소재로 극심한 빈곤 속에서 자란 불행한 청년의 절규를 그린 문제작. 가정을 돌보지 않는 아버지와 행상으로 가정을 꾸리는 어머니를 둔 미치오는 여덟 남매 중 일곱 번째 아들이다. 그는 중학교를 졸업하고 취업을 위해 도쿄로 떠나지만 인간적 모멸감만 느끼고 점점 타락의 수렁으로 빠져든다.
A group of teenagers grow up in Okinawa amid the protests and resistance against the presence of the American base in the island.
The Angry Sword
Story about a gambler who gets involved in a struggle between companies.
Mission: Iron Castle
The Shinobi-no-Mono series was so successful that Daiei Studios dipped into the well one more time, making the best 60′s B&W ninja movie ever seen in the otherwise color-dominated year of 1970. Issei Mori directs Hiroki Matsukata as the reluctant leader of a small band of spies charged with kidnapping a noblewoman from a heavily ninja-proofed castle. The finality of the air slowly began to fill like smoke, and in all that had become dark the loyalty of the Ninja who dared to go shone like light as they entered a world shrouded in mystery. Things do not go as planned in what is possibly the darkest and most fatalistic of the already noir-ish 60′s fare. Both the decade and it’s distinctive style of shinobi cinema went out on a high note with Mission Iron Castle.
Haunted Castle
This period thriller concerns a very famous cat known as the "monster cat of Nabeshima". This cat, a symbol of vengeance in human disguise, takes revenge for the death of its master as well as for the corruption in the feudal system.
Watch Out, Crimson Bat!
A young female samurai comes upon a dying messenger and agrees to deliver the scroll he was carrying to its destination. However, unbeknownst to her, the scroll is actually a formula for a new kind of gunpowder. An evil clan that is planning to overthrow the Emperor is also after the scroll, and they try to take it from her.
Running in Madness, Dying in Love
During clashes between demonstrators and police that rage on the streets of Tokyo, a young man hides in the house of his brother - a police officer. The latter is accidentally shot by his wife, which forces the young man to flee with her.
The Cross of Vengeance
Film with Junko Miyazono.
Yokai Monsters: Along with Ghosts
In feudal Japan, gangsters chase a young girl who might testify against their boss. When the gangsters murder the girl's grandfather on sacred ground, the door is opened for the Yokai Monsters to step in.
The Woman Killer
Japanese crime film.
Kanto Onna Gokudo
Japanese crime film
신주쿠 도둑 일기
주인공 남자는 한 서점에서 하찮은 물건을 훔쳐 몰락의 길로 빠져든다. 이를 본 가게 점원에게 눈에 띈 그는 소녀의 섹스 상대와 더불어 사실상 노예나 다름없는 존재가 된다. 영화는 젊은이들의 성적인 탐닉과 학생운동의 혼란을 다큐멘터리 형식을 빌려 그려내고 있다. (한국시네마테크협의회 - 2010 오시마 나기사 회고전)
자토이치: 훤화태고
Zatoichi is forced to kill a young man who owes a debt to a yakuza boss. Moments later, his sister Osode arrives with the money she earned (prostituting herself) to pay his debts. The bosses true motives are revealed and he attempts to steal Osode even though the debt is paid. Zatoichi realizes his grievous error and protects the girl from the gang. Osode and Zatoichi are caught in a dilemma as she must rely on her brother's killer for protection and Zatoichi wrestles with the injustice he has caused.
Sequel: Secret Report From A Women's Prison
Japanese crime film
Curse of the Blood
Fukaya Shinzaemon
A samurai kills a blind man who tells him to repay his debts. Because of the samurai's actions his entire family is to bear a terrible curse.
