Vladas Bagdonas
Vladas Bagdonas (born on 16th of January, 1949) is Lithuanian theatre, cinema and television actor, director and singer. In 1970 V. Bagdonas graduated Lithuanian Academy of Music. During 1970-1993 he was an actor at Youth Theatre (Jaunimo teatras) in Vilnius. Since 1993 Vladas Bagdonas works as a professor at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. In 2002 he was awarded with Lithuania Grand Duke Gediminas 5th Grade Medal of Honor.
Austeja's parents get a job opportunity they do not want to say no to, and send their daughter to the country with the grandparents together with another child, Martynas. The children are bored at first, but they quickly discover that their stay in the country is anything but boring.
Three old fiends decide to take vacation from the everyday life and join the archeological expedition.
1000년 전, 멸망한 지구를 떠나 ‘행성 XT-59’에 정착한 인류! 사람들은 광활한 늪지와 검은 구름만 가득한 이 행성에 목숨을 걸고 도시를 건설한다. 그러나 새롭게 구축된 정부는 총괄 제어 시스템으로 시민들을 억압하고, 이를 거부하는 사람들은 늪지대로 영구 추방해 버린다. 괴생명체들에게 목숨을 위협받게 된 추방자들에게 모든 상황을 머릿속에서 통제 가능한 천재적 지능의 남자가 다가온다. 이제 그들을 보호하는 건 엄청난 힘이나 살상력 좋은 무기가 아닌 뛰어난 머리뿐! 지금 추방자들의 치열한 생존 싸움이 시작된다.
The famous conductor (Vladas Bagdonas) goes with his orchestra to Jerusalem to perform the oratorio "St. Matthew Passion." The day before he receives a telegram, stating the suicide of his son, who lived in Israel. Conductor at the time denied the artist's son, believing that he is living right. It's suicide, especially suicide note flip soul maestro's son, forced him to reconsider all their attitudes.
American Boss
Black comedy about the routine of a large corporation, producing chocolate bars. The claustrophobic office space and its dwellers are part of a funny and grotesque picture. The main character, young man from the marketing department, tries to find his stolen car with the help of militia and head of a local gang. He confronts a chaotic life of a small provincial town outside his office, trying to guess its laws. As a result, he fails to fulfill the task of his American boss, and finds his Ford painted and rebuilt as a street-racer's car. Of course, his personal life also changes...
제 2차 세계 대전 직후, ‘세상의 끝’이라 불리는 소련 외곽의 마을에 부임해 온 전쟁 영웅 이그낫은 독일인 아이를 키우는 러시아 엄마, 가족을 잃고 숲에서 숨어 살아온 독일 소녀를 만나게 된다. 소련군이 독일인들을 잡아가려 하자, 이그낫과 마을사람들은 숲속에 버려진 기차를 이용해 목숨을 건 대탈주를 감행한다.
Otto Khamerbol
2차 세계 대전, 소련과 독일 저격수가 서로의 개인적인 불화로 인해 전쟁을 일으키고, 그 이후에도 그들의 적대감은 사그라들 기미가 보이지 않는다. 나치 로켓 과학자는 연구를 진행시키고 비밀리에 조직된 '야신 대위'가 이끄는 소련의 저격수 부대가 숨겨진 나치 로켓 연구 문서와 로켓 추진 시스템을 찾기 위해 모스크바에서 도착한다. 한편 소련 저격수들의 도착 장소에는 독일의 명사수 '함머볼' 이 잠복하고 있는데...
The film portrays Lukša's attempts, in trips to western Europe, to gain support for the armed anti-Soviet resistance (known as the Forest Brothers), whose fortunes in a guerrilla war against Soviet authorities were waning, largely due to widespread infiltration and harsh crackdowns by the NKVD.
The war film that's not a war film. A film about the mental institution which backdrop is the Chechen war. A story about the patients living in an institution during the war on the border of Chechnia and Russia during the war. The patients have to continue living their day to day life after being invaded twice over, and they have to deal with their sicknesses.
The war film that's not a war film. A film about the mental institution which backdrop is the Chechen war. A story about the patients living in an institution during the war on the border of Chechnia and Russia during the war. The patients have to continue living their day to day life after being invaded twice over, and they have to deal with their sicknesses.
The owner of the private detective agency Ilya Mirsky receives a tempting offer from the wife of media mogul Eva Lukachyova - he should not allow the leak of compromising information, which would deprive Eva of her multimillion-dollar inheritance. Deciding to take the case, Ilya could have hardly imagined that he would have to face a whole series of sophisticated murder, and that the result would be in the danger of his own life.
Fotografas, daktaras Faustas
Balys Adamonis
A drama based on the novel "Kvietimas"
Russian adaptation of Ray Bradbury's "The Martian Chronicles"
소년 플로리아는 나치 독일의 침공을 받고 있는 벨라루스에 살고 있다. 그런데 첫 장면에서 그는 모래밭의 흙을 파고 있는 중이다. 제대로 매장되지 못한 죽은 병사들의 시체들이 나오지만, 어떻게든 쓸 만한 총을 찾아낸다. 플로리아는 독일군과의 전투에 참여하길 원하지만 어른들은 그를 무시한다. 더 경험 많은 군인에게 그의 총은 인계되고, 그는 군인들의 행진을 지켜볼 뿐이다. 이윽고 플로리아는 글로샤라는 독특한 매력의 소녀와 함께 뒤에 처져 있음을 깨닫는다. 이들은 숲으로 가지만 거기서 나치 독일의 엄청난 폭격을 당하고, 그 바람에 플로리아의 청력에 문제가 생긴다. 정신이 혼미해진 플로리아는 마을로 돌아가는데, 거기서 엄청난 대량 학살의 흔적과 널부러진 시신들을 보고 경악한다. 문득 어머니의 생사가 궁금해져 필사적으로 찾아다니던 그는 비극적인 장면을 목격하게 되는데..
A little boy and a story teller look into the microscope to find out that the world in a drop of a water looks like a real world, so they dive into it and meet different personalities, miracles and events.
Lithuania, 1977. Memories of childhood, adolescence, and first love in a small provincial town, shown through complexity of human relations at this periodical film.
Antanėlis "Skystimas"
A faithful adaptation of the story of famous Lithuanian author Baltusis both in subject and artistic presentation. Three brothers Laurynas, Stanislovas and Antanas fall in love with one woman Kazyte and dramatic events make all three brothers go to jail for homicide, while she lives alone on their land.
Story about artist caught up in summer love triangle.
Historical epic about the uprising of the Prussians agains the Teutonic crusaders.