Ela, a young actress, gets a role with the well-known theatre director Franz Kramer. The production is a great opportunity for Ela, but also comes with pressure. Kramer constantly oversteps Elas boundaries, and the situation worsens when Kramer sexually harasses her. Ela struggles to reconstruct her role as a self-confident character-and realizes that to do so, she has to take the same steps of self-empowerment in her real life.
Lea, a therapist specializing in the treatment of victims of sexual abuse, is unable to follow her own methods after she herself suffers an assault and plunges into the abyss of her own psyche. It is a journey through the inner realm of a violated woman, where reality and fiction, truth and dream intertwine.
Karsten apparently has it settled. However, in this provincial German town, a moment of weakness turns to disaster, disappointment soon fuels anger, justice hides behind hypocrisy, and evil gradually unfolds.
Clarence, Dorset, Stanley, Prinz v. Wales (als Puppe)
Richard of Gloucester uses murder and manipulation to claim England's throne.
Leon Kiefer
On vacation at a remote house by the sea a family is faced with a disturbing reality, when lost memories urge to the surface and slowly fades out, what seemed safe once - as well as the past can't be washed away.
1942년 가을, 그로모프(표트르 페도로프) 대위가 이끄는 소련군 정찰대는 볼가 강을 건너 교두보를 확보, 독일군이 도시를 장악하고 강에 접근하는 것을 막는 작전에 투입된다. 정찰대는 생존한 민간인들이 살고 있는 마을에 들어서고, 볼가 강으로 가는 길목의 건물에 남은 18살의 소녀 카트야를 만난다. 그로모프를 비롯한 대원들은 카트야를 보호하며 끈끈한 동지애를 키워가고, 생존한 병사들이 건물로 찾아들면서 그곳은 소련군의 진지가 되어간다. 독일군 칸(토마스 크레취만) 대위는 도강로를 불태울 요지인 이 문제의 건물을 탈환하고자 작전을 펼치는 한편, 죽은 아내와 닮은 소련 여성 마샤와 사랑에 빠지는데…