Feyyaz Duman

Feyyaz Duman

프로필 사진

Feyyaz Duman

참여 작품

Keeping the Bees
Ayşe returns to her hometown in northeastern Turkey to nurse her gravely ill mother. Before she dies, Ayse’s mother tells her that she will leave Ayse her much loved bee hives to manage. Ayse’s modern life has moved her away from the mountains of her childhood – a life in which the bees and their honey were central. But she puts her city life on hold to manage the bees, which provide a distraction from her grief. Ayse slowly starts to work with the local bee keeper to manage the hives but finds the lessons of her childhood are buried deep and the hives are more difficult to manage than she remembers. Ayse’s failure to pay needful attention to local advice sees her mothers bee hives seriously damaged, if not lost forever. What’s more a Caucasian bear becomes a real threat to her hives and her life.
Never Leave Me
This is a story about pain, search for meaning in life and friendship of orphaned. Syrian boys - Isa, Ahmed and Muataz - who live a difficult life as refugees in the magical, mythical Turkish city of Sanliurfa. In their search for recovery from traumatic past, the children will cross the path from destructiveness and hostility to meaningfulness and love. By finding friends in each other, the boys will find their inner peace.
Ugly Ducking
Eylem is a young woman. She lives in a small Kurdish town and works at a rug workshop. She thinks her nose is too large, and dreams of having cosmetic surgery. However, one of her brothers has joined the political organization, and many others from the same town have died in clashes. Will Eylem manage to find a way out of this challenging dilemma?
젊은 양치기, 자그로스는 임신한 아내 하빈과 소중한 딸과 함께 쿠르드 마을에 살고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 그의 아버지는 하빈이 다른 남자와 바람을 피운다는 소문이 돌고 있다고 전한다. 자그로스는 아내를 믿기 때문에 흘려 듣지만, 얼마 지나지 않아 자신의 가족들이 하빈을 집에 가둬두고 추궁했다는 소식을 듣는다. 자그로스가 집에 돌아왔을 때는 아내와 딸은 가족들의 괴롭힘을 이기지 못해 이미 벨기에로 떠난 상태다. 하빈이 결백하다는 것, 그리고 함께 새 출발을 할 수 있을 거라고 믿은 자그로스는 벨기에로 밀입국을 시도한다. 천신만고 끝에 아내와 딸을 다시 만난 자그로스. 하지만 그의 마음에 자리 잡힌 의심의 싹은 걷잡을 수 없이 커져만 간다.
House Without Roof
Kaval (Taxi Driver)
Alan, Jan and Liya, born in Kurdistan, raised in Stuttgart, want to grant their deceased mother her final wish: to be buried beside her husband, who died in the war, in their home village in Kurdistan. The clan objects, but the three set out anyway. A risky journey to a homeland wracked by strife.
A police officer finds himself haunted by a traumatic childhood memory as he searches for a missing man in the rugged mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan, in this striking feature debut by Batin Ghobadi.
A police officer finds himself haunted by a traumatic childhood memory as he searches for a missing man in the rugged mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan, in this striking feature debut by Batin Ghobadi.
나의 달콤한 페퍼 랜드
척박한 땅에서 선과 악이 대립하는 코믹한 ‘쿠르드 웨스턴’. 사담 후세인의 몰락 후, 쿠드르족의 전쟁 영웅이자 경찰인 바란과 초등학교 교사 고벤드는 부패한 부족장이 지배하는 터키 국경의 무법지대로 파견된다. 그곳에서 그들은 환영 받지 못하는 이방인일 뿐이다.
Song of My Mother
Nigar (Zübeyde Ronahi) is not accustomed to living in the big city of Istanbul and longs to return to her village in Southeastern Turkey from where she was supposedly forced to leave after the incidents of ethnic clashes in 90s. Her son Ali (Feyyaz Duman), on the other hand, has pretty much settled in the city and works ironically as a teacher of Turkish language as a Kurd. Will Nigar be able to convince Ali to take her back to their village? - Written by bennikov