In a small town in California's San Joaquin Valley, 14-year-old Homer Macauley is determined to be the best and fastest bicycle telegraph messenger anyone has ever seen. His older brother has gone to war, leaving Homer to look after his widowed mother, his older sister and his 4-year-old brother, Ulysses. And so it is that as spring turns to summer, 1942, Homer Macauley delivers messages of love, hope, pain... and death... to the good people of Ithaca. And Homer Macauley will grapple with one message that will change him forever - from a boy into a man. Based on Pulitzer Prize-winning author William Saroyan's 1943 novel, The Human Comedy, ITHACA is the quintessential wartime tale of the Home Front. It is a coming-of-age story about the exuberance of youth, the sweetness of life, the sting of death and the modesty and sheer goodness that lives in each and every one of us.
Albert Daggett
1865년 4월 13일 저녁, 남부군의 총사령관 로버트 리 장군이 버지니아의 애퍼매톡스에서 항복한 다음 날. 인기 배우이자 남부 연합의 열혈당원인 존 윌크스 부스와 공모자들의 음모가 시작된다. 그들이 링컨을 암살하는 이유는 링컨이 노예제를 비롯한 남부의 생활 양식을 부정하는 폭군이라고 생각했기 때문. 링컨 대통령을 암살하는 것은 음모의 시작일 뿐, 그들의 최종 목표는 남부 연합의 재건이다. (neukim 님 제공)