The Saga of Tanegashima
Well before “Shogun” as warring clans were fighting for power throughout Japan, a Portuguese vessel ran aground off Tanegashima. Lord Tokitaka helped Captain Pinto repair his ship. The grateful captain offered the lord a gift--a matchlock musket—the first firearm ever seen in Japan. But like a great stone hurled into placid waters, this simple gift will start a revolution. Tokitaka tasks Kinbei, his greatest swordsmith, to copy this musket and build guns for Japan. While Kinbei struggles to forge Japan’s first musket, a great love blooms between Captain Pinto and Kinbei’s daughter Wakasa. But for Kinbei, to let Wakasa marry Pinto and go to Portugal is unthinkable. And as Kinbei creates Japan’s first matchlock factory, Lord Oda Nobunaga will seize upon firearms as the key to sweep all other clans before him, tearing a blood-soaked path of destruction through Japan.
돌아온 술주정뱅이
시네마스코프와 컬러로 촬영된 무정부주의 코미디. 세 소년이(키 큰 소년을 연기한 가토 가즈히코는 ‘새디스틱 미카 밴드’의 리더이다), 바닷가에서 수영을 하다가 해변에 놓아 둔 옷을 도둑맞는다. 담배가게 주인은 그들을 불법 입국한 한국인으로 착각해서 경찰에 신고하고, 소년들은 위기에 빠진다. 그러나 소년들의 옷을 훔친 사람들이야말로 베트남에서의 군복무를 피해 일본으로 밀입국한 한국인들이었다. 그들은 이제 옷과 함께 따라온 신분으로 위장하기 위해 살인마저도 저지를 태세다. ‘주인공들’의 죽음 직후에, 오시마 감독은 한국인에 대한 생각을 묻는 인터뷰에 대답하는 도쿄 행인들의 모습을 몽타쥬로 삽입한다. 흥미롭게도 질문을 받은 사람들은 모두 자신이 한국인이라고 얘기하고, 그들 중 두 명은 의 주연을 맡았던 유도윤과 오시마 나기사 본인이다. 다행스럽게도 그 순간 영화는 다시 시작된다. (2002년 제7회 부산국제영화제_토니 레인즈) 밀리언셀러가 된 히트곡의 타이틀과 같은 제목으로 이 곡을 노래한 가수를 주연으로 캐스팅한 희극으로, 이야기 도중에 이전의 시퀀스가 똑같이 반복되는 오시마 나기사의 이색적인 작품. (2013 한국영상자료원 - 오시마 나기사 추모 특별전)
수풀 속의 검은 고양이
헤이안쿄의 라조몬에 미녀의 모습으로 변신하여 사람들을 홀리는 능력을 지닌 고양이가 나타나 사무라이들을 차례차례로 물어 죽여 세상을 떠들썩하게 하고 있었다. 상부로부터 변신하는 능력을 지닌 고양이의 퇴치 명령을 받은 주인공이 조속히 라조몬으로 향하지만 , 그런데 죽은 아내와 똑같은 여자를 만난다. 당황하면서도 여자의 집으로 가는데 이번엔 죽은 어머니와 똑같은 여자가 기다리고 있었다. 전쟁 중에 사무라이들에 의해 강간당하고 불태워진채 살해당한 주인공의 어머니와 아내는 사무라이의 생혈을 먹고 살 것을 요괴에게 언약하고 요괴로서 살아 나가고 있었던 것이다…. 민간 전래 전설에서 영감을 얻어 각본을 쓴 신도 가네토 감독이 헤이안 중기의 쿄토를 무대로 괴기 환상적인 터치로 생명의 근원인 "성"을 깊게 파고 든 이색의 공포 시대극. 신도 감독이 스승으로 받드는 고 미조구치 켄지 감독의 대표작 「비오는 밤의 달 이야기」에의 오마쥬로서 제작된 주목작이다. 고 타이치 키와코가 관능적으로 연기한 요염한 변신하는 능력을 지닌 고양이가 압권이다.
교수형에 처해질 운명의 재일 한국인 R은 사형 집행에도 불구하고 살아난다. 문제는 그 다음부터 일어난다. R이 자신이 누군지에 대해 전혀 기억을 못하는 것이다. 사형 집행관들은 R의 기억을 되살려 자신이 저지른 살인 행위를 일깨우기 위해 온갖 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다. R에게 살인 행위를 재현하도록 하고 R의 주변인들을 동원하기도 한다. 1958년에 일어났던 실제 사건을 실험적 기법으로 다룬 일본 누벨바그의 기수 오시마 나기사의 대표작 가운데 하나. 다큐멘터리와 극영화, 판타지와 리얼리즘이 뒤섞이는 형식적 반란이 돋보이며, 음울하면서도 유머가 살아있는 문제작이다. 사형수를 일깨우는 과정에서 재일 한국인에 가해지는 일본사회의 차별과 국가의 역할, 극단적인 민족주의, 상상과 현실의 관계 등이 풍자적으로 그려진다.
