전작 `우주전함 야마토 완결편`에서 폭풍 혹성 `아쿠아리우스`에 가라앉은 전함 야마토를 다시 재건해서, 정체불명의 블랙홀로 부터 지구를 지키기 위해 분투한다는 내용. (후속편이 예정되어 있었으나, 원작자 사망 및 개봉 후 혹평 등 복합적 이유로 후속편은 기대하기 힘든 상황. 본 작품 이후 '우주전함 야마토 2199' 가 실질적인 리부트로 평가되고 있음)
After witnessing his chief retainer’s plot to murder their lord, Matahachiro fled to lose himself in Edo’s crowded streets. By day he sells his sword skills to the highest bidder. By night he fights for his life against deadly swordsmen his clan sends to silence him. His samurai spirit is at its lowest ebb, his only solace a lovely female ninja, his paramour and potentially his deadly enemy. But as Edo witnesses the unfolding of the legendary vendetta of 47 Ronin, sworn to avenge Lord Asano against the treacherous Kira, Matahachiro’s small role in their noble quest will revive his bushido ideals. Sword in hand, he will seek his own bloody justice!
One of Japan's most renowned baseball pros, Takenori Emoto of the Hanshin Tigers, relates humorous anecdotes from his own career and the game in general. Based on his novel of the same name and its sequel.