로어노크 버지니아의 경찰관 브라이언 로렌스의 이야기. 브라이언 경찰관은 늘 마을 사람들에게 사랑받고 신임받는 경찰관이었고, 하나님을 열심히 믿는 한 기독교인으로서 하나님의 뜻을 다하려고 노력한다. 하지만 어느날 그는 범인과의 추격전 중 범인의 폭력으로 인해 하반신 마비가 된다. 많은 사람들의 위로를 받았지만 자신이 다시는 일어설 수 없다는 생각에 좌절하고 우울한 마음을 갖게 된다. 자신을 포기하지 않고 간호해주는 아내에게도 다시는 오지 말라고 마음에 없는 말도 하게 된다. 이대로 평생을 살 것 같았던 브라이언은 하나님의 음성을 듣고 다시 마음을 변화시킨다. 두번째 인생을 맞이하는 브라이언, 그에겐 앞으로 어떤 일이 기다리고 있을까?
The Senior Prank is family drama about a group of popular teenagers who wage a fake campaign to elect a girl with Down Syndrome as the schools Homecoming Queen. Inspired by real bullying events witnessed by real teenagers in their local high schools.
The Senior Prank is family drama about a group of popular teenagers who wage a fake campaign to elect a girl with Down Syndrome as the schools Homecoming Queen. Inspired by real bullying events witnessed by real teenagers in their local high schools.
The true-life story of professional soccer player, Kurt Kuykendall is told in this riveting drama starring Jason Burkey of "October Baby."
After her mom dies, Mya discovers an old photograph that sets her on a journey to find her long-lost father in the exotic deserts of Mongolia. Along the way, she saves a young widower’s daughter, and in gratitude, he (Bataa) and his grandfather agree to help her in the quest. Their journey through the gorgeous countryside includes horse racing, archery and wrestling contests, debates about God, dead end leads and ultimately falling in love. There is one problem, however. Bataa has already been pledged to another woman in an arranged marriage. Will Mya finally find her father? Will Bataa go through the arranged marriage? Can they possibly live happily ever after? All these questions are answered in the craziest wedding this side of the Great Wall of China.