The Homely Sister
Eiji, brother
In the 19th century Edo period, sisters Oshizu and Otaka have sacrificed their personal happiness to work and care for their ailing father. Otaka falls in love, but can’t accept a marriage proposal since her older sister needs to marry first. When Oshizu learns of this decision, she takes matters in her own hands.
오사카의 상인인 카미야는 유녀 코하루가 있는 곳을 드나들며 장사는 뒷전으로 한다. 이에 그의 부인인 오상은 코하루에게 편지를 써서 상황을 알리고 헤어지라고 부탁한다. 오상의 마음을 이해한 코하루는 카미야에게 매몰차게 대하는데...
일본의 가장 긴 하루
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Shunichi Matsumato
1945년 8월 6일과 9일 원자폭탄이 투하되고 8일 소련참전이 이뤄지자 궁지에 몰린 일본은 결국 포츠담 선언을수락한다. 그러나 끝까지 항전할 것을 외치던 일부 군인들은 8월 15일 정오에 발표된 옥음방송(항복방송)을 저지하기 위해 쿠테타를 계획한다. 그렇게 종전까지 24시간, 일본의 가장 긴 하루의 막이 열린다! 오야 소이치의 논픽션을 원작으로 전중파 오카모토 기하치 감독이 제연출을 맡은 토호전기대작 8・15 시리즈 중 제1편. (2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
aka Libido.
Band of Ninja
A young boy joins a band of ninja during a peasant uprising, all depicted through an experimental form of filming pages from the original manga set to sound.
Assignment Cloud
A sequel to the popular "The School of Spies", this film continues the adventures of one of the graduates who is assigned to crack a powerful spy ring working out of Kobe. Various people are suspected but, finally, it seems that an Army captain and his geisha friend might lead them to the ring.
백주의 살인마
Genji Hyuga
신슈의 농촌, 빈농의 딸 시노는 여교사인 마츠코, 촌장의 아들인 겐지, 가난한 청년 에이스케와 함께 이상적인 농촌공동체를 꿈꾸며 공동사육을 한다. 그러나 홍수로 인해 사육장은 날아가고, 겐지가 마을 임원이 됨으로써 공동체는 무너진다. 시노는 겐지와 동반자살을 시도하지만 혼자만 살아남게 되고, 실신 상태의 시노를 강간한 에이스케는 이후 '백주의 살인마'가 된다. 신문에 실린 연쇄살인사건에서 영감을 받아 다케다 다이준의 원작을 각색한 작품으로, 2천 컷에 이르는 쇼트를 통해 피사체를 여러 각도에서 분할하는 실험적 편집기법으로도 유명한 걸작. (한국시네마테크협의회 - 2010 오시마 나기사 회고전)
Pretty Devil Yoko
Easily bored, but still innocent and naive countryside girl (Mako Midori) discovers partying in Tokyo is a ton of fun. Yakuza-to-be (Ichiro Araki) is an acquaintance who tries to rape her, and the typically bland but very-good-here (Hayato Tani) the first boyfriend. Director Yasuo Furuhata (his first picture) lets his camera roll in trendy clubs amongst partying youngsters in a way that could've been out of 60s England or a Nikkatsu film if it wasn't shadowed by dated 60s Toei conservatism.The resulting film is a bit confused, either a rebellious youth tale chained by moral concerns, or something conceived as a morality tale trying to break free from its chains.
The Thieves' Who's Who
In the book of the world's greatest rogues, the number one man can only be one person.
Silence Has No Wings
Following the journey of a caterpillar along the Japanese islands from Nagasaki to Hokkaido, this allegorical and oblique first feature film by Kuroki depicts in exquisite images a series of encounters and life's turning points.
Young Boss: Invitation to Fight
자토이치: 지옥려
Zatoichi makes friends with a dangerous chess player, while fending off angry yakuza and bloodthirsty relatives out for revenge, and trying to save a sick child. Meanwhile, his luck with dice is turning.
자토이치: 지옥려
Crippled yakuza
Zatoichi makes friends with a dangerous chess player, while fending off angry yakuza and bloodthirsty relatives out for revenge, and trying to save a sick child. Meanwhile, his luck with dice is turning.
꽃을 키우는 데 특별한 재능을 가진 한페이는 한 군주의 정신병을 치유하기 위해 특별히 정원 관리사로 뽑혀 온다. 하지만 한페이는 미친 줄 알았던 군주에 의해 점점 전문 암살자로 길들여진다.
Pleasures of the Flesh
A corrupt businessman blackmails the lovelorn reprobate Atsushi into watching over his suitcase full of embezzled cash while he serves a jail sentence. Rather than wait for the man to retrieve his money, however, Atsushi decides to spend it all in one libidinous rush—fully expecting to be tracked down and killed.
사무라이 스파이
Mitsuaki Inamura
Years of warfare end in a Japan unified under the Tokugawa shogunate, and samurai spy Sasuke Sarutobi, tired of conflict, longs for peace. When a high-ranking spy named Tatewaki Koriyama defects from the shogun to a rival clan, however, the world of swordsmen is thrown into turmoil. After Sasuke is unwittingly drawn into the conflict, he tracks Tatewaki, while a mysterious, white-hooded figure seems to hunt them both. By tale’s end, no one is who they seemed to be, and the truth is far more personal than anyone suspected. Director Masahiro Shinoda’s Samurai Spy, filled with clan intrigue, ninja spies, and multiple double crosses, marks a bold stylistic departure from swordplay film convention.
League of Gangsters
A yakuza man is released from prison after serving a long sentence. He immediately sets about creating a new gang and attempts to pull off a huge ransom score.
The Christian Revolt
In the year 1637 in Shimabara of Tokugawa-era Japan, oppressed peasant Christians revolt against the shogunate with the aid of a charismatic Christian rebel leader Shiro Amakusa.
The Catch
Towards the end of the Second World War, a downed U.S. pilot is captured and imprisoned by rural Japanese villagers, who await official instructions as to how to proceed with their “catch.”
피가 마른다
회사의 집단 해고에 반대해 공개적으로 권총 자살을 시도한 기구치는 사회의 뜨거운 관심을 받는다. 이에 편승해 광고 기획자 노나카는 기구치를 생명보험 광고의 모델로 기용하려 하고, 이를 위해 평소 알고 지내던 파파라치에게 협조를 구하지만 자살을 팔 수 없다는 이유로 거부당한다. 하지만 노나카는 결국 광고를 밀어붙이고, 결국 기구치의 얼굴이 빌딩에 내걸린다.
일본의 밤과 안개
Higashiura Toura
대학 동창의 결혼식에 모인 선후배들이 격렬한 논쟁을 시작한다. 이들은 학생운동단체의 선후배들로 이들의 토론과 함께 과거와 현재가 교차하며 드라마가 진행된다. 60년대 안보투쟁을 다룬 작품으로 격렬한 논쟁 속에 구세대와의 첨예한 대립이 드러난다. 개봉 당시 사흘 만에 상영 중지가 된 작품으로 이 사건 이후 오시마 나기사는 쇼치쿠 영화사를 퇴사했다. 전체가 43개의 숏으로만 이루어진 롱테이크로도 유명하다.
태양의 묘지
Masa, vize leader
오시마 나기사의 세 번째 장편영화. 오사카 빈민가에서 살아가는 하층민과 그곳을 거점 삼아 싸움을 일삼는 삼류 깡패들의 생활상이 등장한다. 이제 막 깡패 집단에 들어간 순수한 주인공은 거친 세상 속에서 살아남으려 애쓰는 동안 도덕적 방황을 겪는다. 사회를 겨냥한 직접적 발언은 없으나 당시 일본 사회의 음울함을 반영한 것으로 인정받는 작품.